Search Results for: suicide assault

Afghan intelligence thwarts major attack against Kandahar City

Following weeks of surveillance work, Afghan intelligence officials intercepted an explosives-laden tractor late on May 25, effectively preventing a massive Taliban terror attack against Kandahar City. Tractors have been widely employed by insurgents as a means of transporting explosives and for vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices.

German IMU fighter killed in drone strike last fall

Ahmed-IMU-droned.jpgWanted Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan spokesman Yassin Chouka announced the death of Ahmed, who was described as “the King of Setterich.” Ahmed was killed in the Oct. 10, 2012 strike in Mir Ali, North Waziristan.


Suspected Boko Haram gunmen killed at least 25 people in four simultaneous attacks in Ganye in Adamawa state near the border with Cameroon. In the coordinated assault, the assailants attacked a bar, a bank, a prisoner warder, and a prison, freeing prisoners and setting fire to a police station, a prison, and several hotels and […]


French and Malian forces repelled a complex assault at a Timbuktu airport, killing 10 of 30 militants; the assault also involved a suicide bombing at a checkpoint that killed a Malian soldier as well as the bomber. French president Hollande said the sovereignty of “almost the entire territory” of Mali would be restored in “a […]


At least 59 Iraqis were killed in a series of more than 20 attacks in Baghdad, Anbar, Babil, and Ninewa provinces. Attacks included suicide bombers, car bombs, IEDs, and armed assaults. The attacks were likely carried out by al Qaeda.

Afghan forces thwart unprecedented terror plot in Kabul

NDS forces raided a Haqqani Network safe house in eastern Kabul, killing five militants, capturing two others, and seizing a 7,800-kg truck bomb wired for detonation. The bomb’s destructive capacity had a radius of nearly one mile, according to Afghan officials.


Thirteen security personnel, 12 Taliban fighters, and 10 civilians were killed after the Taliban launched an assault on a checkpoint in Lakki Marwat. The Taliban killed two more soldiers in an IED attack in Arakzai.

US drones strike again in Mir Ali

predator-uav.jpgFour senior and midlevel al Qaeda and Taliban leaders are reported to have been killed in the seven strikes since the beginning of the New Year.

Al Nusrah Front on the offensive in Aleppo

The al Qaeda affiliate is capable of sustaining multiple offensives across Syria against the forces of the Assad regime, and has overrun several military bases this year.

US adds West African group, 2 leaders, to terrorism list

MUJAO-French-Hostage-SITE-Video.jpgThe US government has added the al Qaeda-linked Movement for Tawhid [Unity] and Jihad in West Africa and two of its leaders to the list of global terrorists and entities. The group has named one of its units fighting in Mali after Osama bin Laden.