Search Results for: Pakistan


Twelve were wounded, including 10 soldiers in a suicide bombing in Herat. Afghan tribal leaders in Kandahar believe Pakistan is supporting the Taliban. Human Rights Watch claimed 1,000 civilians were killed in 2006, almost all by the Taliban. The Dutch will not participate in poppy eradication programs.


The Taliban claimed having 2,000 suicide bombers prepared for its latest “Spring Offensive.” The Taliban executed a ‘spy’ in Paktia. Five terrorists were captured in Khost. The US Undersecretary of State said “there is a problem of forces coming from Pakistan into Afghanistan to attack and then to return to Pakistan to seek refuge and […]


NATO believes it killed “a senior Taliban leader and his deputies” in an airstrike on a base near Musa Qala. President Bush is requesting $10.6 billion in aide, and is extending the tour of a combat brigade by 4 months. NATO is expecting another combat brigade to deploy in the south. The Taliban wants to […]


12 Taliban and 11 policemen died in two clashes in Uruzgan and Kandahar provinces of southern Afghanistan. The US may send more troops and money to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban and its allies. Iran is stirring up trouble between Shia and Sunni factions in Herat.


The Pakistani military claims NATO forces bombed a Pakistani Army unit in North Waziristan, killing 1 and wounding two. NATO claimed it attacked Taliban firing rockets from within the border in Paktika. A suicide bomber detonated amid a crowd of workers outside Camp Salerno in eastern Afghanistan, killing 10 and wounding at least 14 others. […]

High Value Targets

Muhammad Hanif, in Afghan custody Senior Taliban, Abu Sayyaf detained, killed in Afghanistan and the Philippines; Islamic Courts leader possibly captured in Kenya, another killed in an airstrike; Pakistan on the hunt for al Qaeda leader Coalition forces have made some strides in degrading the leadership of the global Islamist movement. Two senior Taliban commanders […]

Reviewing the Waziristan Accord: Negotiating with the Taliban Shura

The Pakistani claim that the Waziristan Accord was not negotiated with the Taliban is false, says jirga member Governor Ali Jan Orakzai in 2004, when he was a general in the Pakistani Army. Click picture to view. Just one day after helicopter strikes on a Taliban and al Qaeda training camp in Zamazola, South Wazirstan, […]

From Waziristan to Afghanistan, and Back

The Taliban repatriate their dead fighters from Afghanistan back into Pakistan’s tribal agencies of North & South Waziristan The Taliban in Waziristan. Click image to view. Pakistan’s tribal agencies of North and South Waziristan continue to serve as Taliban safe havens and armed camps for attacks into Afghanistan. On January 11, the Pakistani military attacked […]


NATO and Afghan forces killed upward to 150 Taliban fighters in air and ground strikes after the Taliban crossed the Pakistani border. The Taliban crossed from Waziristan into Paktika province. The Taliban spokesman denies this.


UK troops destroy a Taliban training camp in Helmand province. The Taliban call the Pakistani plan to fence the border a ‘conspiracy,’ as Pakistan starts construction. The Canadians donated $10 million to the Afghan police. Afghan police kill 2 Taliban and capture 4 in Zabul.


Afghan-Pakistani Bond Steadily Deteriorating

al Qaeda, Islamic Courts gather the new Somali Jihad

Zawahiri, Islamist Courts lay the groundwork for the insurgency While the Islamic Courts repeatedly denied any connection to al Qaeda, the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. Hassan Dahir Aweys, the ‘spiritual leader’ (and in fact the operational leader) of the Islamic Courts is wanted by the U.S. government for his connections with al Qaeda. […]


The Afghan Army killed 18 Taliban in Helmand, including Mullah Azizullah, a regional commander. Pashtuns on both sides of the border oppose the Pakistani plan to mine and fence the border.


Afghan Leader Cites ‘Crisis Of Confidence’ With Pakistan

Talibanistan Expands further into the NWFP

Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas The Waziristan Accord gives the Taliban the power to influence territory within Pakistan The Pakistani government’s decision to negotiate with the Taliban and al Qaeda in North and South Waziristan during 2006 has serious consequences for the internal security of Pakistan as well as the international […]


Afghan and NATO forces killed 20 Taliban in Helmand. The Taliban claim to have taken over the Washir district in Helmand, but Afghan government issued a denial. Pakistan’s PM will visit Afghanistan.


