Search Results for: Pakistan

Suicide Bomber targets U.S. Ambassador’s convoy in Kabul

Aftermath of the Kabul suicide bombing. Image Courtesy of VSSA. Click map to view. Ambassador not in convoy, Taliban’s Mullah Dadullah claims responsibility After months of calm following a summer campaign of suicide and roadside bombings in the capital of Kabul, the Taliban conducted another suicide attempt inside the city. The target was Ronald Neumann, […]


ISAF forces killed Mullah Jamaluddin, the deputy Taliban commander of Garmsir district in Helmand. The Bakwa district police commander and 8 policemen were killed in an IED attack in Farah. Three suicide bombers killed 4 civilians in Helmand and Kandahar. The Kandahar bomber crossed the border from Pakistan.

Al Qaeda

[UPDATE2] The Arabic newspaper al-Hayat reported Afghan security forces captured Sidi Abtar, who is said by Pakistani intelligence sources to be a close aide to Osama bin Laden, in Nuristan province. “The man, identified as Sidi Akbar, is accused of not only helping the al Qaeda leader escape but also of having hosted him in […]


Twelve police and 10 Taliban were killed in clashes in Kandahar and Farah over the weekend. The US is deploying the ‘Shadow Wolves,’ which includes members of the Navajo, Sioux, Lakota and Apache Indian tribes, to hunt Taliban in on the Pakistani border. Thirty members of Hizb-i-Islami are joining the peace process.

A cross border raid into Waziristan; Achilles update

Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. Deputy Taliban commander in Waziristan captured by Task Force 145; Taliban commander arrested in Kandahar; Tora Bora Front cell broken up; Achilles update As NATO and Afghan forces are on the offensive in northern Helmand province, U.S. special forces have conducted a cross border raid in […]


Taliban commander and suicide cell leader Mullah Mahmood was captured in Kandahar while wearing a Burka. A ” (bomb-making) expert and logistics officer for the Tora Bora Front” was captured in Jalalabab, while five more al Qaeda were arrested in Khost. Canada is providing 200 troops as a blocking force for Operation Achilles in Helmand […]

Keeping the Waziristan Accord

Business as usual as the situation in Pakistan deteriorates Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas The U.S. pressure campaign to get Pakistan to clean up the Taliban and al Qaeda strongholds in the western and southern provinces has had a limited effect at best. After arresting Mullah Obaidullah and two other senior […]

Operation Achilles: NATO’s offensive in Helmand province

Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. About 5,500 NATO and Afghan troops go on the pffensive in northern Helmand province As mentioned previously, NATO is not waiting for the spring to react to the expected Taliban offensive. The NATO led International Security Assistance Force has announced Operation Achilles the first large scale […]

Al Qaeda

Where Is Al Qaeda Now? – Experts Say Group Is Reorganizing In Pakistan With Young Leaders And Murky Goals


The Taliban have acknowledged that Mullah Obaidullah is in Pakistani custody. The Taliban claim to have captured Nawzad district in Helmand. Kabul police arrested 6 members of a ‘terror squad’ in Kabul. Two Afghan forest rangers were killed and 7 captured by the Taliban. Nine civilians were killed during an airstrike in Kapisa. Over 2,000 […]

NATO’s Winter Offensive in Afghanistan, continued

Fighting in Helmand, Kunar, two of the most dangerous provinces, initiated by NATO forces; Taliban ambush in Nangarhar Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. While the Taliban has geared up for their yearly spring offensive, NATO forces have declined to remain on the defensive. NATO forces are currently on the offensive in […]

Talibanistan expands beyond the tribal areas

The Taliban threatens to bombs schools as Musharraf looks the push more ‘peace deals’ Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas Western Pakistan’s decent into a Taliban state becomes more and more apparent as each day passes. For well over the past year we warned that not only were the tribal areas and […]


India renews pressure on Pakistan over militants


Police arrested 7 suspects for involvement in the Samjhauta train bombing. Pakistan forcefully evacuated 7 Pakistanis wounded in the bombing. India will question Pakistan’s support of Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Moahmmed leaders during the first Indo-Pak Joint Terror Mechanism meeting.


