Search Results for: Iran


In Iraq, a very busy Iran


Tehran said released Wikileaks documents reinforce its skepticism of Obama’s negotiation strategy over the Iranian nuclear program. Beirut endorsed Iran’s civilian nuclear research program.

ISAF targets another Iran-based commander in western Afghanistan

ISAF continues to target what is clearly a major al Qaeda and Qods Force-linked Taliban cell that operates in Farah province in western Afghanistan. From the latest ISAF press release: Afghan and coalition forces in Farah province detained several suspected insurgents as they targeted a Taliban leader during a joint security operation yesterday. The forces […]


Two car bombings in Tehran killed one Iranian nuclear scientist and injured another; Iran claimed the attacks were planned by US and Israel. The new Wikileaks release contains sensitive information on how Iran’s neighbors view its nuclear program. Iran’s ambassador to Russia claimed that Tehran does not need to buy North Korean missiles to defend […]


Iran fortifies its arsenal with the aid of North Korea


Iran’s defense minister said his country “is ready to defend Lebanon” during Lebanese Prime Minister Said Hariri’s visit. “Iran regards Lebanon’s peace and security as those of its own and defends Lebanese rights against aggressors and occupiers,” said Iranian Vice President Rahimi.


Iran has completed fueling the Bushehr nuclear power plant. An air defense commander claimed Iran can detect stealth planes. Lebanese Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri is visiting Iran.


Iran plans to insist on nuclear proliferation rights at the Dec. 5 meeting with Western governments. Tehran donated funds for rebuilding and project development in the Gaza Strip. The EU passed a resolution urging the US to remove People’s Mujahideen of Iran from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.


Supreme Leader Khamenei called the radical Basij militia a “clear, great and shining truth.” The EU urged the US to remove the People’s Mujahideen of Iran (MEK) from its list of terror organizations.


Iranian officials rejected Western media claims that Iran has halted uranium enrichment due to technical problems. The Israeli government backed off threatening Iran, but increased pressure on the US to attack to halt Iranian proliferation.


The Iranian parliament moved to impeach Ahmadinejad; conservative allies see him as a “liability.” Gambia cut diplomatic ties with Iran. Tehran denied that the Stuxnet virus affected its nuclear program. Police issued an arrest warrant for ex-President Rasfanjani’s son.


Assembly pushes to oust Iran president


Tehran launched air defense missiles as part of the recently completed war games. A trial date has been set for the three American hikers imprisoned in Iran. Nuclear talks between Iran and the West are set for Dec. 5 in Geneva.


Ahmadinejad urges girls to marry at 16


Security forces killed a “Wahabbi terrorist leader” in Kurdistan. The defense minister said Iran would launch a series of new intelligence satellites. Britain will increase export restrictions to Iran.


NATO will invite Russia to join in maintaining a missile shield designed to stop Iranian ballistic missiles. Turkey again insisted that a NATO missile shield must not focus on Iran. President Sarkozy said that Iran is the primary ballistic missile threat.


Iran, Nigeria – Heroin and hand grenades sour Abuja-Tehran relations


A UN committee condemned human rights violations in Iran. Tehran claimed that a foreign plane violated Iranian air space before the commencement of war games. India chastised Iran over remarks about Kashmir.


Iran rights envoy assails UN censure


Worm was perfect for sabotaging centrifuges


Russian President Medvedev told President Ahmedinejad to maintain a “peaceful Iranian nuclear program.” The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff said the US must focus on “dialogue, engagement and sanctions” with Iran. Iran tested its home-made version of the Russian-made S-300 air defense missile.


Iran began a three-day-long air defense war game. Iran and Azerbaijan will increase energy cooperation. BP shut down the Rhum gas field in Aberdeen because the joint venture with Iranian Oil Company violated international sanctions.


New research on the Stuxnet worm demonstrated that it was designed to infect equipment used in uranium enrichment. Tehran will launch a five-day air defense war game. Iran said the NATO missile shield serves Israeli interests.


Iran: Arms seized in Nigeria a ‘misunderstanding’


Tehran arrested five human rights lawyers for “security-related offenses.” Iranian representative to OPEC blamed the US dollar for oil price instability. The military announced upgrades to Iranian defensive radar and missile systems.


Iran’s air defense chief said Israel is too weak to attack the country’s nuclear plants. “They weren’t able to even defeat Hezbollah and Hamas, which are just manifestations of [a part of] our power,” Brigadier General Miqani stated.


Nigeria will report Iran if arms broke UN sanctions


The US and the European Union agreed to resume nuclear talks with Iran on Dec. 5. The IAEA deflected Iranian criticism by arguing that inspection information on nuclear sites is kept confidential. the UN reported that North Korea is supplying Iran, Myanmar, and Syria with banned nuclear and ballistics equipment.