Search Results for: TTP


Ghazni to be formally introduced as Islamic civilisation capital


New Details Emerge of US Diplomat’s Death in Afghanistan


Afghans Failing Security Test In Badakhshan


Formerly Banned Iranian Group Opens Office Near White House


Egypt’s Copts lash out at government’s anti-Christian rhetoric


Egypt’s Coptic Christians live in fear of Islamic extremists

North Korea

US intelligence divide on North Korea is exposed


Four Taliban fighters and a policeman were killed during a clash in Peshawar. The US will end counterinsurgency support funding for Pakistani forces starting in 2014. Former President Musharraf admitted that he approved some US drone strikes in Pakistan.


The Taliban overran an Afghan Army military post in Kunar, killing 13 soldiers and capturing two more; five Taliban fighters were also killed during the assault. A Taliban judge, 11 fighters, and four civilians were killed during clashes in Sar-i-Pul, Helmand, and Nangarhar.


Al Qaeda killed 14 people in two bombings outside of a mosque in the town of Kaanan in Diyala. An Awakening leader was assassinated in Kirkuk. Security forces uncovered a bomb factory in Kirkuk.

United States

Secretary of State Kerry warned North Korea that going ahead with its threatened missile launch would be a “huge mistake”; he also said a recent intelligence report did not suggest that North Korea had “fully tested, developed” nuclear capabilities. A number of rights groups sent a letter to President Obama questioning the legality and secrecy […]


Why Reports of Chemical Weapons Attacks in Syria May Never Be Confirmed


After a fruitless Six Powers meeting with Iran on its nuclear program, US Secretary of State Kerry said that President Obama “has determined to continue to pursue the diplomatic channel.” Although the Israeli strategic affairs minister had advocated a deadline of weeks for military action to persuade Iran to halt nuclear enrichment, no such deadline […]


The head of Ansar al Sharia in Syria, which is affiliated with the Al Nusrah Front, said the rebel groups fighting in Douma, including the Free Syrian Army, all seek the creation of an Islamic state. He alleged that new fighting groups with Islamist names in Ghouta and Daraa are controlled by the US. Government […]


Israel is reportedly planning to institute a building freeze outside of main settlement blocs. Israel reopened the Kerem Shalom crossing with Gaza that it had closed in response to rocket fire from Gaza. The IDF responded to artillery fire from Syria and “registered a direct hit.” Israeli and Egyptian officials said the flow of long-range […]


Authorities found a weapons cache that included TNT and antitank mines in el Arish. Parliament approved a revamped election law, but opposition members denounced the move. Former president Mubarak will face a retrial for his role in failing to stop the killing of protesters during the uprising that ended his rule.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas is preparing to arrest Gaza residents for ‘collaboration with Israel.’ Human Rights Watch slammed Hamas for failing to investigate the November deaths of a number of alleged spies in Gaza. Pressure from European countries and the US postponed a meeting between Prime Minister Fayyad and President Abbas; Fayyad was expected to resign during the […]


From Iron Dome to unmanned drones: The IDF’s vision for the future battlefield


President Gül warned that religious intolerance in Europe will lead to “new inquisitions and Holocausts, as well as incidents evoking Srebrenica.” A senior military commander of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) demanded to have direct contact with jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan.


Pakistan: Pervez Musharraf admits secret CIA drone deal with US


In a prisoner swap deal, Libya released four Egyptian Christians who have been held for proselytizing. Libya reportedly gave Egypt a $2 billion interest-free loan. In a separate case, a South Korean Christian held for proselytizing has been released. The head of the National Oil Corporation said foreign security personnel will not be allowed to […]


Hundreds of Salafists attacked a police station in Hergla; police fired back, killing one person and injuring others. The Salafists were protesting the arrest of comrades who had attacked alcohol sellers. Martyrs’ Day on April 9 saw competing demonstrations: the ruling Islamist Ennahda party, Salafists, and the allied League for the Protection of the Revolution; […]


A suicide bomber killed three Chadian soldiers and wounded four more in an attack in a Kidal market. A combat helicopter crashed outside Sevare, killing five Malian soldiers including a senior officer. The country’s largest political party has picked a candidate for the presidential election this summer.


The UN reported appalling conditions at the Mbera camp for Malian refugees in the southeast corner of Mauritania, which currently shelters some 70,000 people. Canadian citizen Aaron Yoon, who was arrested in late 2011 while preparing to travel to Mali to join Islamist fighters, is serving a two-year sentence in Mauritania that was imposed in […]


The Foreign Ministry said talks at the UN had begun on the issue of whether to label the Al Nusrah Front in Syria a terrorist group. France has indicated it will oppose any attempt to label all Syrian opposition fighters as terrorists.

German IMU fighter killed in drone strike last fall

Ahmed-IMU-droned.jpgWanted Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan spokesman Yassin Chouka announced the death of Ahmed, who was described as “the King of Setterich.” Ahmed was killed in the Oct. 10, 2012 strike in Mir Ali, North Waziristan.

United States

Intelligence Director James Clapper said Islamist extremist groups have influence beyond their numbers in Syria and are present “in 13 of the 14 provinces.” He predicted that sectarian strife will persist even if the Assad regime falls. The US is considering increasing its aid to the Syrian rebels. The Defense Intelligence Agency assessed that North […]