Search Results for: Iran


Tehran blamed the US and the UK for Jundallah’s double suicide attack on a mosque in Zaderan. The CIA said that an Iranian scientist was an asset for many years.


Jundallah claimed a pair of suicide attacks outside a mosque in Zahedan that killed 21 people, including members of the Revolutionary Guards Corps. Jundallah claimed it carried out the attacks to avenge the execution of its former leader, Abdulmalik Rigi.


An attack on Iran: Back on the table


The CIA paid the Iranian scientist who defected to the US $5 million for information. Tehran said that the scientist had no intimate knowledge of Iran’s nuclear program. Russia’s energy minister announced a plan for cooperation with Iran’s energy sector.


An Iranian scientist who went missing in Saudi Arabia more than a year ago has appeared at the Pakistani embassy in Washington, DC. The foreign minister dismissed Russian President Medeved’s remarks that Iran is close to building a nuclear weapon as “unrealistic.”


Iran – Clerics to work within Tehran schools


Russian President Medvedev warned that Iran is close to building a nuclear bomb. Tehran claimed to have produced an additional 20 kg of 20 percent enriched uranium. Israeli President Netanyahu called Iran “the ultimate terrorist threat.”


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said the US seeks to dominate Muslim nations and prop up Israel. A former Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps member said Tehran will attack Israel. Iran cut back trade ties with the UAE after sanctions were imposed.


Lloyd’s of London backs US sanctions on Iran


Ayatollah Khatami warned the West over new UN Security Council sanctions on Iran. President Ahmadinejad hailed a meeting of the D8 in Abuja. Tehran has “yet to confirm” the stay of the stoning sentence for Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani.


Russia’s foreign minister said Iran’s nuclear program should not be the only agenda item for the Iran Six talks. Opposition leader Mousavi criticized President Ahmadinejad’s response to new UN sanctions. Tehran promoted “Islamic haircuts.”


McCain: Israel not planning strike on Iranian nuclear facilities

Gulf states fear nuclear Iran

During an interview with The Atlantic‘s Jeffrey Goldberg at the Aspen Ideas Festival, the United Arab Emirates’ ambassador to the US offered some surprisingly candid remarks about the military option on Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. Goldberg asked: “Do you want the U.S. to stop the Iranian nuclear program by force?” Here is how Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba […]


The UAE’s ambassador to the United States said that the benefits of bombing Iran’s nuclear program outweigh the short-term costs. The EU added Iran Air to the operating restriction list. Tehran backed off of a commercial tax increase after protests.


President Ahmadinejad threatened any state that would search Iranian vessels under the new UN sanctions regime. The Indian foreign secretary said that unilateral sanctions against Iran will harm India. Tehran cracked down on Western-style haircuts.


Human rights activist tries to stop death by stoning for Iranian woman


In responding to West, Iran stresses its naval abilities in Persian Gulf

Iran’s PressTV continues to distort LWJ’s coverage of US strikes in Pakistan

Iran’s PressTV continues to distort The Long War Journal‘s data on the US air campaign against al Qaeda and the Taliban in northwestern Pakistan. According to PressTV, LWJ‘s data shows that mostly civilians are killed in the covert air campaign in Pakistan: Washington claims its airstrikes target militant hideouts though most of the attacks have […]


Several countries in Europe have stopped fueling Iranian airlines due to sanctions. BP issued an order to its suppliers in Europe to halt the refueling of Iranian airlines. The commander of Iran’s Ground Forces said the military’s missiles can “can target any invader.” The oil minister said two new gas fields have been discovered.


The head of the Iranian Parliament said his country would quit nuclear talks if sanctions are tightened. The Iranian Air Force claimed it will deploy UAVs along its borders. The commander of Iran’s Passive Defense Organization claimed the US has launched a cyberwar against his country.


President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said UN sanctions are “pathetic” and Iran is “is a sleeping lion … which is waking up.” The foreign minister said Iran would step up diplomacy with Europe. The CEO of Total said sanctions against Iran are a “serious mistake.”

Iran sells advanced radar system to Syria

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that Iran allegedly sold Syria an advanced radar system in an arms transfer that took place in mid-2009. The article did not disclose the name of the radar technology, but did say that the arms transfer was confirmed by both Israeli and American intelligence officials. The radar transfer is […]


US officials said that Tehran sold Syria an advanced radar system to stymie an Israeli surprise air attack. The top IAEA inspector will resign after 30 years of monitoring fissile material. Tehran issued death sentences for those indicted in a prison torture scandal.


Tehran prepared to execute Kurds accused of collaborating with the PJAK. Iran lifted a restriction on foreign investment in Iranian banks. Iran’s foreign minister said the US, England, and France deserved to lose World Cup.


Officials said that new gasoline sanctions pose no risk to Iran. The Russian foreign minister said the CIA’s assessment of Iran’s nuclear capabilities of Iran is not new. The US Joint Chiefs of Staff said Iran will continue to pursue nuclear weapons despite new sanctions.


CIA chief Leon Panetta said UN sanctions won’t stop Iranian nuclear ambitions. President Ahmedinejad said there are three conditions for talks on Iran’s nuclear program. Iranian trade with Dubai has been hit due to UN sanctions.


CIA Director Leon Panetta said Iran can produce nuclear weapons by 2012. The Iranian Red Crescent claimed Egypt has blocked one of its ships that is designated to run the Gaza blockade. The deputy oil minister claimed US sanctions are benefiting Iranian petroleum industries by making them self-sufficient.