Search Results for: Pakistan


Plane from Pakistan to UK forced to land after bomb threat

Suicide bombers kill 24 Pakistanis in Quetta

The attack took place just two days after the Pakistani military announced it arrested Younis al Mauritani, a senior member of al Qaeda’s external operations council, in Quetta. The Frontier Corps, which was the target of the suicide attack, was involved in the raid that netted Mauritani.


The Pakistani Taliban demanded the release of its prisoners and the disbandment of anti-Taliban lashkars in exchange for the release of 27 boys kidnapped last week. The doctor who aided the CIA in conducting DNA tests in an attempt to find Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad has been barred from leaving the country.


Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Arakzai and five more in Swat. Security forces detained more than 100 people during operations in Karachi.


Peace bodies of Peshawar, FATA meet: Joint fight against Taliban planned


US funding for Pakistani journalists raises questions of transparency


The Taliban killed four people in an ambush in Kurram. Taliban fighters attacked a tribal leader’s home in Mohmand, and kidnapped three people.


Pakistani courts let 3 out of every 4 terror suspects go: US State Dept


Pakistan, US struggle to define their relationship


Pakistan to follow Saudi de-radicalisation policy: Malik


“Gunmen” killed seven people in Kurram. A suicide bomber killed two people in Lakki Marwat. The military claimed that Mohmand has cleared the Taliban from 80 percent of Mohmand.


Pakistan – Security on high alert ahead of Eid


Weird, Birdlike Mystery Drone Crashes in Pakistan


After the Taliban: Swat women on changing life


The Taliban killed 25 Pakistani security personnel and overran two border outposts in an attack in Chitral; 20 Taliban fighters were also killed. Three Lashkar-e-Jhangvi fighters were arrested in Karachi.


Eleven people, including three soldiers, were killed in a bombing in Nowshera yesterday. The son of slain Punjab governor Salman Taseer was kidnapped in Lahore. Police detained a “terrorist” in Islamabad.


Son of Assassinated Pakistani Governor Is Kidnapped, Police Say


Children sexually abused on Pakistan’s streets


Islamabad – 135 suspected terrorists arrested in 2010-11


Ten Lashkar-e-Islam fighters were killed in a bunker that was occupied and then mined by the Taliban in Khyber. The Lashkar-e-Khorasan executed a ‘US spy’ in North Waziristan. Police in Lahore arrested three men thought to be involved with the kidnapping of an American.


Pakistan’s Bitter, Little-Known Ethnic Rebellion