Search Results for: TTP


The Taliban killed 15 people, including seven policemen and a intelligence official, in a series of attacks in Helmand province, and eight more civilians in bombings in Kandahar and Paktia. Security forces killed 19 Taliban fighters during two separate raids in Herat.


Security forces arrested three al Qaeda in Iraq members in Fallujah. The government will hand over 20 “members of fanatic religious groups” in custody to Jordan. The Iraqi counterterrorism chief claimed that 90 percent of Iraq’s terrorists have passed through Camp Bucca prison.


Interior Minister Ibrahim said 11 security personnel have been killed in attacks in the Sinai since July 3. The US State Department could not confirm recent reports regarding Ramzi Mowafi’s presence and activities in the Sinai. President Mansour ordered work to resume on amending Egypt’s constitution. Foreign Minister Fahmy said Egypt has no intention to […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu welcomed Secretary of State Kerry’s announcement regarding a potential resumption of peace talks with the Palestinians. Minister for intelligence and strategic affairs Steinitz said Israel will likely release a number of Palestinian prisoners if the Palestinian leaderships takes negotiations seriously. A delegation of senior IDF officers left for the US, where they […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas leader Khaled Meshal said Islamists must learn from their mistakes in Egypt and Tunisia. Hamas said Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to renew peace talks with Israel is a “disaster.” Palestinian officials said they were assured by Secretary of State Kerry that negotiations with Israel, should they resume, will be based on the 1967 lines.


NSA surveillance program extended by court, intelligence officials reveal


Women ‘banned from shopping alone’ in northern Pakistan


Unnamed officials claimed that security forces killed Abu Al Walid Tuhami, a deputy emir in al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, during an ambush. Tuhami has served with Algerian jihadists since 2002.


French businessman ‘to pay all burqa fines’


At least four people were killed in the northern city of Kidal when Tuareg separatists attacked black Malian supporters of the government. Military officials also claimed that armed Tuaregs from Gao were involved in the violence, in which 40 civilians were injured, the central market was set on fire, and shops were looted. The unrest […]


Six people were arrested after about 250 people clashed with police in the Parisian suburb of Trappes last night. Four policemen were injured and a boy suffered an eye injury from a projectile in the clash, which lasted for several hours. The demonstrators had gathered outside the Trappes police station, throwing stones and destroying property […]

United Kingdom

Five prison officers were suspended over allegations that a “control and restraint” operation in the jail injured Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo. The suspect claimed he was “targeted” by prison staff. Police were granted an extra week to question two Ukrainian men suspected of setting off bombs near three mosques in the West Midlands.


Authorities released former CIA Milan station head Robert Seldon Lady yesterday. He is reportedly headed back to the US.


Taliban-style edict for women spreads alarm in Afghan district


Security forces killed five “militants” in helicopter airstrikes in Khyber. The Taliban killed two Frontier Corps troops in Khyber. Two policemen and two civilians were gunned down in Karachi.

United States

State Department agency deemed ‘critical’ to information security is a mess, report shows


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed 20 people in a blast inside a Sunni mosque in Wajihiyah, just north of Baqubah. Security forces uncovered an al Qaeda weapons cache near the Iraqi-Syrian border in Anbar province.


Authorities filed an indictment against a Palestinian, who is believed to have fought with Fatah’s al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hamas’ al Aqsa Defenders, on a number of security charges. An Iron Dome missile defense battery was deployed near Eilat out of fear of potential rocket attacks from the Sinai. An Israeli […]


Authorities placed the Sinai on lockdown in preparation for mass protests by Islamist groups and to restrict the movement of jihadists. Sinai residents were urged to avoid checkpoints and notify authorities of any suspicious activity. Attacks by militants in the Sinai reportedly led to the deaths of three civilians. The UK revoked five export licenses […]

Israel indicts Palestinian tied to number of terror groups

Israeli authorities today filed an indictment against Wael Abu Reda, a Palestinian who has purportedly committed a plethora of security offenses during his time in a number of Palestinian terror groups, including Hamas’ al Aqsa Defenders.


Two Salafists detained at Nouakchott central jail for five years, Béchir Khrachi Sall and Sidi Ouls Samoury, have been freed after serving their sentences. Authorities said Canadian national Aaron Yoon, who was arrested in December 2011 and jailed in Mauritania on terrorism charges, will be freed. He is said to have traveled to the region […]


Islamists Blamed for Uptick in Sinai Violence After Morsi’s Ouster


Ex-CIA Milan base chief convicted of kidnapping ‘detained in Panama’


A court in Bishek sentenced nine members of Jaishul Mahdi (Army of the Righteous Ruler), a mainly ethnic Kyrgyz terror group, to prison terms ranging from 22 years to life. The group was accused of several bombings and attempted bombings in 2010 and early 2011, including a plan to attack Manas Air Base.


Weeks After an Ouster, Egypt’s Military and Islamists Are Far From a Deal