Search Results for: TTP


Security concerns rise at Syrian refugee camp despite police presence

United Kingdom

United Kingdom – Are Sharia councils failing vulnerable women?

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaida Leader Urges Muslims to Unite in Struggle


Hard-Line Muslim Rally Demands Anti-Blasphemy Laws in Bangladesh

Salafi jihadist supporters protest Hamas’ arrest campaign

Supporters of Salafi jihadists in the Gaza Strip are increasing their protests against Hamas both online and in public. On Saturday, a small protest in Rafah was organized by supporters of Salafi jihadists currently imprisoned by Hamas.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed three US soldiers, a State Department official, and a Department of Defense representative in an attack on the governor’s convoy in Zabul. The Afghan military claimed it killed 100 Taliban fighters in Badakhshan and 18 more in Jawzjan.


Origins of CIA’s Not-So-Secret Drone War in Pakistan


An Al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bomber killed 24 people and wounded more than 50 in an attack at a political rally for a Sunni politician in Baqubah. Insurgent killed two soldiers in Haditha. Security forces captured 13 al Qaeda fighters south of Baghdad.


At least five people were killed in clashes between Coptic Christians and Muslims outside of Cairo. Authorities seized an explosives cache that was intended to be smuggled into the Gaza Strip. Protesters throughout the country took to the streets in anti-Morsi protests.

Palestinian Territories

President Abbas is seriously considering removing Salam Fayyad as Prime Minister. An official in Hamas’ Interior Ministry said Gaza “is swarming with Western intelligence agencies.” Palestinian Islamic Jihad said Palestinian Authority security forces are carrying out arrests of its members in the West Bank.


Egypt’s political, military leadership divided over support for Hamas


Over 100,000 Islamists marched to the capital city of Dhaka demanding the death of several bloggers for allegedly defaming Islam. The rally was organized by the Hefajat-e-Islam, which is calling for the enactment of a blasphemy law. Four bloggers were arrested earlier this week on charges of hurting Islamic religious sentiment, and the government has […]


Pakistan may use LeT for proxy war in Kashmir: US report


South Waziristan: Taliban set guidelines for contestants


A senior Lebanese security official said the Al Nusrah Front has spread its influence in north Lebanon in recent months. President Sleiman accused Israel of threats and “daily aerial violations” after Israel criticized UN efforts to keep track of Hezbollah’s weapons; Israel estimates that Hezbollah has 60,000 rockets.

Czech Republic

US aids effort to remove bomb-grade uranium from Czech Republic


A Syrian airstrike killed at least 15 people near an opposition checkpoint in Aleppo. Four Italian journalists were abducted by a rebel group, possibly Islamist and not part of the Free Syrian Army, near Idlib. A Syrian businessman issued a bounty for journalists from two news organizations he accused of anti-regime bias. President Assad warned […]


The governor of Medea escaped an al Qaeda assassination attempt in Mezghena on April 3; one policeman was killed and two were wounded in the attack, which also involved a bombing and the commandeering of four civilian vehicles. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb called the French claim that the terror group’s Saharan emir had […]


A Dutch court halted the extradition to the US of Dutch-Pakistani al Qaeda suspect Sabir Khan until the US can guarantee he will receive the same special PTSD treatment he has been receiving in the Netherlands. He was arrested in Quetta, Pakistan in 2010 and has been indicted in the US for aiding al Qaeda […]


How do middle-class Canadian kids become international terrorists?


Pakistan – Election Security: Cabinet decides against army deployment


Pakistan election: Taliban threats hamper secular campaign


Denmark – Ethnic minority group’s funding “better spent elsewhere”

Social Media Jihad: John McCain visits Tunisia

In a Facebook posting, Ansar al Sharia Tunisia took issue with “Jewish” Senator John McCain’s visit to Tunisia this week. McCain met with prime minister Ali Larayedh, who has been in a war of words with Ansar al Sharia Tunisia’s leader.


Insurgents killed three soldiers in an IED attack in Abu Ghraib and three civilians in a bombing in Hillah. Security forces arrested five al Qaeda suspects during three raids in Ninewa province.


Rebel forces captured the Um al-Mayathen military post near the main border crossing into Jordan after heavy fighting. Jordan has doubled the size of its border security force in the last two days, saying it “can’t sit idle and watch al-Qaeda and other militants seizing control of its common border with Syria.” The Assad regime […]