Search Results for: TTP


Government troops and rebels fought for control of key neighborhoods in northeast Damascus. Fighting erupted between Damascus and the Golan Heights in what could be a new battlefront. Croatia withdrew its peacekeeping troops from the Golan Heights over fears they could be targeted.


Saudi youth fighting against Assad regime in Syria


Ex-Spy Chief: Pakistan Sees Afghanistan As ‘Sub-Nation’


Somali pirates release sailors as piracy reports reach five-year low


Sweden – Riksdag ‘misled’ about Afghanistan mission

Tunisian ‘martyrs’ celebrated by Ansar al Sharia

The head of Ansar al Sharia Tunisia has said that foreign jihads have “emptied Tunisia of its young,” but his group’s Facebook page openly celebrates the “martyrdom” of Tunisians killed while fighting in Syria.

Al Qaeda

Insight: Islamist inroads in Mali may undo French war on al Qaeda

Al Qaeda

Taqiya, or the terrorist ‘art of deception’


A film about Egypt’s Jews was banned by authorities. Seven Palestinians, who were recently in Syria and Iran, were detained at Cairo International Airport but then released after maps in their possession were determined to be for locations in Gaza, and not Egypt as originally thought. Egyptian officials said they were determined to continue closing […]

Palestinian Territories

A senior Hamas official said that reconciliation with Fatah is not progressing anywhere, as Fatah is not serious about it. Hamas said two of its members were arrested by PA security forces. The World Bank transferred $60.5 million to support the Palestinian Authority’s struggling budget. Lithuania upgraded Palestine’s diplomatic status from a commission to a […]


Ripe oil market offers window to amp up pressure on Iran: report


The Mombasa trial of suspected terrorist Jermaine Grant is being moved to a high-security complex due to a new “security threat.” Grant’s accomplices Fouad Manswab and Samantha Lewthwaite are at large and reportedly planning an attempt to free him; authorities recently arrested two men allegedly linked to a plot to free Grant.


The US appointed Deborah K. Jones as its new ambassador to Libya, to replace Chris Stevens, who was killed along with three co-workers in Benghazi in September 2012. The NGO Handicap International destroyed 4,500 weapons in Sirte that had been collected by clearance agencies over the past year. The death toll in the so far […]


The UN is considering the creation of a 10,000-strong heavily armed rapid deployment force in Mali as part of a peacekeeping mission after the French-led intervention is over. Authorization of such a deployment would take about two months. The French military has completed mopping-up operations in the Adrar des Ifoghas mountains but is continuing to […]


Authorities banned three radical Islamist groups — DawaFFM, Islamic Audios, and al-Nussrah — and raided 21 apartments and a meeting room. The three groups all encourage fighting against those who do not follow the Salafist version of Islam. The German Salafist movement has grown from some 3,800 In 2011 to about 4,500, of whom 30% […]


France said it plans to introduce a UN resolution this month for an April vote on the establishment of a UN peacekeeping mission in Mali to replace the French-led mission. At least three Frenchmen have gone to Mali for jihad.

United States

The US granted exemptions to 10 European nations and Japan from Iran sanctions because those 11 nations have recently reduced their imports of Iranian oil. Iran is buying wheat from the US for the first time in three years. The Obama administration is planning to give US intelligence agencies greater access to the financial data […]


Pakistan – A Few Words : Talking to the Taliban: consequences


The Big Story Out of Herzliya Might Be About China and Israeli Drones

United States

Wary of Attack With Smallpox, U.S. Buys Up a Costly Drug


Outsourcing Justice in the Sinai: Sharia Courts Thrive in the Shadow of a Weak State


Syria, Bosnia, and the Old Mistakes


Covert Iranian nuclear dealings via Turkey revealed


US criticises Denmark for letting former Guantanamo detainee “return to jihad”


Sweden – Reinfeldt presses Turkey to reform terror laws

United States

Intelligence Official Warns Congress That Cyberattacks Pose Threat to U.S.


Iraq’s New Sunni Awakening