The Samjhauta train bombing suspects used napalm and timers for the devices. India suspects the bombers were conducted by Jammat-ud-Dawa, the successor to Lashkar- e-Taiba. Indian police are investigating a link to Kashmir. India will not conduct a joint investigation with Pakistan


India security officials suspect Pakistani based “sleeper cells of Lashker-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed” are responsible for yesterday’s deadly train bombing which killed 68. Sketches of the suspects have been released. Police are looking at a possible link to last year’s Ahmedabad railway station bombing, which has not been solved. The Indian Army is deploying to rail […]

Bombs detonated on the Samjhauta Express

Aftermath of the Samjhauta Express bombing. Click to view more images at the Hindustan Times. Two bombs kill 67, 15 wounded, 12 critical on Pakistani-Indian rail India has suffered yet another mass-casualty attack on its rail lines. Terrorists planted up to five bombs on the Samjhauta Express, a rail that transports travelers to and from […]


Sixty-five Indians were killed in a bombing of a train heading to Pakistan. Two suitcases filled with explosives have been discovered. Indian security expert B Raman notes the similarities to the Mumbai and Malegaon attacks, and suspects the attack is meant to derail the Indian-Pakistani peace talks.


The Taliban executed three ‘spies’, beheading two and hanging one, in the Grishk district of Helmand province. Seven police were wounded in a landmine explosion in Farah province. One Taliban was killed and five captured during operations in Nangarhar and Paktika. Pakistan urges Afghanistan to negotiate with the Taliban.

More bombings in Talibanistan

Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas Suicide and roadside bombings continue in Quetta, Tank, Bajaur as the government continues to appease the Taliban The deadly Taliban insurgency continues to strike at the Pakistani government in the southwestern province of Baluchistan and the the Northwest Frontier Province. Today, a suicide bomber detonated in […]

Saudi Arabia

Pakistan to play a pivotal role in Saudi strategy to build a strong Sunni block to counter Iran

The NATO Winter Offensive in Afghanistan

NATO doesn’t wait for the Taliban’s spring offensive as the Taliban attempts to seize Helmand province, launches Operation Kryptonite Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. NATO forces and the Taliban aren’t waiting for the snows to melt in the mountain passes, and are battling it out in the southern province of Helmand. […]


Anxiety grows on Iran’s eastern border – Rumours grow over Iranian interest in Taliban heartlands of southern Afghanistan and tribal regions of Pakistan

Baghdad bombings, al Qaeda and the insurgency

The National Intelligence Estimate gets it wrong A map of the Sunni Islamic State from an al Qaeda video. Image from MEMRI. A pair of bombs ripped through a predominately Shia market in eastern Baghdad, killing at least 80 and wounding hundreds. While no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, the likely culprit is […]


US troops captured 2 al Qaeda operatives in Nangahar province, in a region 12 miles from the Pakistani border. Eight police were killed in bombing attacks. Germany approved the deployment of Tornado jets for surveillance missions, “but they would not be allowed to use their bombs or missiles to carry out attacks.” NATO is unlikely […]

Suicide bombing at Islamabad airport

Baitullah Mehsud, covered, signs the South Waziristan peace agreement in 2005. (BBC Urdu Edition) Click photo to view. Another suicide bombing in the capital confirms a suicide campaign is underway; Prime Minister Aziz may have been the target Pakistan has been hit with its sixth targeted bombing in less than two weeks. Today’s attack was […]

Al Qaeda

Spanish authorities arrested Mbark El Jaafari, a Moroccan with links to al Qaeda and GSPC (now al Qaeda in the Maghreb) who recruited suicide bombers for Iraq, in Catalonia. al Qaeda linked Jaish-i-Mohamed, a Pakistani terrorist group, “has made Spain’s northeastern region of Catalonia its principle European base” and “sought jihadi recruits in Spanish mosques.”


Twenty Taliban were killed by police in Farah, while another 7 were killed in fighting in Paktika. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf again claims Mullah Omar is in Afghanistan, not Pakistan.

Musa Qala and the NATO offensive

The Brits concede Musa Qala is under Taliban control, the US said it will retake it, and NATO plans to prevent a Taliban offensive. Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. The BBC reports the Taliban have finally taken the town of Musa Qala in Helmand province. “Two residents of Musa Qala estimated […]

Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law, killed in Madagascar

Mohammed Jamal Khalifa. (CBS Photo). Click photo to view. Khalifa had an extensive history in funding, plotting al Qaeda terrorist activities; Task Force 145 likely scored the kill Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, one of Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-laws with deep roots in al Qaeda as a financier and facilitator, has been killed in his bedroom in […]