Search Results for: TTP


Gamaa Islamiyya called on the US to delist it as a terror organization. The group also called for the release of Omar Abdel Rahma, the blind Sheikh. A tribal leader in the Sinai said the security situation may lead to the Bedouin forming their own army to secure the area.


Turkey’s Erdogan to air policy differences with Obama


Taliban Shuts 40 Schools In Southern Zabul Province: Officials


Two RPG missiles hit the offices of the Port Authority in Tripoli. An explosives-rigged car blew up near a hospital in Benghazi, killing nine people. A small bomb exploded outside a Benghazi police station. No suspects have been apprehended for any of these attacks.


Pakistan’s next premier an Islamist comeback kid


Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau released a video purporting to show Nigerian women and children taken hostage by the group. He also claimed the group had carried out the May 7 attack in Bama and the April 16 attack in Baga. A federal judge sentenced Azim Aghajani, an Iranian, and Usman Abbas Jega, a Nigerian, […]


The Religious Affairs Ministry noted the emergence of Salafist, Wahhabi, Shiite, Ahmadi, and Takfirist movements in Algeria in recent years, and warned about the influence of the Ahmadi sect and international Zionism. The Algerian military claimed that in 2012 it killed 200 insurgents active in al Qaeda battalions, including emirs and senior leaders, and another […]

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda: Alive and well in South Africa


Convicted Palestinian terrorist Mahmoud Mohammed Issa Mohammad was finally deported to Lebanon after exhausting legal avenues to remain in Canada, where he has lived since 1987. A Greek court had convicted him of killing an Israeli in a terror attack on an El Al jet in Athens in 1968; he was released after serving less […]


Tunisia cracks down on Ansar al-sharia militants after clashes


Afghan Forces Lack Equipments to Defend Borders


Turkey – New Islamic banks ready to open soon

Al Nusrah Front

Under the black flag of al-Qaeda, the Syrian city ruled by gangs of extremists


The opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the two-year conflict has killed at least 82,000 people so far and 12,500 are missing. The Assad regime, which is accused by both Turkey and the Syrian opposition of executing a recent deadly bombing in the Turkish border town of Reyhanli, denied responsibility for the attack. The […]


Turkey claimed that the twin bombings in Reyhanli were instigated by an “old Marxist terrorist organization” linked to the Assad regime. The Interior Minister said nine suspects had been arrested, all Turks, and claimed that the attack was not linked to al Qaeda, to the Syrian opposition, or to Syrian refugees. Prime Minister Erdogan alleged […]


Wild rumours of Hamas interference in Egypt find audience


Assad forces gaining ground in Syria


In Benghazi, two police stations were attacked and a bomb exploded next to a military police camp. Gunmen killed an intelligence officer in Derna. BP followed the US, France, and the UK in pulling some staff out of Libya due to security concerns. Anti-militia protesters in Tripoli blamed Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood for supporting […]


Convicted Algerian terrorist Said Arif escaped from house arrest in a car belonging to the family who owned the hotel at which he was staying. The al Qaeda-linked member of the “Chechen Network” planned attacks in France, Spain, and elsewhere.


A suicide bomber killed three people in an attack outside the home of an intelligence general in Mosul. Al Qaeda killed a colonel in Al Qaim. Two Iraqi soldiers and three “gunmen” were killed in fighting north of Mosul. The Defense Ministry said it would provide support to tribes that fight al Qaeda in Anbar.


The Interior Minister announced the arrest of three members of an al Qaeda-linked cell that was said to be planning a suicide attack on a Western embassy in Egypt. At least one member of the cell had traveled to Iran and Pakistan for military training. Privately Egyptian officials said the target was the US embassy. […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu is planning a trip to Moscow soon to convince Russia not to provide Syrian with S-300 missile defense systems. A Palestinian was sentenced to four years in prison for terror-related activities.


A Russian official backtracked on the recently announced US-Russian plan to convene a meeting between the Assad regime and the opposition to resolve the conflict; he said holding such a meeting by the end of May is “impossible.” The US ambassador to Turkey is said to have met with a rebel commander at a Turkish […]

Al Nusrah Front

Hezbollah and Al Qaeda Fighters Edging Closer to Full Scale Confrontation


Two car bombs exploded outside administrative buildings in the town of of Reyhanli, killing at least 40 people and injuring 100 more. A border crossing near Reyhanli was the site of a bombing in February that killed 14 people; the Syrian opposition alleged the attack had targeted one of their delegations.