Search Results for: TTP


Salafists stormed a female student hostel in Tunis to stop a performance of music and dance. The extremists threw stones and bottles at the young women and broke windows; the police were present and did not intervene. The Interior Ministry had no comment on the incident.


Is Sinai Israel’s Achilles’ heel?


Taliban in Qatar see no early peace talks with US: sources


Top Obama Officials Differ on Syrian Rebels in Testimony to Congress

Free Syrian Army

The New Mujahideen – Yemeni fighters to support the Free Syrian Army

United States

Investigators are seeking two men in connection with the Boston Marathon bombings. The US is sending 200 soldiers from an Army headquarters unit to Jordan to assist with security along the Syrian border and provide leadership in any operation to secure Syrian chemical weapons. A Mississipi man was arrested for sending letters containing ricin to […]


A US drone strike fired two missiles at a Taliban training camp in South Waziristan, killing at least five people and injuring several more. One civilian was killed and 20 injured in a clash between military forces and the Taliban in Miranshah. The house of an ANP candidate was bombed in Charsadda.


The Taliban kidnapped and then beheaded four members of the Afghan security forces in Jawzjan. The Red Crescent suspended work in northern Afghanistan after two of its workers were killed and two more injured in an attack in Jawzjan. Joint security forces detained a senior Taliban leader in Helmand and a Haqqani leader in Paktia. […]


Egyptian Fighters Join The ‘Lesser Jihad’ in Syria

US drones kill 5 AQAP operatives in Yemen

An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula recruiter is said to have been killed in one of the attacks, both of which took place in an area in central Yemen. The strikes are the first recorded in Yemen since January.


Two rockets believed to have been fired from the Sinai struck the Israeli city of Eilat. Prime Minister Netanyahu urged Britain to “carefully vet” Syrian rebels before supplying them with arms. The Pentagon requested additional funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system. Secretary of State Kerry said there is a two-year window to achieve peace […]


Turkey plans to give Egypt the second half of a $2 billion loan within two months. An Egyptian court gave Prime Minister Qandil a one-year prison sentence in absentia for not renationalizing the Tanta Flax and Oil Company. The retrial of former president Mubarak will commence on May 11.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh said all options are on the table to secure the release of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Hamas forces imposed a fishing ban in Gaza for “security reasons.” Former Prime Minister Fayyad called for general elections. The Shin Bet revealed that a terrorist released in the Gilad Shalit exchange was involved in […]


A pair of US drone strikes in central Yemen killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives. One of those killed was an influential recruiter for al Qaeda.

United States

Boston bombing: Authorities believe they have identified a suspect, source says


Security officials arrested 10 people in Konya province suspected of providing fighters and weapons to Syrian rebels. The arrests were sparked by complaints from families that an extremist group was recruiting their children.


Niqab protests return to Tunisian universities


Security forces in Ardrar province in southwestern Algeria intercepted a shipment of arms from Sabha, Libya destined for al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb forces in the Malian city of Khalil, and killed five members of the allied Islamist group MUJAO who were protecting the shipment. Security forces dismantled a terrorist cell in the southern […]


In Europe, a Growing Case for Banning Hezbollah


Morocco canceled its annual military exercises with the US that were scheduled to start today. The government is upset with the US for supporting a UN initiative to begin human rights monitoring in the disputed Western Sahara territory.


Some 100 Philippine troops raided a camp of 30 Islamist militants near Tipo-tipo on Basilan, killing eight. Authorities said wanted Abu Sayyaf leader Isnilon Hapilon was wounded but managed to escape. He was meeting with two Indonesians from Jemaah Islamiah and another Abu Sayyaf leader prior to the assault. The militants were said to be […]

MSC in Jerusalem claims Eilat rocket attack

The Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem took responsibility for today’s rocket attack on the southern Israeli city of Eilat. Israeli officials say the rockets were launched from the Sinai, but Egyptian authorities have not yet confirmed this.


Terrorism in Cyberspace: Hezbollah’s Internet Network

United States

President Obama called the bombings at the Boston Marathon, which killed three people and injured over 175 more, a terrorist act. So far no suspects have been named, and no individual or group has claimed the attack. The Pakistani Taliban denied involvement. An envelope destined for a US Senator tested positive for the deadly poison […]


Sixteen people were killed in a bombing at an Awami National Party political rally in Peshawar. The Taliban killed four soldiers in a bombing in Miramshah in North Waziristan. Polio vaccination workers were attacked in Karachi.


China military says US destabilizing Asia-Pacific by boosting armed forces’ presence in region


Afghan commandos killed a Taliban commander and 21 of his fighters, and captured 17 more during a raid in the Bati Kot district in Nangarhar. General Dunford said that US forces should remain in Afghanistan after 2014.


Insurgents killed 35 Iraqis yesterday in a series of bombings and armed attacks throughout the country. The Interior Ministry announced that it hanged 21 prisoners convicted of terrorism-related charges.


Rebel forces repelled a government attempt in Idlib to capture the main highway into Aleppo; the artery remains contested. Rebels have advanced near the Turkish and Jordanian borders, while government forces have held on to central Damascus and over half of Homs. Tensions between Islamist and more moderate rebel forces are said to have hampered […]