Search Results for: TTP


Seyed Ramin Miraziz Paknejad, an Iranian suspected of running a human trafficking and fake passport syndicate, was arrested along with his wife over the weekend. Paknejad was detained in Thailand last year but jumped bail and fled to Malaysia; he is believed to have ties to terrorist groups, including those who planned bombings in Bangkok.

United States

The US filed murder charges against Ahmed Abu Khattala, who is linked to Ansar al Sharia, for his role in the murder of US personnel in the 2012 attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi; sealed charges have also been filed against about a dozen others. US officials said the recent flurry of drone strikes […]

Al Qaeda

Recent Words Prompt Reassessment of Qaeda’s Leader

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda wanted attack to change balance of power in Middle East, sources say

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda threat to Denmark on the wane


CIA Sees Syria as Top Threat


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 12 people in bombings in Baghdad, a policeman in a shooting a Fallujah, and two more civilians in a bombing in Khanaqin. Security forces captured a senior al Qaeda leader during a series of raids in western Anbar province.


Turkey halts Iranian spy’s extradition to Germany


Authorities arrested two Egyptians at Cairo’s airport who were traveling from Turkey with al Qaeda material and arms. In an attack in el Arish, jihadists killed one security person and wounded two others. The army and government are preparing to reach a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood that would see some MB members released from […]

United States

US intelligence, Arab allies and even foes decry lack of American vision for Middle East

Al Qaeda

Wishful thinking on the war on terror


Security forces arrested a Salafist tied to the September 2012 attack on the US Embassy, and also arrested a terrorist linked to the assassination of secular leader Chokri Belaid. Several Tunisian politicians and journalists said they have recently received assassination threats. A report estimated that there are 50 active and sleeper terrorist cells in the […]


Across Forbidden Border, Doctors in Israel Quietly Tend to Syria’s Wounded

United States

US officials acknowledged the interception of messages last week from al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri ordering al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to attack Western interests as early as Aug. 4. The State Department added Rwanda, Burundi, Madagascar, and Mauritius to the list of countries where US diplomatic missions have been closed due to […]


Syrian rebel ‘moles’ wage battle from underground tunnels


A powerful bomb exploded in Cotabato city as a city administrator’s bullet-proof SUV was passing by, killing at least six people, including the official’s two bodyguards and a policeman, and injuring 25 more. Last week another bombing on Mindanao killed eight people and injured dozens more. Islamist militants are suspected in the blasts. The US, […]


Accused bomb plotter John Nuttall in psychiatric hospital

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda Threat: Officials Fear ‘Ingenious’ Liquid Explosive


The Taliban killed four civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar. The NDS captured 52 Pakistanis in Afghanistan over the past four months. The Taliban denied that two senior commanders were killed during recent fighting in Nangarhar.


Insurgents killed four Iraqis in a bombing in Baghdad and two more in a shooting in Madain. Muqtada al Sadr is rumored to have shut down his political office and withdrawn from politics.


Rebel forces, including the Free Syrian Army and the al Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, captured Menagh air base near Aleppo after a suicide bomber detonated inside the base, which has been besieged for months. Rebels also captured four towns near Latakia. President Assad called the Syrian National Coalition a “failure” and […]

Al Qaeda

Qaeda Leader’s Edict to Yemen Affiliate Is Said to Prompt Alert


State Department Ordered Review of Iranian terror Activity in Latin America


The government released a list of 25 most-wanted terrorists, including Ibrahim Sulaiman Mohammed al Rubaish, a key leader in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and former Guantanamo detainee. The government offered a $23,000 reward for information leading to the capture of any of the wanted men, who are believed to be planning terrorist attacks […]


Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu warned Syrian Kurds against siding with the Assad regime and said they should align themselves with the Syrian opposition and would have a place in “a permanent structure in Syria,” so long as they do not affect Turkish borders. The Ergenekon coup plot trial ended with the sentencing of 17 defendants, […]