Search Results for: TTP


Fresh Myanmar clashes signal growing Muslim desperation


Sheikh Ponda Issa Ponda, who has been linked to a recent acid attack on two British schoolgirls, is in police custody in Dar es Salaam with a shoulder injury. Ponda was arrested two days ago for violating a bail condition prohibiting him from inciting unrest. Sheikh Alhad Mussa Salum, the Regional Sheikh for Dar es […]


German police have reportedly asked Swedish authorities to investigate a 28-year-old man from Västerås who is suspected of involvement with longtime jihadist Mullah Krekar and nine other people in plans to establish an Islamist terror network. Krekar is currently imprisoned in Norway, where he is serving a two-year sentence for making death threats.

United Kingdom

Royal Barnes, a 22-year-old customer relations worker from Hackney, east London, was charged with terrorism offenses for creating and publishing videos glorifying the murder of a British soldier by radical Islamists in Woolwich and for inciting terrorism overseas. He was arrested on Aug. 9 with a woman who will appear in court tomorrow.


Philippines – Increase in US Troops Not Permanent

United States

A senior US official said the recent al Qaeda threat “expanded the scope of people we could go after” in Yemen because it shed light on those who are providing direct support for terrorism. The State Department condemned the terrorists who set off a number of car bombs in Baghdad as “enemies of Islam” for […]


Tuareg of northern Mali say election alone will not bring peace

Al Qaeda

Insight: Sinai air strike shows hair-trigger Israel-Egypt security ties


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed seven people in a series of bombings and attacks throughout Iraq. Dozens of tribal leaders in Anbar province vowed not to shelter al Qaeda leaders and fighters who escaped from Abu Ghraib prison last month.


Kurdish forces are extending their control in northeastern Syria; a member of the Free Syrian Army’s military council said the FSA would fight to keep the Kurds from dividing Syria. Rebel forces currently hold areas in the north near the Turkish border and a corridor along the Euphrates river to Iraq, while the regime controls […]


US drones killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Lahj. AQAP fighters killed five soldiers in an attack at a checkpoint outside of the Balhaf liquefied natural gas export terminal in Hadramout province.


Iran’s New Defense Minister: Behind the 1983 Attack on the U.S. Marine Corps Barracks in Beirut


US seeks Libyan permission for drone attacks, says source


The army said it had killed several jihadists in the Sinai in airstrikes. Unidentified security sources claimed that 15 jihadists were killed. A separate army statement said authorities are “working in silence … to chase terrorist groups and to destroy criminal spots in North Sinai.” The government expressed full support for the army’s operations in […]


Sheikh Ponda Issa Ponda, an extremist cleric who has links with the Islamist group Uamsho and is thought to be behind a recent acid attack on two British girls, was shot by police but escaped. Authorities had called for the arrest of Ponda, the Secretary of the Council of Islamic Organisation, for disobeying a court […]


Thousands of demonstrators marched in the coastal city of Azeffoun in Tizi Ouzou province, to protest against terrorism and the recent killing of three police officers. The assassinations were the third terrorist attack in the al Qaeda stronghold of Kabylie in a week.


The head of the New South Wales counterterrrorism squad said that more than 100 dual Australian nationals are thought to have traveled to Syria to fight with the Al Nusrah Front, and many have not returned. The squad is investigating the jihadist recruitment and financing rings, and believes that some of the terrorist funding comes […]

Al Qaeda

Highly unlikely Pakistan didn’t know about Osama’s presence in Abbottabad, Shahryar Khan says


With lure of religion classes, Iran seeks to recruit Latin Americans


Afghan Taliban dismiss “illogical” Indian claim over Kashmir clash


No talks till Dawood and Hafiz Saeed are handed over: BJP


Afghanistan objected for imposing exit tax on Australian military


Insurgent Activity on the Rise in Badghis


Pakistani Al-Qaeda and Haqqani Network Pose Threat to Afghanistan: Security Officials


Denmark’s largest mosque nears completion


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 69 people in a wave of car bombings in major cities throughout Iraq. In one attack, a suicide bomber killed 8 people in an attack in Tuz Khurmatu. The body of a wanted al Qaeda leader was found in Babil.


An extensive funeral procession was held for four jihadists recently killed in the Sinai. Ansar Jerusalem and the MSC in Jerusalem both issued statements regarding the deaths of the four fighters. Both jihadist groups accused Egypt of collaborating with Israel and allowing the IAF to carry out the strike that killed the jihadists. The Egyptian […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu recently sent a letter to Secretary of State Kerry complaining of incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Responding to reports that an Israeli drone struck a number of jihadists in the Sinai, Defense Minister Ya’alon said Israel will not allow “rumors” to harm the peace treaty with Egypt.


Mapping jihadi groups in Sinai