ISAF is targeting the Taliban leadership. Mullah Dadullah claims 2007 will be filled with “suicide and guerrilla attacks on NATO, American and coalition forces.” The Taliban conducted a rocket attack from inside the Pakistani border, and burned down a school for refugees. France said it is not withdrawing from Afghanistan.

The State of Jihad: 2006

A look at the state of the major theaters, and some under the radar, in the Long War Pro-Taliban fighters in Waziristan. The year of 2006 has seen some interesting developments in the fight against al Qaeda and its allies across the globe. While the war against al Qaeda is largely seen as a fight […]


The Taliban confirmed Mullah Akhtar Usmani was killed last week in an airstrike in Khost, after initials denials. Afghanistan arrested a Pakistani ‘suicide bomb supplier.™ Iran is attempting to extend its influence inside Afghanistan.


NATO has has confirmed Mullah Akhtar Usmani was killed in an airstrike in Helmand. A NATO airstrike killed 5 Taliban in Helmand, including a mid-level Taliban commander, while two more were killed when a bomb they built exploded prematurely. More signs point to Pakistan’s support for the Taliban.

Taliban Commander Mullah Akhtar Usmani Killed in Airstrike

Mullah Akhtar Usmani. Click image to view. Usami was a member of the Taliban Shura Majlis, Omar’s former deputy, former foreign minister, and operational commander in Uruzgan, Nimroz, Kandahar, Farah, Herat and Helmand; Taliban “boxed in” near Kandahar City Coalition forces have killed a senior Taliban military and political leader in southern Afghanistan. Mullah Akhtar […]

The Battle of Baidoa

The final showdown is taking place in Somalia between the Islamic Courts Union, backed by al Qaeda, and the Transitional Federal Government, backed by Ethiopia Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. For months, the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts Union has been preparing the battlefield for the final […]


Indian authorities on alert for suspected al Qaeda assassination plot that targets Congress President Sonia Gandhi, whose security has been tightened. Indian press reports indicate the cell is led by a Pakistani named Sajjad (alias Ashique), operations chief of United Jehad Council, which Indian intel sources claim was set up by al Qaeda and Pakistan’s […]

United Kingdom

Western intelligence agencies concerned over rise of global Jihadist chatter that exceeds pre-9/11 levels. British authorities convinced London the target of a major Christmas suicide bomb attack and are tracking 6 suspected cells believed to track back to Pakistan. Threat level in UK raised to “severe,” which is the highest level and points to an […]


Pakistanis and Afghans mull tribal talks on Taliban


The governor of Kandahar claims the former Taliban minister of for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice (the religious police) has been killed in an airstrike along with 30 Taliban. The Taliban denies he was killed. An Afghan general is being held for spying for Pakistan. France may send troops to the battle […]


Civilians flee the area of Baidoa as both the TFG and UIC prepare for combat. The ICU-issued deadline for Ethopians to leave the country by Tuesday draws closer. Pakistan issued a denial that it supports the UIC.

al-Zawraa: Muj TV

The Iraqi insurgency has a satellite TV station, called al-Zawraa. Insurgent propaganda, 24/7, believed to be broadcast from Syria. Al-Zawraa muj spokesman. Click image to view. FALLUJAH, iRAQ: The information front in the Long War is perhaps the war’s most vital. And it is one front where the West is perceived as losing. While Coalition […]


NATO forces killed up to 80 Taliban during an ambush in the Musa Qala district. The British handed over the town to the Taliban in October. The government has initiated two reconstruction projects in Laghman province.

“Apostate Hell in Somalia”

Signalling the centrality of the armed conflict in Somalia for al Qaeda and its support for the Supreme Islamic Courts Council (SICC), a video distribution unit best known for its Iraq products has released onto the Internet an hour long package called "Apostate Hell in Somalia." It was released on November 30, shortly after news […]