Search Results for: TTP


Authorities arrested an Israeli Arab who allegedly fought with members of the “global jihad” in Syria. Secretary of Defense Hagel will visit Turkey and Israel in the coming weeks to try to revive defense ties between the two countries. Defense Minister Ya’alon said Israeli intelligence bodies face “unprecedented challenges, which create both opportunities and dangers.”


Leaked documents revealed that Egypt’s armed forces tortured and killed people during the uprising against Hosni Mubarak. A leading cleric known for his role in the uprising against Hosni Mubarak was suspended due to comments critical of President Morsi. Four suspected jihadists were arrested by authorities in Rafah. Qatar pledged an additional $3 billion in […]

Palestinian Territories

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan pushed back plans to visit the Gaza Strip. Palestinian officials said incentives offered by Secretary of State Kerry to bring the Palestinian leadership back to negotiations with Israel are not enough. Guatemala recognized Palestine as a ‘free, sovereign’ state. A Palestinian youth planning a stabbing attack was apprehended in Hebron.


Shabaab claimed it killed five Ugandan and seven Somali troops in separate attacks in Lower Shabelle. Shabaab also publicly executed a woman in Hiran for “spying.” The government admitted its soldiers are involved in rapes of Somali women.

AQIM did not deny Abou Zeid’s death

An AQIM statement released last week was intended to deny reports in the press that Abu Yayha Hammam became the emir of the Sahara branch only last month.


Meeting in Algiers, interior ministers from Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, and Portugal planned increasing cooperation on border security, refusal to pay ransoms to terrorists, and efforts against cybercrime “as an engine for the spread of terrorism.” Interior Minister Kablia said that “[a]ny terrorist who wants to attack Algeria has only […]


LeT one of the most potent terrorist group in South Asia: US


Paraguay opposes drone attacks on Pakistan

United States

A federal judge in New York City moved the trial of former Osama bin Laden spokesman Abu Ghaith to Jan. 7, after public defenders complained that budget cuts made an autumn 2013 trial too difficult for them to manage. A federal judge in Virginia ruled on April 8 that US Army veteran Eric Harroun, who […]


Obama’s drone war kills ‘others,’ not just al Qaida leaders


Libya arms fueling conflicts in Syria, Mali and beyond: U.N. experts


The Taliban killed five civilians in an IED attack in Helmand and two policemen in Nuristan. Two ISAF soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash in Nangarhar. Two French citizens who were kidnapped months ago have been freed.


How a Single Spy Turned Pakistan Against the United States

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the emir of al Qaeda in Iraq, announced the formation of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. Baghdadi merged al Qaeda in Iraq’s Islamic State of Iraq, and the Al Nusrah Front. Baghdadi admitted that AQI formed Al Nusrah.


Pro-government militias captured a Saudi member of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula during in Qarnah in Abyan province. “Militants” commanded by tribal leader Hassan Mabkhoot attacked oil facilities and power lines in Marib province.


Prime Minister Netanyahu said he is “determined” to move forward with peace process. An explosion along the border between Israel and Gaza damaged an IDF vehicle. An Israeli Arab, who was recruited by Hezbollah in Denmark, was sentenced to seven years in prison for spying for the terror group by an Israeli court. The IAF […]


The Director of the Somali Islamic Scholars dodged an assassination attempt by a car bomb in Mogadishu. The state administration in Hiran said it would retake areas under Shabaab control.


French Foreign Minister Drian visited the Ifhogas mountains, where French, Chadian, and Malian troops have been fighting Islamists, and stated that 70 per cent of the task of ridding the area of jihadists has been accomplished. He said the quantity and nature of weaponry seized showed that the jihadists planned to use Mali as a […]

Western Sahara

UN Secretary General Ban asked the Security Council to strengthen the peacekeeping force MINURSO in the Western Sahara because of the risk the Malian conflict will spread to the Moroccan-occupied territory. Morocco and the separatist Polisario Front have been stalemated in the region for years.


Egyptian Violence Raises Anxiety Over Islamists’ Rhetoric About Minorities

Al Qaeda in Iraq, Al Nusrah Front emerge as rebranded single entity

Islamic-State-of-Iraq-and-the-Levant-Banner.jpgAl Qaeda in Iraq’s emir announced a new brand for his organization’s efforts in Iraq and Syria: the “Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.” The name replaces all previous names used by the group, including the Al Nusrah Front in Syria, which was a creation of AQI.


Failure of nuclear talks with Iran jumpstarts push in Congress for tougher sanctions