Search Results for: suicide assault


President Mohamud fired his police and intelligence chiefs and replaced them, after yesterday’s Shabaab assault on the presidential palace in Mogadishu, the second this year. At least nine Shabaab fighters, most if not all wearing suicide belts, participated in the attack.


Three days after a Shabaab suicide attack outside the main gate of Parliament, a Shabaab assault team including suicide bombers launched an attack on the presidential palace in Mogadishu. Security forces repulsed the attackers after they had breached the perimeter wall, killing three of them. Suspected Shabaab militants bombed a Gedo restaurant at lunchtime on […]


Gunmen from the Al Nusrah Front and the Free Syrian Army took over the Al Qaim crossing in Iraq’s Anbar province, entering from the Syrian side of the crossing, which they controlled. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front battled regime forces in Hama and Reef Dimashq. The Islamic Front also clashed with regime […]


Regime forces launched an offensive on Homs city, parts of which have been besieged for almost two years, and retook one of the last rebel-held villages in Qalamoun. The Al Nusrah Front claimed three car bombings in Homs and said its fighters are eager to detonate more as well as conduct suicide attacks. In Aleppo, […]

State Department adds Ansar Jerusalem to terrorist designation lists

The State Department today added the Sinai-based jihadist group Ansar Jerusalem to the US government’s lists of designated terrorist organizations. Although State says the group “generally maintains a local focus,” its attacks are entirely consistent with al Qaeda’s global jihad.

Yemen identifies 4 slain AQAP militants

Yemeni military officials have managed to identify four of the 10 AQAP militants who were killed while carrying out a terrorist attack on a military facility in Aden last week.

ISIS parades on outskirts of Baghdad

Hundreds of Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters paraded their vehicles, which included captured Iraqi military trucks and an artillery piece, through the streets of Abu Ghraib and Fallujah.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 29 people, including six soldiers and three civilians in a suicide attack in Baghdad, and eight soldiers in an assault in Tarmiyah. Seven ISIS fighters in Baghdad died in a premature detonation. Iraqi forces killed al Qaeda’s security advisor for Samarra and two “gunmen” in Bayji. […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five policemen and two civilians in a double IED attack in Tikrit. Yesterday, the ISIS killed 29 people in a series of attacks throughout the country. In one of those attacks, a suicide bomber killed six policemen at a funeral for another officer in Ramadi. Eight […]


Targeting African Union and Somali commanders, Shabaab launched a complex assault on a hotel in Bulo Barde, killing at least six soldiers, including Col. Mohamud Amin, the Somali commander for Hiran. The attack began with a suicide car bombing. Attackers dressed in military uniforms reportedly killed 25 people, including Bulo Barde mayor Abdulkadir Nour and […]

Senior Taliban commander gunned down in North Waziristan

Asmatullah Shaheen Bhittani, a senior leader who was appointed interim emir for the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan after Hakeemullah’s death, has been gunned down in the Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan.

Ansar Jerusalem claims tourist bus bombing in Egypt’s Sinai

“This comes within our assault in the economic war on this traitorous agent regime,” Ansar Jerusalem said in its latest statement. The attack in Taba is at least the fourth since September 2013 in which Ansar Jerusalem has used a suicide bomber.

United Kingdom

Police searched a residence in Crawley, West Sussex, said to have been the home of British suicide bomber Abdul Waheed Majid a.k.a. Abu Suleiman al-Britani, who detonated in an Al Nusrah Front assault on Aleppo prison in Syria last week. Majid, a 41-year-old UK citizen of Pakistani origin, is thought to be the first British […]


The Islamic Front, led by Ahrar al Sham, and the Al Nusrah Front, jointly assaulted Aleppo Central Prison, reportedly freeing hundreds of detainees. The Islamic Front and Al Nusrah had announced the operation called “Truthful Promise Approaches” in Aleppo. The battle of “Fak Al-A’ani” to liberate the prison started with an Al Nusrah suicide bombing […]


The Islamic State of the Sham clashed with Islamic battalions and rebels in Aleppo, and killed five regime forces in Damascus. Syrian officials said “certain security threats” have delayed the transfer of Syrian chemical weapons out of the country, according to the OPCW. At the Geneva II talks, the Assad regime presented a resolution that […]

State Department designates 3 Ansar al Sharia organizations, leaders

The State Department has designated three Ansar al Sharia organizations. Two of them were involved in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya and the third was involved in the Sept. 14, 2012 assault on the US Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia. The State Department says Ansar al Sharia Tunisia is “tied” to al Qaeda’s affiliates, including al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.


A Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan suicide bomber killed the head of the Crime Investigation Department in Karachi and three policemen. The Taliban accused him of executing and torturing their followers in prison. Ten Taliban fighters and three soldiers were killed during a Taliban assault on an outpost in South Waziristan.