Search Results for: suicide assault

Video reportedly shows key suspect from Benghazi attack

Muhammad-Jamal-al-Kashef.jpgAn Egyptian media organization has posted a video purportedly showing Muhammad Jamal al Kashef, who is one of the main suspects in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. Jamal has longstanding ties to Ayman al Zawahiri and his younger brother, Mohammed al Zawahiri.

State Department: Ansar al Sharia an alias for AQAP

The State Department has announced that Ansar al Sharia in Yemen is simply an “alias” for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is attempting to “rebrand itself.” The Ansar al Sharia brand is being employed by al Qaeda-linked groups elsewhere, including in Tunisia and Libya.


A female suicide bomber from Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin killed 12 people in Kabul. A suicide bomber wounded three US soldiers in Kunar. The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in an IED attack in Herat. ISAF captured a Taliban leader involved in the assault on Camp Bastion.

Al Qaeda ‘facilitator’ killed in Kunar airstrike

Asadullah is the second Afghan member of al Qaeda killed in the past week. He organized and directed attacks, and was behind the Aug. 8 suicide attack in Asadabad that killed three US soldiers and a USAID employee.


Boko Haram claimed credit for suicide attacks on police stations in Sokoto and an assault on the vice president’s home in Kaduna. The Joint Task Force killed two Boko Haram fighters in Borno.

Army of Islam fighter from Gaza killed in Syria

Ashi-Army-of-Islam.jpgThe Palestinian jihadist was detained for several years by Hamas in Gaza before leaving to fight with “his monotheist brothers” in Syria. Currently 7 jihadist groups are known to be operating in Syria.

US drones kill 15 in North Waziristan strike

The strike in Mir Ali is the third in Pakistan in three days, and the eighth in the two weeks since the US failed to get Pakistan to reopen the supply lines for NATO forces in Afghanistan.


US and Afghan troops killed 14 Taliban fighters who assaulted FOB Salerno in Khost. A suicide bomber killed five policemen in Kandahar. The Taliban killed two policemen in Nangarhar.

US drones kill 10 in Mir Ali strike

The strike is the second in two days and targeted a compound in an area of North Waziristan known to serve as a nexus for al Qaeda, the Taliban, and other jihadist groups.