Search Results for: TTP


Al Qaeda killed 67 people in a series of bombings and attacks in and around Baghdad. The United Nations said that 52 people were killed at Camp Arsharf, where members of the Mujahadin-e-Khalq reside.


The Syrian military continues to redeploy in advance of the threatened US military intervention. A 50-man US-trained rebel cell reportedly left Jordan for Syria. Rebels shelled Alawite villages in Latakia. Fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant clashed in Aleppo’s Jrablos city with the family of a defected army colonel; a man […]


Six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and two members of pro-government militias were killed during fighting in Lawdar in Abyan province and Yafaa in Lahj province. The AQAP fighters were attempting to retake control of Lawdar.

Ansar al Sharia responds to Tunisian government

In a new statement, Ansar al Sharia claims it is organizationally independent, but confirms its “loyalty” to al Qaeda. The Tunisian government claimed last week that the group is closely linked to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.


Army operations in the Sinai reportedly killed at least eight Islamist militants. Eleven supporters of former president Mohammed Morsi were sentenced to life in prison for attacking the army. A court ordered the closure of a number of television stations, including Al Jazeera, and one tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.


Authorities arrested Sheikh Raed Salah, the head of the Islamic Movement’s Northern Branch, for incitement. The Ministry of Defense announced that a successful missile test was completed with US aid in the Mediterranean Sea. An IDF patrol uncovered an IED along the border with Gaza.

AP confirms former bin Laden doctor leading jihadists in Sinai

The Associated Press today confirmed a July Long War Journal report that said a former doctor for Osama bin Laden was heading jihadists in the Sinai Peninsula. The recent report also provides new details on the influx of foreign jihadists to the Sinai.


Tens of thousands of Syrian refugees stranded on Jordanian border


Key Lawmakers Back Obama on Syria Strike


Why Nigerians turn to vigilante groups


Shabaab militants attacked a government convoy carrying President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in southern Somalia. The attack was unsuccessful, and the president continued his tour in an attempt to placate southern clans frustrated with his government.


An armed gang forced the Egyptian consul out of his car in Tripoli yesterday and stole it; there have been a number of carjackings of diplomatic vehicles in the capital recently. The GNC’s Energy Committee said Libyan oil production is at a standstill due to armed strikers at the facilities. A man was killed in […]


Syria crisis: How could US target chemical weapons?


Ambiguous religion policy backfires on Tunisia’s ruling Islamists


Gas Attack: Germany Offers Clue in Search for Truth in Syria

United Kingdom

Prime Minister Cameron said the UK would not intervene militarily in Syria, but promised that Britain would “lead the world” in delivering humanitarian aid where needed in Syria, Jordan, and Turkey. Politicians are demanding information about the alleged export to Syria in 2012 of chemicals used to make nerve gas; the government claims the exports […]


Pro-Syria hackers put anti-attack message on US Marines site


Afghan security death toll ‘unsustainable’: NATO commander


To some, US case for Syrian gas attack and need for strike has too many holes


A Taliban suicide assault team attacked a base in Torkham, and destroyed dozens of fuel tankers and NATO supply trucks; three Taliban fighters were killed. Security forces killed nine Taliban fighters in Wardak and Ghazni.


Al Qaeda attempted to assassinate a senior leader of the Awakening in Baghdad in a suicide attack; six of his bodyguards were killed. Another suicide bomber killed four people in Baqubah. Al Qaeda also attempted to assassinate the Turkish consul in Mosul.


Top-secret US intelligence files show new levels of distrust of Pakistan


Syrian troops are said to have relocated in advance of threatened US strikes; some reportedly are occupying schools and universities. The military resumed heavy bombardment of East Ghouta, and rebel forces claimed to be taking advantage of the recent dispersal of regime forces seeking to evade US strikes. A number of non-Syrian rebel fighters were […]


The Muslim Brotherhood announced plans for new protests in the days ahead. At least two civilians were wounded when a bomb was thrown near a police station in Cairo. Two Islamists militants, possibly tied to the MSC in Jerusalem, wanted in connection with the recent killing of more than 20 policemen and rocket attacks on […]


The Shin Bet released its August terrorism report, which noted that five rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip and Sinai towards Israel. A roadside bomb near the border with Gaza targeted an IDF patrol, the second such incident in the past week. Authorities arrested seven terror suspects and seized illegal weaponry during raids in […]


A car bomb injured four policemen in a Shia village near Manama last week. Police recently clashed with February 14 Coalition protesters in Shia villages near the capital.


Lebanon – Rival camps’ Syria bets heighten tensions


Turkey’s Opposition Parties Reject Military Strike in Syria