Search Results for: TTP


Police fire teargas, birdshot at Bahrain demonstrators

Al Qaeda

Terrorists turn to online chat rooms to evade US


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said a priest who had tried to negotiate prisoner releases with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant was killed after being detained in an ISIL prison for over two weeks. ISIL fighters took over the Raqqah city base of the Qatar-backed Ahfad al-Rasool brigade after a week […]

Al Qaeda

Yemen drone strikes may revive war-powers battle between administration, Congress

Boko Haram

Vigilantes battle Nigeria’s Islamic extremists with state support, but some fear abuses


An attempted crackdown on supporters of former president Mohammed Morsi has led to massive unrest and the death of at least 95 people. A British cameraman was shot and killed during the raid. The Muslim Brotherhood vowed to continue sit-ins as the presidency announced a one-month national state of emergency. Morsi supporters reportedly torched three […]


In response to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, the IDF struck a number of concealed rocket launchers in the area. On the eve of renewed negotiations with the Palestinians, Israel released 26 Palestinian prisoners. Defense Minister Ya’alon accused Iran of being “involved in every conflict in this region.”


Eilat in sights: Jihadists in Sinai

Al Qaeda

How To Successfully Ruin Al-Qaeda’s Day On Twitter


The chief criminal investigator denied that the recent arrest of extremist cleric Ponda Issa Ponda is linked to an acid attack on two British schoolgirls last week. Ponda’s family disputes the official account of his arrest and is conducting its own investigation. The Dar es Salaam police issued a reward for information leading to the […]


Authorities claimed that Momodu Bama, Boko Haram’s operations officer under Abubaker Shekau, has been killed in Borno. Bama, who is also known as Abu Saad, was killed along with his father, Abatcha Flatari, when the military attempted to arrest them. The Interior Ministry said that the army is making progress against Boko Haram; on Aug. […]


A Benghazi Special Forces colonel was injured by a car bomb attack on his vehicle, and a female journalist in Benghazi was shot at and threatened. Gunmen attacked and robbed Italian police trainers in Tripoli. Two soldiers were killed in Sirte. A journalist was injured in a drive-by shooting in Ajdabiya. Border security personnel turned […]

United Kingdom

Rebekah Dawson, of east London, was charged with dissemination of terrorist publications and encouragement of terrorism. She and co-defendant Royal Barnes are accused of making and distributing videos about the murder of a British soldier in Woolwich, and publishing a statement called “Muslim laughs at British Soldier killing.”


Israelis, Egyptians Cooperate on Terror


Palestinian kids taught to hate Israel in UN-funded camps, clip shows

Al Qaeda

U.S. source: Code words in al Qaeda intercepts raised ‘great concern’


Tunisian secularists and Islamists in rival rallies, no clashes


Pakistan – Taliban warn govt against execution of prisoners


‘Hindu men being forced to embrace Islam in Pakistan’


Afghanistan – Police officials involved in drug trade: Salangi


Afghanistan – Former IEC Chief Casts Doubt on Election Security


The Taliban kidnapped and then executed eight civilians in the Muqur district in Ghazni, and killed two civilians in Uruzgan, a government official in Kandahar, and a tribal leader in Jawzjan. The Interior Ministry said that 14 Taliban fighters were killed in operations across the country.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed five worshippers in a bombing at a mosque in Madain and two policemen in an attack in Kirkuk. Iraqi special forces captured five al Qaeda fighters in a remote area of Babil.


A Yemeni newspaper reported that Ibrahim al Asiri, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s master bombmaker, may have been wounded in the Aug. 10 drone strike in Lahj. Yemen’s spokesman in Washington denied al Asiri was wounded or killed.


The Al Nusrah Front claimed 10 bombings in Aleppo between July 26 and Aug. 3. The fate of an Italian priest who disappeared after going to Raqqah on July 29 to meet with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is unknown; a report yesterday said he had been executed. Syrians protested outside an […]


Turkey media crackdown: Who to blame?