Search Results for: TTP

Al Nusrah Front

Hezbollah fighters find Nusra’s tactics in Qusair ‘irritatingly familiar’


Insurgents killed 33 Iraqis in a series of attacks in Baghdad, Mosul, and Tal Afar. Three attacks were executed by suicide bombers; the governor of Anbar escaped one of those attacks. The tribes in Anbar said al Qaeda is “a malicious attempt to undermine national unity between Sunni and Shia Iraqis.”


Authorities arrested two people in connection with the kidnapping of seven security personnel in the Sinai. The Armed Forces said that “manhunt operations against criminal elements” in the Sinai will continue. Al Azhar plans to start a TV channel to counter extremist channels.


Security forces arrested three Lebanese Hezbollah members over the past two weeks. The Hezbollah operatives stored weapons and planned attacks against Western and Israeli targets. The military claimed Boko Haram is in “disarray.”


Sweden eyes Mali peacekeeping mission


When Assad shells rebels, Israel goes on alert and learns


The Assad regime in Syria claimed to have received a first shipment of S-300 Russian missiles. Russia’s Foreign Ministry said officials from Russia, the US, and the UN would meet on June 5 to try to pave the way for a Syrian peace conference. Special forces surrounded a militant hideout in Khasavyurt, Dagestan, and killed […]


Israel could swoop on S-300 missiles in Syria, but with risks


A Tunisian judge gave suspended two-year sentences to 20 Tunisians convicted of attacking the US Embassy in Tunis on Sept. 14, 2012; at the time of the attack, 73 persons were arrested. The verdict came after an unusually brief trial. Although the government has accused Tunisian Ansar al Sharia leader Abu Iyadh of orchestrating the […]


The Police Security Service said “several” Norwegians have died fighting with rebels in Syria and that 30 to 40 Norwegians have traveled to Syria to fight. Authorities remain concerned that Syrian jihadists will return to Norway as members of a terrorist network.

Al Qaeda

After vowing transparency, US mum on drone killing


Pakistan – Study reflects school textbooks need to be free of religious discrimination


The Argentinian prosecutor investigating the 1994 bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association in Buenos Aires issued a 502-page indictment blaming Iran’s leadership for the deadly attack. The indictment also alleged that Iran conducted terrorist activities in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Suriname, and that Iranian embassies throughout South America […]


US drones killed seven people in the first strike in Pakistan in six weeks. Waliur Rehman, the emir of Taliban forces in South Waziristan, is rumored to have been killed but the reports are unconfirmed. Polio vaccination aid workers were pelted with stones in Hangu.


The Taliban claimed credit for a suicide assault on the governor’s compound in Panjshir; six memebrs of the assault team and a guard were killed. Three members of a suicide assault team and a guard were killed during an attack on a Red Cross office in Jalalabad.


Insurgents killed 26 Iraqis in a series of attacks and bombings in Baghdad, Baqubah, and in Anbar near the border with Syria. Security forces arrested 16 “terrorists” in Salahaddin. The central government announced near security measures to deal with al Qaeda and other armed groups.


Russia sends arms to Syria as it tries to reassert its role in region


Argentinian prosecutor alleges extensive Iranian terror activity in South America

Palestinian Territories

PA security forces arrested four Hamas members in the West Bank. A senior Hamas official said kidnapping Israelis was at the heart of Palestinian culture. President Abbas lamented that he is under intense pressure to resume talks with Israel without requiring preconditions for negotiations.


Taming jihadists: a botched attempt in Tunisia and Egypt


Moroccan Salafist slams Tunisia’s Ennahda

United Kingdom

Radical Islamists in Britain Prove a Challenge to Security


Afghanistan – Religious Scholars Term Suicide Attack As ‘Haram’