Search Results for: TTP


Bulgaria plans to try two alleged members of Hezbollah in absentia for last year’s bombing in Burgas that killed five Israelis. The suspects, Australian citizen Meliad Farah, a.k.a. Hussein Hussein, and Canadian citizen Hassan El Hajj Hassan, are both Lebanese but have not lived in Lebanon for some time. Bulgarian authorities are seeking the extradition […]

AQIM, Shabaab recall and praise 9/11 attacks

In recent days, both al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Shabaab have issued statements declaring al Qaeda’s attacks on the US on 9/11 a success. Both groups also praised the 19 hijackers.


U.S. and Iran are edging toward direct talks


The standoff between security forces and Moro National Liberation Front rebels in Zamboanga city in Mindanao entered its fourth day, and the death toll is said to have risen to 12. About 150 suspected Islamist rebels attacked a predominantly village near Lamitan, in the neighboring province of Basilan; three soldiers were injured as the military […]


Americans Join Syrian Jihad, Sparking U.S. Intelligence Fears

North Korea

A recent report indicates that the Yongbyon nuclear reactor appears to be operating or nearly ready. Officials had announced their intention to restart the reactor in April. China also acknowledged the reports and said it was committed to the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Free Syrian Army

Researcher fired: Think tank fires Syria researcher cited by Kerry, McCain


Afghan Army Struggles in District Under Siege

United Nations

Diplomatic efforts intensify on corralling Syrian chemical arms

United States

US officials say that as many as 100 Americans are under active surveillance in the US as suspected terrorists, and that just as many have left the US to fight with al Qaeda-linked groups overseas, including about a dozen fighting with the Al Nusrah Front in Syria and some 50 who have gone to Somalia […]


Eighteen Taliban fighters and four civilians were killed in clashes in Helmand; two soldiers and seven more Taliban fighters were killed in Herat and Ghazni. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said the US has no “comprehensive anti-corruption strategy.”


US aid earmarked for moderate rebel groups, including weapons, vehicles, and communications equipment, is being distributed in Syria by contractors directed by US officials in Turkey. The Al Nusrah Front stormed a village in Homs, killing 20 civilians. Regime forces bombed strongholds of rebels and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in a […]


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed 30 Iraqis at a Shia mosque in Baghdad; a second suspected suicide bomber was killed by Iraqi citizens. Nine more Iraqis were killed in attacks and bombings in Baghdad, Kirikuk, and Mosul.


Three Palestinians were convicted of trying to set up a Hamas infrastructure in Jerusalem. Prime Minister Netanyahu said the Syrian regime must be stripped of its chemical weapons. An Israeli official reportedly traveled to Cairo to discuss the situation in the Sinai with Egyptian officials. Israeli officials reiterated that the country is prepared to strike […]


Two suicide car bombs were used in attacks in the Sinai that left at least six dead. Ansar Jerusalem, a jihadist group in the Sinai, said in a new statement that ‘it is obligatory’ to fight the Egyptian army. An army prosecutor said that a journalist known for reporting in the Sinai was aiding Islamist […]


US Backing of Russian Plan Leaves a Wary Israel Focusing on Self-Reliance


Hamas seeks to lower tension with Egypt


Is a violent insurgency taking root in Egypt?


Syrian Rebels Hurt by Delay


U.N. Report Will Finger Assad for Massive Chemical Attack

Al Qaeda

Officials: Dozens in U.S. Under Surveillance as Potential Terror Threats

Al Qaeda

Largest US Muslim group shuns controversial 9/11 march

Free Syrian Army

Privately, UN talks begin on controlling Syria’s chemical arms as 1 impasse leads to another


UN Rights Panel Cites Evidence of War Crimes by Both Sides in Syria


Red Cross urges US and Russia to help unblock aid delivery in Syria