Search Results for: TTP


A military tribunal sentenced three men to prison terms of three to five years for trying to join the Al Nusrah Front, then immediately reduced the sentences by half. The previous day, the same tribunal sentenced two Jordanians to five years in prison for going to Syria for jihad.


Artists clash with Islamists at Egyptian culture protest


Two suicide bombers detonated at a police station in Damascus, killing at least 14 people. Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham’s “Shari’a Committee” murdered a teenage boy for alleged blasphemy in Aleppo. The Free Syrian Army claimed to have killed over 40 Syrian army troops and Hezbollah fighters in an ambush in […]


Ten rockets launched from Syria into the Hezbollah stronghold of Hemel killed at least one person and wounded several others. A roadside bomb detonated in the Bekaa valley as two vans carrying Hezbollah fighters to Syria passed by, but there were no casualties.


Libya Doesn’t Need More Militias


Timbuktu damage to Mali historic sites ‘underestimated’


Pakistan threatens to ban Google unless it cleans up YouTube


Ahead of vote, ‘kidnapped’ Iran reformists imprisoned at home


Protests that began in Istanbul’s Taksim Square nearly two weeks ago against the authoritarian rule of Prime Minister Erdogan continued, with violence by both police and protesters. Three people have died and nearly 5,000 have been injured, many by the use of CR and tear gas, in the ongoing clashes. Protests have taken place in […]


Security forces in Tripoli found a bomb attached to the undercarriage of an Italian diplomatic car. University students in Tripoli went on strike to protest poor security on campus, where attacks by armed men have increased. Reporters Without Borders condemned the rising number of attacks on journalists in Libya. The government has asked to buy […]


The North Sinai governor said that while there are “Salafi jihadi elements” operating in the Sinai, al Qaeda does not have a base in the area. Authorities stopped a drug and arms smuggling operation near the Libyan border. A Coptic teacher was fined $14,000 for insulting Islam. Hundreds of Coptic Christians protested after at least […]


Intelligence Minister Steinitz warned that Iran is quickly approaching the red line set by Prime Minister Netanyahu at the UN. Netanyahu said Israeli authorities have thwarted five suicide bombings as well as over 30 abduction attempts by Palestinian terror groups thus far this year.


The Anti-Terrorism Unit tracked down and killed a suspect who is said to be behind a grenade attack in Nairobi that wounded four people. The Shabaab suspect was killed in the Eastleigh neighborhood. More than 500 Kenyans are thought to have waged jihad in Somali with Shabaab.


Analyst overstated claims on NSA leaks, experts say


A senior mediator at talks in Burkina Faso between the Malian government and the separatist Tuareg MNLA said both sides have agreed “in principle” to allow presidential elections to take place in July and the army to return to Kidal. A 26-page manual found in Timbuktu earlier this year confirms that al Qaeda in the […]


As Rebels Lose Ground in Syria, US Mulls Options


The Taliban launched suicide assaults in Kabul and Zabul; all 13 members of the two suicide teams were killed by police. The Taliban beheaded two boys in Kandahar and killed an ISAF soldier in the east.


Insurgents killed more than 70 Iraqis in a series of attacks, which included suicide bombings, in Iraq. Among those killed was Sheikh Abdul Rahman Rashid al Issawi, the leader of the Awakening in Fallujah. Security forces arrested an al Qaeda leader in the Thar Thar area south of Samarra.


Security forces captured Omar Ashour, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s commander in the in Ghail Bawazir district, and his son Abdullah, in the Shahir district in Hadramout province. The two were captured at a checkpoint and are thought to have been preparing to leave the country.


Being Hashim Bishr, head of Tripoli SSC

Analysis: Zawahiri’s letter to al Qaeda branches in Syria, Iraq

Al Jazeera has published a letter purportedly written by Ayman al Zawahiri to al Qaeda’s franchises in Iraq and Syria. Two US intelligence officials say the letter is genuine. In the letter, Zawahiri rules on a dispute between the two al Qaeda branches and appoints a new representative in the region.


GCC Announces Adopting Measures against Hizbullah Members


With ties to Iran in shambles, Hamas finds new ways to rearm


Balkan Militants Join Syria’s Rebel Cause