Search Results for: Iran


Iranian authorities announced that Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani will be hanged instead of stoned. Iranian infrastructure has been hit hard by the Stuxnet computer worm. The IRGC received the first shipment of military seaplanes.


The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps crossed into Iraq to kill 30 “terrorists” behind the bombing of a military parade last week that killed 12 people. A court banned the Islamic Iran Participation Front and Islamic Revolution Mujahedeen Organization, two parties that support the opposition.


Stuxnet worm: A silent attack, but not a subtle one


Members of parliament backed President Ahmedinejad’s statements at the UN about the Sept. 11 attacks on the US. An MP said Iran would sue Russia if it did not deliver the S-300 missiles system; the defense minister said Iran would build a comparable system. The chief of the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant confirmed it is […]


Computer worm infects Iran’s nuclear station


A global computer virus is targeting Iranian computers used to manage nuclear facilities. President Ahmadinejad criticized the West over a “double standard” on capital punishment. The Iranian foreign minister said that Tehran is ready for “fair” nuclear talks.


Ahmadinejad UN speech sparks walk-outs


Tehran criticized Moscow over the cancellation of the S-300 surface-to-air missile deal. Iran’s top intelligence official identified those responsible for a terrorist attack at a military parade in Mahabad that killed 12 people: he blamed “World Arrogance.”


Twelve civilians were killed in a bombing at a military parade in western Ajarbaijan province. The Western powers seek an early negotiated solution on Iran at the UN. Russia announced it will not supply an anti-aircraft missile system to Iran.


The Obama administration said sanctions against Iran are working; private experts disagreed. Tehran denied any political motivations for a diplomat’s defection. The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps received shipment of new Fateh-110 surface-to-surface ground missiles.


Iran’s Armed Forces Chief of Staff said the military “would inflict a heavy loss and damage” on any US forces that attacked Iran. The chief of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said the IAEA’s report was unfair and unjust. The oil minister halted gasoline imports and claimed Iran can produce enough for domestic supply.


Special report: Tracking Iran’s nuclear money trail to Turkey


Ahmadinejad ready to discuss Taliban with US


Both the US Department of Defense and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps denied reports that seven US soldiers were in Iranian custody after crossing the border. President Ahmadinejad claimed that the IAEA gave “false” details on Iran’s nuclear program.

DoD and IRGC deny US troops captured in Iran

Earlier today, FARS News Agency claimed that seven US soldiers were detained inside Iran in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan. The report has since been withdrawn, and interestingly enough both the US Department of Defense and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, and even Pakistan’s foreign minister, have denied the report. From Iran’s Press TV: IRGC […]


Iran’s foreign minister said his country is not hiding information from IAEA inspectors. Ayatollah Rafsanjani said Iran’s nuclear program is legal. US Secretary of Defense Gates said recent sanctions on Iran are more effective than expected.


Security forces ransacked the offices of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi. Turkey seeks to triple its trade volume with Iran. Tehran filed Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s document on Koran burnings with the United Nations.


Western countries accused Iran of intimidating the IAEA. Police seized tons of narcotics along the border with Pakistan in Sistan and Baluchistan province. Iran’s First Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi visited Turkey to build stronger diplomatic ties.


Iran freed Sarah Shroud, one of the three American hikers arrested last year, from prison. South Korea stopped Kia exports to Iran.


Iran: Ayatollah speaks of a plan of Koran abuses


The IAEA named a new nuclear inspector for Iran. Ayatollah Khamenei issued a fatwa to kill those who burn the Koran. Tehran criticized a $60 billion US arms deal to Saudi Arabia. The Iranian diplomat who resigned is seeking political asylum in Finland.


A senior Iranian diplomat in Finland resigned and joined the opposition. Tehran will release a female American hiker from jail if a $500,000 bail is posted. Police detained several suspects in the July bombing of the Zahedan Grand Mosque. Iran claimed that supplies of foreign gasoline have increased despite sanctions.


West needs new missile shield against Iranian nuclear threat, NATO chief says


The chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said the Bushehr nuclear reactor would go online in the next month. Bahrain’s interior minister said Iran had no links to recently arrested “spy cells.” Tehran canceled the release of a female American hiker accused of spying.


Tehran denied claims of the existence of a second secret enrichment site. Iran will free a woman held on espionage charges. Supreme Leader Khamenei said Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are a Zionist cover-up.


The non-alignment movement published a statement in support of the Iranian nuclear program. US Secretary of State Clinton described “a new moment” for US leadership in the Middle East. Police detained an Iranian opposition leader.


South Korea imposed new sanctions on Iran. Beijing urged Tehran to cooperate with the IAEA. Cuban President Fidel Castro criticized President Ahmadinejad’s anti-Seminism.


China to build $2bn railway for Iran


Iran claimed the right to choose UN inspectors to oversee nuclear efforts. South Korea is ready to impose modest new sanctions on Iran. Tehran criticized a Palestinian spokesman for speaking out against Ahmadinejad.