Search Results for: TTP


For the third night in a row, rioters burned cars in suburbs around Stockholm. The unrest started in the suburb of Husby, where a week ago police fatally shot a man who was menacing a woman and the police with a machete. On May 19, over 100 cars were torched; on May 20, more than […]

United Kingdom

Two men jumped out of a car in Woolwich near the military barracks and attacked a UK soldier who was wearing a “Help for Heroes” charity shirt, slashing and beating him until he was dead. The attackers tried to film the attack, and then waited near the scene, one ranting jihadist propaganda, his hands covered […]

Petraeus’s role in drafting Benghazi talking points raises questions

Advisers Urged Obama Early On To Release Comprehensive Benghazi Timeline

United States

A three-judge panel of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the government need not release photographs of the corpse of Osama bin Laden. The court accepted the contention of the Obama administration that the CIA could keep the photographs secret, as an exception to the Freedom of Information Act, because their release might […]


Drones: Myths And Reality In Pakistan – International Crisis Group


Drone strikes have ‘minimal’ impact on militant recruits: Report

US Tracked Foreigners Leaving for Canada


Coalition Plays Down Afghan Reports of Major Battle in Helmand


Senate panel backs arming Syria rebels


The Taliban launched small-scale attacks against several police outposts in the Sangin district in Helmand province; 26 Taliban fighters, including “Pakistanis and Chechens,” and 10 policemen were killed in the clashes over the past two days. Six security guards at a dam in Herat were killed in an IED attack. Eighty schoolgirls were poisoned in […]

United States

Terrorism Statistics Reports Assigned To Academic Group

More Palestinian kidnapping plots thwarted by Israel

Israeli authorities announced the arrest of 14 Palestinian terrorists from two separate terror cells operating near Hebron. One cell, which was tied to Hamas, had nine members and was planning a kidnapping operation. The other cell, affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad, had five members.


More than 20 Iraqis were killed in a series of bombings and attacks across the country. Three Iraqi soldiers were killed in a complex suicide assault in Tarmiyah. Security forces arrested three wanted terrorists in Samarra. An al Qaeda operative was sentenced to life in prison for attacks that killed civilians.


Authorities increased the number of roadblocks in the Sinai as an operation to free seven kidnapped security personnel could be launched at any moment. Family members of those kidnapped joined a police protest in Rafah. The alleged death of one Islamist militant in the Sinai via airstrike was denied by security officials. Authorities announced the […]

Palestinian Territories

A senior Palestinian official said the legal work to apply for Palestinian membership in 63 UN agencies, conventions, and treaties had been completed. PA security forces reportedly arrested three Hamas members in the West Bank. A Hamas official reiterated that the group was willing to close down smuggling tunnels in exchange for the creation of […]


In response to fire from Syria, the IDF destroyed a Syrian army position. IDF Chief Gantz warned that Assad “will have to bear the consequences” for continued attacks against Israeli forces in the Golan. Home Front Defense Minister Erdan said it was only a matter of time before missiles are fired at Israel’s major population […]


Shabaab claimed it killed seven Kenyan troops in Fahfahdhun and five African Union “crusaders” in Mogadishu. The military commander in Juba said that there are no government troops in the former Shabaab stronghold of Kismayo.


Nigeria formally asked neighboring Niger to help combat Islamists in the northeastern region. Under a 2012 bilateral defense pact, Niger must come to Nigeria’s military aid when asked. The Nigerian military claimed to have arrested 120 militants at the funeral of a slain Boko Haram commander in Maiduguri. Curfews have been relaxed in Yobe and […]


Trial began in Atyru for eight local men arrested on terrorism charges between December and January. Security forces have targeted Islamic terrorists in operations in Atyru and other towns in western Kazakhstan in recent months.


Russian security forces killed Dzhamaleil Mutaliyev, whom they described as the “right hand man” of Caucasus Emirate leader Doku Umarov, during a shootout in the Ingush town of Nazran. Mutaliyev was killed along with another militant, Alikhan Ozdoyev, after refusing to surrender during a night raid in Nazran.


Islamist politician calls for ailing Algerian president to show self after 3 week absence


Brazilian police in Curitiba arrested Hamzi Ahmad Barakat, a Lebanese citizen with ties to Hezbollah, on charges of setting up front companies to defraud Lebanese immigrants. In 2006 the US designated Barakat a terrorist for using a store in Paraguay to help fund Hezbollah, which the US considers a terrorist group. Barakat’s brother Assad Ahmad […]


Applying Early Lessons to Build Afghan Security


A Taliban suicide bomber killed the head of the provincial council in Baghlan and 13 Afghans. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters in Paktika and two more in Wardak.


US drones killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters as they drove a motorcycle in the Khobza area of Baydah province. The strike is the second in four days. General Ahmed Ali Saleh, the former commander of the Republican Guards, was sworn in as ambassador to the UAE.