Search Results for: TTP


Shabaab militants killed at least 15 people and wounded 23 more in a crowded Mogadishu restaurant in an attack involving a car bomb and a suicide bomber. Shabaab claimed the attack on the restaurant, which it has also attacked in September 2012, which is frequented by government officials and security personnel.


The military said it raided Boko Haram camps in Borno state and killed 50 militants. Earlier this week, Boko Haram militants attacked council headquarters in two villages in Borno state, killing at least 20 people and setting fire to schools, homes, and a clinic. A vigilante group claimed to have arrested 14 armed Boko Haram […]


Hezbollah, Iran and Syria prepare for counterattack


Direct link between Assad and gas attack elusive for U.S.

Al Qaeda

FBI, DHS: No specific threat to 9/11 anniversary

Salafi jihadists hold public march in Gaza denouncing Assad and el Sisi

Salafi jihadists in the Gaza Strip recently held a rare public demonstration in the Gaza Strip denouncing the Assad regime as well as the Egyptian military’s takeover. In addition to numerous al Qaeda black flags, demonstrators held pictures of Bashar al Assad and Abdel Fattah el Sisi with text calling the two leaders “murderers and killers.”


Longtime Moroccan jihadist Brahim Benchekroune, who is now in Syria, has launched Sham al-Islam, an al Qaeda-inspired group that recruits Moroccans to fight in Syria, with the ultimate goal of sending them back to Morocco to establish a jihadist organization there. Over 30 percent of the terrorists released from Moroccan prisons have joined al Qaeda-affiliated […]


Tens of thousands in Tunis called for the dissolution of the Islamist Ennahda government, in the largest protest since demonstrations in July over the assassination of opposition leader Mohamed Brahmi. Security forces dismantled a smuggling ring that sent young Tunisians to Libya for terrorist training; 21 people were arrested, including one foreigner. Insecurity is damaging […]

United States

The US evacuated some embassy staff in Beirut, Lebanon yesterday and urged Americans to avoid travel to Lebanon and to southern Turkey. President Obama returned from the G-20 summit without having persuaded a majority of the countries’ leaders to back the proposed military intervention in Syria. The Treasury Department imposed sanctions on several individuals and […]


Taliban’s Spread Into Northeast Sparks Fears


US sees no sign Iran is addressing concerns on nuclear program


As Syria deteriorates, neighbors fear bioweapons threat


Syria could be a crucial proving ground for US cyberwarriors


Syrian rebels say they’ll pounce on Assad’s forces if US attacks


US saw yearlong rise in chemical weapons use by Syria


US Decided Not to Horse-Trade With Russia on Assad


Egyptian Government Crackdown Produces More Militants in Sinai


Sinai’s St. Catherine’s Starves, Monastery Shuts Down


Rockets in Syrian Attack Carried Large Payload of Gas, Experts Say


Egypt’s Buffer-Zone Move Shocks Hamas


The Afghan Local Police killed six Taliban fighters in Ghazni. Security forces killed four more Taliban fighters in Badakhshan. The Taliban killed a female author from India in an attack in Paktika, two civilians in an IED attack in Laghman, and an ISAF soldier in the east.


Security forces killed a senior al Qaeda commander in Mosul; one soldier was killed during the raid. Al Qaeda killed three Awakening fighters in Al Haswa. The head of the Awakening in Anbar urged Syrians to reject the Al Nusrah Front, an al Qaeda affiliate.


The government offered a reward for the capture of any “non-Syrian terrorist,” and promised that amnesty would be offered to rebels who informed on their comrades. Syrian troops and tanks took up positions outside the ancient Christian village of Maaloula, which was stormed by the Al Nusrah Front and Free Syrian Army troops earlier this […]

Palestinian Territories

The PFLP threatened to strike Israel in response to potential Western strikes in Syria. Various Palestinian factions partook in a military parade in the Gaza Strip. A Palestinian minister said the next batch of Palestinian prisoners will be released at the end of October.


Pakistan militants prepare for war in Afghanistan after foreign forces withdraw

Al Qaeda

US faces charge of becoming Qaida’s ‘airforce’