Search Results for: Iran


President Ahmadinejad said any attack on Iran “would be tantamount to the elimination of the Zionist regime from the political geography.” Iran is reportedly paying Taliban fighters $1,000 for every US soldier killed in Afghanistan. Bahrain has accused Iran of involvement in a plot to overthrow the government.


Vatican: stoning in Iran adultery case ‘brutal’


Japan approved tighter economic sanctions against Iran. General Hasan Firouzabadi said Tehran could strike Israel’s nuclear reactor if attacked. A pro-government militia attacked the home of Mahdi Karroubi.


Ahmadinejad predicts the removal of ‘Zionists’ from the world


Former British Prime Minister Blair called for the West to use force if Iran “continues to develop nuclear weapons.” The Iranian media called for France’s first lady to die.


Ali Akbar Salehi announced that Tehran will produce medical reactor fuel by next year. Iran’s foreign minister said a partial withdrawal of US troops from Iraq is “unacceptable.” Fidel Castro announced a plan to stop an Israel-Iran nuclear war.


An Iranian official said Tehran will strike Israel’s Dimona reactor if attacked. The Iranian state media called Mrs. Sarkozy “first prostitute.” Tehran unveiled 4,000 new telecom projects.


Iran shifts assets out of Europe banks


The media was banned from reporting on the opposition parties. France urged the UN to threaten more sanctions. A foiled al Qaeda plot in Canada revealed links to persons in Iran.


Tehran proposed a consortium with Russia to produce nuclear fuel. President Ahmadinejad will discuss military aid to Lebanon, during a trip to Beirut. The military tested its new “Conqueror” missile.


Iran clamps down on reporting on protest leaders


Tehran will begin the search for new uranium deposits inside the country. Israeli President Peres warned the IAEA over Iran’s nuclear activities. Iran’s defense minister said that his country is ready to equip Lebanon’s army with weapons. Tehran will open a joint oil field with Oman in the Strait of Hormuz.


Tehran reported that the Bushehr nuclear reactor is online and running safely. Government officials said the startup of the Bushehr plant symbolizes resistance to the West and its failure to contain Iran. Police detained Iranian judiciary officials in Tehran for malpractice.


Tehran started mass production of two lines of assault boats. The Nabucco pipeline consortium delayed plans to include Iran in the gas pipeline. Turkey removed Iran from its “red book” threat list.


Iran claimed it produced and fielded an unmanned “stealth” bomber. The new UAV, called the Karrar, is said to have a range of 600 miles and can carry two 250-pound bombs. Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said Iran would hold talks with any nation but the US.


Iran has begun to load fuel into the Bushehr nuclear power plant. Iran and Russia created a joint company to operate the Bushehr plant. The chief of Russia’s Federal Atomic Energy Agency said Iran has a right to nuclear power.

‘Shiite Zarqawi’ returns to Baghdad from Iran: report

abu_dura.jpgAbu Dura, the notorious Mahdi Army commander, is said to have returned to Iraq after receiving training from Iran’s Qods Force. Abu Dura is known for torturing and executing Sunnis in Baghdad, often with the aid of a power drill.


Russia said that Iran’s new Bushehr nuclear reactor poses no threat. Tehran test fired a new precision ground-to-ground missile. Iran’s gasoline imports dropped by 90 percent in August due to international sanctions.


US is said to assure Israel a nuclear Iran isn™t imminent


The Revolutionary Guards Corps announced that if attacked it will respond by targeting its enemies’ interests around the world. Germany charged two people with shipping rocket supplies to Iran. A member of the Iranian parliament said Iran will not back down from its nuclear program in the face of a US attack.


Russia defended Iran’s debut of the Bushehr nuclear reactor. US officials visited Lebanon to address Iran sanctions. Tehran will unveil new weapons systems at a government event.


Former UN ambassador John Bolton said Israel has eight days to strike Iran’s Bushehr reactor. Authorities in Tehran announced a suspension of a stoning sentence during Ramadan. Tehran invited Bangladesh to join in building the IPI pipeline project.


The chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said his country “will begin constructing another enrichment plant by early 2011” and that 10 new enrichment sites have been identified. President Ahmadinejad said Iran must gain “full independence” in the nuclear field. Venezuela is prepared to export 20,000 barrels of refined gasoline a day to […]


Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani denounced the US and NATO “aggression in Afghanistan” and said Iran does not have a joint approach with the US to deal with the war. A top parliamentary official said Iran is pursuing plans to build its own nuclear plants and welcomes Western assistance.


Russia will deliver nuclear fuel to the Bushehr plant on Aug. 21. An Islamic Revolutionary Guards commander said Iran has no use for nuclear weapons. Iraq will allow a pipeline from Iran to Syria be built on its territory.


Iran and Turkey are providing weapons to Hezbollah. Opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi said UN sanctions have strengthened Iran’s government. The central bank is reducing reserves of the dollar and the euro.


Brazil agreed to abide by UN sanctions on Iran. Toyota stopped shipments to Iran. The foreign minister said US claims of Iranian interference in Iraq are “baseless.”


A former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said graves are being dug for US servicemen in anticipation of an American attack on Iran. Iran plans on opening the Bushehr nuclear plant in September. The IRGC Navy said it will launch 12 fast-attack missile and torpedo boats.


The chief of Iran’s judiciary criticized President Ahmadinejad for statements made concerning the restriction of the press. A senior Sunni cleric escaped an assassination attempt carried out by Jundallah. Iran™s Islamic Azad University opened a center in Kabul.