Search Results for: TTP


What could U.N. sleuths unearth at Iran’s Parchin base?


Pakistan – Security situation in the country bleak: Chief Justice


Targeting militants: Balochistan operation commences today

United States

President Obama suggested that Boston Marathon bombing suspects Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were “self-radicalized.” The FBI is said to be seeking information on nearly a dozen persons of interest in the case. A senior Saudi Arabian official said his government warned the US and the UK about Tamerlan in 2012 and denied him entry to […]


The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers and nine Afghan civilians in bombings in the south and north, and freed 10 Afghan soldiers who were captured in Badakhshan. Video of yesterday’s plane crash at Bagram has emerged on the Internet.


Insurgents killed six Iraqis in bombings in Baghdad and Nahmudiyah. Tribes in Anbar handed over 16 al Qaeda operatives to the government. Security forces captured eight al Qaeda fighters in Babil.


Obama preparing to send lethal arms to Syrian opposition, officials say

Palestinian Territories

A Palestinian terrorist from Fatah’s Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, who was recently released from prison, stabbed to death an Israeli citizen in the West Bank. Israeli settlers rioted in response to the stabbing. Palestinians and Israeli security forces clashed in the West Bank following the attack. Hamas called on the Palestinian Authority to end its […]


The Israeli Air Force targeted and killed a member of the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem who was involved in a recent rocket attack from the Sinai. The IDF called up 2,000 reservists for a surprise drill in the north of the country.

South Sudan

Blue helmet drones? UN prepares to send drones over Africa


Shabaab claimed it killed five Kenyan soldiers in Jannaale and eight more in Kismayo. Somali troops killed five Shabaab fighters after taking control of El Garas. The Puntland government executed 13 Shabaab fighters in Bosasso.


Gilles Le Guen, a French jihadist suspected of participating in the attack on the In Amenas gas facility in Algeria earlier this year, was arrested in northern Mali a few days ago. Le Guen, a.k.a. Abdel Jelil, is being interrogated by the French military before being turned over to Malian forces.

United States

Investigators in the Boston Marathon bombing case found female DNA on one of the bombs, and collected material from the home of the widow of Tamarlan Tsarnaev, one of the bombers. Russian officials said Tamarlan was in contact with two North Caucasus militants, Mansur Makhmud Nidal, a jihadist recruiter from Dagestan, and William Plotnikov, a […]


A bomb in Peshawar killed at least nine people, including two Afghan officials, and injured over 60 more. Unidentified gunmen attacked a NATO container truck in Jamrud, killing the driver. Four bombs leveled a boys’ school in Bannu. Security forces arrested eight Taliban members in Karachi’s Maripur area and seized “tennis balls bombs” and a […]


A civilian cargo plane crashed shortly after takeoff at Bagram Field, killing all seven people on board. Joint security forces arrested a Haqqani Network leader in Khost, a Taliban leader and Taliban facilitator in Kandahar, and confirmed the death of an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader in Baghlan on April 9.


Insurgents killed 36 Iraqis in a series of five bombings in the central and southern cities of Amara, Diwaniyah, Mahmudiyah, and Karbala. Iraq’s speaker of parliament said the government should resign and new elections should be held.


US Grapples With Rift Among Mideast Allies


A bomb attack in Damascus on the convoy of the Prime Minister killed six people but he escaped the assassination attempt. A UN team is investigating available information on the use of chemical weapons but has not been allowed into the country. A Free Syrian Army commander said Hezbollah is leading rebel forces in the […]

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda assails government to lure disgruntled Algerians

Boston bombing suspect had links to slain Islamists


Solidarity of Pakistani Taliban with Afghan Taliban Raises Concerns

Al-Qaeda’s Inspire magazine editor sought over Boston marathon bombing

United Kingdom

Muslim free school plans on hold over ‘extremism’ claims


Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered his ministers not to comment on the ongoing situation in Syria. Netanyahu also said that Iran has not yet crossed the nuclear red line he set at the UN. The Navy unveiled its 5th Dolphin class submarine. A Hamas terrorist was sentenced to 24 years in prison for terror activities.


Shabaab fighters paraded in the coastal town of Barawe, which is currently under the al Qaeda group’s control. Last week, Shabaab assassinated Somalia’s deputy chief prosecutor in Mogadishu.