Search Results for: Iran


Technicians removed nuclear fuel rods from the Bushehr reactor. Iran warned the West against military intervention in Libya. Iran and Syria signed an agreement for a joint naval training program.


Security forces arrested opposition leaders Mirhossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi, according to an opposition website. ISAF’s spokesman said Iran is arming the Taliban. Iran said the logo for the 2012 Olympics spells the word “Zion,” and threatened to boycott.


The ambassador to Russia said the removal of the nuclear fuel rods from Bushehr is unrelated to the Stuxnet virus. The ambassador to Syria said Arab countries could defeat the US if Egypt, Syria, and Iran joined forces.


Iran’s navy chief said his country was prepared to build a port on the Syrian coast. The air force said it was ready to build its own fighters. The nuclear commission will unload fuel from the Bushehr plant.


The IAEA said it received reports that Iran is developing a nuclear-armed missile. The IAEA also said Iran is continuing to pursue its nuclear program despite sanctions.


Iran hunts for uranium


Iran claimed it has developed two new supercomputers. Two Iranian warships that recently passed through the Suez Canal are due to dock in Syria.


The US Treasury designated the head of the Basij militia and Tehran’s prosecutor general for human rights abuses. The two Iranian warships have transited the Suez Canal and are en route to Syria. Senegal cut ties with Iran after the latter shipped weapons to rebels.


Voice of America internet site hacked by Iranians


Two Iranian naval vessels entered the Suez Canal. President Ahmadinejad’s regime arrested opposition leader Karroubi’s son. The National Iranian Drilling Company evacuated its staff and ceased drilling activities in Libya.


‘Anonymous’ hackers help Iranian activists fight the regime


Ayatollah Khamenei praised recent revolts around the Arab world as Islamic and said they should be consolidated. Opposition street protests continued in various parts of Tehran.


Iranian Navy exposes a US Navy weakness


Security forces quell opposition protests in Tehran


A senior official working for the Suez Canal denied reports that Iranian warships passed through the Egyptian waterway; Iran claims two warships transited the canal and are in the Mediterranean Sea. Opposition leader Karroubi dared the regime to put him on trial as the Green Movement gathered for demonstrations.


Unrest encircles Saudis, stoking sense of unease


UN nuclear body may highlight Iran military concerns


Egypt will allow two Iranian warships to use the Suez Canal. Protests against the government are planned for Sunday. Iran hanged six men accused of smuggling drugs.


According to the IAEA, Iran continues to upgrade its ability to enrich uranium ore into weapons-grade material. A senior ayatollah called for Iranian opposition leaders to be jailed.


A plan to allow two Iranian warships to pass through the Suez Canal en route to Syria has been canceled. A new US intelligence assessment said that the Iranian regime is split on how to proceed with its nuclear program due to international sanctions.


US spies: Iran split on nuclear program


Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility recovered quickly from Stuxnet cyberattack


Opposition leaders said they would “pay any price” to bring reform to the country. Human rights groups pressed the UN to denounce the recent round of executions in Iran. Israeli President Peres said he hopes anti-government protesters bring down the Iranian regime.


The US State Department supported Iranian protests in solidarity with Egypt and Tunisia. The Iranian parliament condemned the protests and instructed security forces to crack down. Russia announced that it will not support future sanctions against Iran.


Police fired teargas at protesters in Tehran and detained dozens during violent clashes. Protests were also held in Isfahan, Mashhad, and Shiraz. Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi was also placed under house arrest.


Ahmadinejad: ‘Iran has a definite nuclear right’


Iranian authorities placed opposition figure Mehdi Karroubi under house arrest for calling for public protest in support of Egypt. The interior minister said that Iran’s Islamic revolution is at its peak. The Netherlands froze diplomatic relations with Iran over the execution of a Dutch-Iranian citizen. Iran’s envoy to Russia said Iran is ready to resume […]


Iran’s state prosecutor warned the opposition to not host protests in solidarity with Egyptian protesters. The IRGC tested a new anti-ship ballistic missile. The EU may lift the travel ban on Iran’s foreign minister to encourage a new round of diplomatic talks.


Turkey announced that it would not take action against Turkish citizens accused of smuggling missile components into Iran. Iran’s ambassador to India complained that the US is blocking strong Iran-India cooperation. The Iranian opposition criticized the government three days ahead of the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.


President Ahmadinejad announced the launch of several new satellites. Iran’s opposition leaders take inspiration from protests in Egypt. An Iranian court set a sentencing date for imprisoned Americans.