Search Results for: TTP

United States

The US urged Russia to “do the right thing” and turn over fugitive NSA leaker Edward Snowden after he disappeared following his arrival in Moscow from Hong Kong. US officials are concerned about the possible release of sensitive information to foreign governments, and worry that disclosure of US surveillance methods will impair antiterrorism efforts.


US officials worried about security of files Snowden is thought to have


US Said to Explore Possible China Role in Snowden Leaks


US Threatens Russia With Retaliation on Edward Snowden


The Taliban denied reports that it lowered its flag and removed the name “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” from its “political office” in Qatar. Five policemen defected to the Taliban in Zabul.


Forty-two Iraqis were killed in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq. Al Qaeda suicide bombers also conducted attacks in Tikrit and Mosul.


An emergency room doctor was executed in Quneitira on orders of the Shariah Council after being kidnapped by the Islamist Ahrar al-Sham militia. Kurdish Defence units and rebel forces clashed in al Hasaka. Suicide and car bombs killed at least eight people in Damascus, and a car bombing in Aleppo killed 12 soldiers. The Syrian […]


The army overran the compound of Salafist cleric Ahmed Assir, after two days of fighting that left at least 16 soldiers and up to 20 militants dead in Sidon. Assir, a strong critic of Hezbollah, fled and his whereabouts are unknown. All factions called for calm.


Israeli authorities including the IDF and Shin Bet, among others, completed a drill simulating a terror attack by global jihadists at multiple locations in Israel. In response to recent rocket fire by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza, the IAF struck a number of terror sites in Gaza.


In the past two weeks, authorities have increased efforts to shut down smuggling tunnels between Egypt and Gaza. A coalition of Islamist groups is planning a protest for Friday, two days before anti-Morsi protests are expected across Egypt.

Palestinian Territories

An Army of Islam member died as a result of wounds sustained in an Israeli airstrike in November 2010. Israeli media claimed President Abbas is prepared to resume talks with Israel for a short period. The Palestinian Authority denied the report, however.


A member of parliament was assassinated in Mogadishu. Shabaab attacked troops from Sierre Leone at their base in Taabto. The African Union has begun to train 100 Somali policemen.


Dagestan and the Tsarnaev brothers: The radicalisation risk


Qatar’s Emir to transfer power to son

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The terror group announced on June 22 that eight European hostages it is holding are still alive and will appear in a video soon. AQIM also repeated its threat to kill the hostages if France intervenes again in North Africa, but said it is open to negotiations for their release. President Hollande said France is […]


Mosque Dream Seen at Heart of Turkey Protests


The battle for Morocco’s Koran


For Snowden, a Sudden Departure from Hong Kong


The National Union of Tunisian Security Forces Syndicates has submitted a bill that raises penalties for attacks on security forces. The head of the union said that since the revolution, there have been 3,472 violent attacks on policemen, half of which were attempted murders, and that security forces receive threats on a daily basis.


A government mission arrived in Kidal to lay groundwork for the return of Malian security forces. The mission arrived a week after an agreement was signed with the separatist Tuareg MNLA to allow the return of government forces to the area.

United States

Wanted NSA leaker Edward Snowden flew to Moscow from Hong Kong, where officials had been asked by the US to arrest him. He is said to be heading to Cuba and possible asylum in Ecuador. The US has revoked his passport. A US citizen was among 10 foreign tourists killed by the Taliban in northwest […]


The Taliban killed 10 foreign mountain climbers from the US, Ukraine, China, Slovakia, Lithuania, and Nepal, and a Pakistani guide in an attack at a base camp in Gilgit-Baltistan. The Taliban also killed a soldier in North Waziristan and a security official in Bannu.


The Taliban killed seven policemen in Uruzgan, seven soldiers in Parwan, and two ISAF soldiers in the south. The Taliban denied that 46 of its fighters were killed in Parwan. The Taliban said it was given permission by the Qatari government to raise its flag at the “Political office of The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.”


Al Qaeda killed three policemen in a suicide assault in Hawija and eight other Iraqis in other attacks throughout the country. Two policemen and six al Qaeda fighters were killed in a clash in Al Khor in Anbar province on June 21.


Sinai Tribes Reject Morsi’s Call To Surrender Weapons

United States

Obama’s crackdown views leaks as aiding enemies of U.S.


The IDF said the number of rock-throwing attacks by Palestinians in the West Bank has decreased significantly in recent weeks due to arrests. At least six rockets were fired toward southern Israel by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. Israel displayed the David’s Sling missile defense system publicly for the first time.


A court ruled that Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood conspired in the prison break that saw the escape of President Morsi during the uprising against Hosni Mubarak. Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood denounced the court’s ruling. The governor of Luxor resigned after numerous public protests against his recent appointment. Four Shiites were lynched by […]