Search Results for: TTP


Hamas’ Meshaal Says Latest US Peace Efforts ‘Will Fail’

United States

The FBI has found radical Islamist material, including al Qaeda’s online magazine, on the computer of the widow of slain Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev. A federal judge reversed a lower court’s decision to release would-be jihadist Abdella Ahmad Tounisi to home confinement, saying he is a flight risk. Tounisi’s family apparently knew of […]


A US Air Force tanker used for refueling planes over Afghanistan crashed and burned shortly after takeoff from Manas airport. The status of the reported five-person crew remains unknown.


The paramilitary Basij force of the Revolutionary Guard announced that it was the target of a cyberattack. The force alleged that the attack originated in Poland and was timed to have an effect on the June 14 presidential election.

Investigators sharpen focus on Boston bombing suspect’s widow

The continuing appeal of suicide attacks

Efforts to garner mainstream religious consensus in Afghanistan and Pakistan condemning the use of suicide attacks and other forms of violence against civilians seem doomed to fail.


Security forces clashed with a group of Islamists outside the National Security headquarters near Cairo. The protesters were seen waving black al Qaeda flags and wrote on the gate of the headquarters, “We are all Osama Bin Laden.” Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris returned to Egypt following a self-imposed exile.


U.S. calls for shutting down Iran, North Korea arms networks


Both Canada and France denounced the continuing siege of governmental ministries in Tripoli by armed militias. Clashes erupted between supporters of the government and the militias. The armed militiamen “hit” the Electricity Ministry yesterday, after blockading the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the Interior on Monday, and attacking the Finance and Justice Ministries.


Security forces are continuing operations against two armed jihadist groups, one in Jebel Chaambi and another in the Kef region, that began April 30. Algeria is helping with intelligence-sharing. Although reportedly beseiged on the Tunisian and Algerian sides, the terrorists have wounded some 15 security force members, and none of the terrorists have been killed […]

United States

Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev told authorities that he and his brother Tamerlan built the bombs using instructions from al Qaeda’s online magazine, and that they originally intended to detonate them at Boston’s July 4 celebration. The brothers had also viewed Internet sermons by slain al Qaeda propagandist Anwar al Awlaki. The FBI recently […]


The Detachment 88 antiterrorism squad arrested two militants in central Jakarta and seized five homemade bombs. The two suspects, Zainal Abidin and Julisman, belong to a terror cell that has attacked Indonesian police, and were said to be planning to attack the Myanmar Embassy in retaliation for the treatment of Royhinga Muslims in Myanmar.

Terror database too vague to flag Boston suspect


Egypt’s Long-Term Economic Recovery Plan Stalls


U.S. Bulks Up to Combat Iran

Tensions mount between Salafi jihadists and Hamas

Tension between Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and Salafi jihadists in the area has increased in recent days. On Thursday, Hamas announced the arrest of six Salafists, which was immediately denounced by Salafi jihadists.


Suicide bombers killed four soldiers in Ramadi and five Awakening fighters in Fallujah. Insurgents killed two Iraqi soldiers in an IED attack in Yusufiyah. The UN said that more people were killed in April than in any month since 2008.


Government forces launched intense assaults against rebel forces in Homs and Deir al Zour. Sectarian fighting raged in Qusair. A clash broke out in the Turkish border town of Akcakale between police and Free Syrian Army fighters trying to enter Turkey. The opposition Syrian National Council denounced Hezbollah’s “threat” to intervene in Syria. Israel is […]


Sinai Bedouin Connecting with Jihadist Terrorists


Mozilla furious as disguised spyware used against pro-democracy activists


Young German Jihadists Fight on Side of Rebels in Syrian War

Palestinian Territories

Hamas’ Khaled Meshal said the terror group hopes to secure the release of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails within four years. Hamas’ Interior Ministry announced the arrests of six Salafists accused of stealing rockets and planning attacks. The family of a Palestinian terrorist who stabbed to death an Israeli civilian said he “did his […]


An IDF official stated that while the security situation in the West Bank is “fragile,” he does not expect the outbreak of a third intifada. An Israeli drone operating near the Gaza Strip crashed in Israeli territory due to a “technical failure.” Prime Minister Netanyahu said he would put a peace deal with the Palestinians […]


The Foreign Ministry said Kazakhstan “strongly condemns any form of terrorism” and that it is cooperating with the US investigation into the role of two Kazakh citizens, Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev, in the Boston Marathon bombing case. The two students, who face US charges of obstruction of justice for hiding evidence after the bombing, […]


Taliban ‘Slim-Fast diet’ allows French hostage to escape


Two Iranians believed to be part of the IRGC’s Quds Force were found guilty of planning attacks. The two men, who were allegedly plotting to attack Western and Israeli targets, were arrested in June 2012. They will be sentenced on May 6 and face up to 15 years in prison.