Search Results for: Pakistan


The Taliban ambushed a NATO convoy in Kandahar, and one civilian was killed in the cross fire. A UN driver was murdered in Kandahar City. NATO said its troops will remain in country for years. A Pakistani-Afghan jirga will meet in August.

Taliban Operation in Bajaur

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts controlled by the Taliban; yellow under threat. Click map to view. Checkpoints set up to enforce sharia in the latest agency signed over to the Pakistani Taliban Less than two months after the Pakistani government negotiated with the Taliban in Bajaur, the Taliban have openly flexed their muscles in the […]


NATO claimed 10 Taliban commanders were killed during last week’s fighting Herat, including one of those released in exchange for the Italian reporter. Seventeen Taliban and 8 Afghan police were killed during a clash in Farah province. Canadian troops have set up a base in Spin Boldak, on the Pakistani border.


Three known IED facilitators were captured in Khost. NATO is investigating claims that up to 50 civilians were killed during attacks on Taliban positions in Herat. Pakistan and Afghanistan are forming the long awaited tribal jirga to discuss the security situation.

United Kingdom

Five British Muslims were convicted of plotting terrorist strikes throughout the country, and sentenced to life. The men “were charged with planning to use homemade fertilizer bombs on targets including London nightclubs, trains, and the gas and power network.” Some had links to senior al Qaeda leaders and trained in Pakistan. – The plotters. The […]

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: April 30, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of April 30, 2007. Click map to view. The city of Baghdad continues to see a drop in sectarian violence attributed to death squads, while suicide car bombings remain al Qaeda’s most deadly tool. After prior week’s car bomb offensive by al Qaeda, which included 11 major suicide attacks […]

Taliban commander Abdullah Mehsud behind Sherpao assassination attempt

Aftermath of the Sherpao suicide bombing. Click to view. Suicide strikes continue to emanate from Pakistan’s tribal region, a Taliban safe haven As the death toll in Saturday’s suicide assassination attempt against Pakistani Interior Minister Aftab Sherpao in his home district in Charsadda has risen to 31 killed, with 15 of the 60 wounded reported […]


Security forces killed Abu Hamza, a “top” Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist. India is considering Pakistan’s offer to resolve the Kashmir dispute. Terrorism in Kashmir and Jammu has dropped by 40%.

Taliban/al Qaeda camp targeted in North Waziristan

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/districts are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Click map to view. Four killed, 3 wounded in Danda Saidgai, the scene of a major assault on an al Qaeda base in March of 2006 An unidentified explosion in the border village of Danda Saidgai in North Waziristan killed three […]

Senior Al Qaeda operative Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi captured

Osama bin Laden deputy in custody at Guantanamo Bay The United States has scored a major victory against al Qaeda’s global network. Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, one of Osama bin Laden’s senior deputies who was “personally chosen by bin Laden to monitor al Qaeda operations in Iraq,” has been captured and transfered to the detention center […]


Pakistan’s Quiet Fight For Iran’s Favor

The Lal Masjid showdown

Batan-wielding, burka-clad, sharia-enforcing women of the Lal Masjid. Click to view. Countdown to sharia: Pakistan on the precipice of caving to al Qaeda’s allies of the Lal Masjid The demands of the Taliban and al Qaeda friendly Lal Masjid clerics Maulana Abdul Aziz and Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi for the nationwide application of sharia, the […]

Spinning the Fighting in South Waziristan

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/districts are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Click map to view. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and I published an article titled Spinning the Fighting in South Waziristan – Musharraf’s government continues to promote its dangerous “peace deals” at The Weekly Standard . The article is an overview of the causes […]


NATO and Afghan forces killed 27 Taliban in engagements in Helmand and Herat provinces, and another 10 in fighting in Kapisa. Five al Qaeda were captured in Nangahar province. Afghan and Pakistan troops clashed over the border fence.

The Taliban’s internecine war in Waziristan

Tahir Yuldashev in 2006, with al Qaeda’s al rayah, or black banner, in the background. The Uzbek-Taliban fighting isn’t what the Pakistani government wants you to believe The Pakistani government continues to push the fiction that the fighting in South Waziristan is between tribes loyal to the government and ‘foreign fighters’ – namely Uzbek al […]

Talibanistan expands in the NWFP

Districts of Bannu, Lakki Marwat and Swat are Taliban country NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/districts are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Click map to view. As Pakistan’s civil war continues, the Northwest Frontier Province slips further into the darkness of a Taliban ruled state. During a recent meeting between senior government political […]


Afghanistan’s Eastern Front – Along the Pakistani border, al Qaeda and Taliban fighters take their best shots


The Afghan Army, back by local militia, killed 70 Taliban and cleared 400 Taliban from the Nad Ali district in Helmand province. Two Taliban were killed and 12 captured during operations in Nangarhar and Paktia provinces. The US is considering supporting local Afghan and Pakistani tribesman against al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda

Saad bin Laden, Osama’s son, Saif al-Adel, Suleyman Abu al-Ghaith, Muhammad Shouki al-Islambuli and other senior al Qaeda leaders are sheltering in Iran, according to Middle East experts. Al Qaeda continues to recirute and train suicide bombers in Pakistan and send them to Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda

Looming jihadi anarchy in Pakistan


A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed 4 and wounded 12 in an attack in the main market in Kabul. The target was Kamulladeen Khan Echekzai, a powerful Afghan elder from Kandahar with knowledge of Taliban activities in Pakistan. Afghan detainees at Bagram and GITMO will be transferred to the Pul-i-Charkhi jail in Kabul.

The Bajaur Accord is now official

The Taliban from Bajaur threaten a suicide campaign the same day the agreement is signed NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Click map to view. Today, the Pakistani government has officially inked the Bajaur Accord with the local tribes and the Taliban in the restive tribal agency. […]

The Taliban is emboldened in the Northwest Frontier Province

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Click map to view. TNSM threatens suicide campaign; Taliban recruit in Tank; Peace in our time in Waziristan The signs of the Talibanization of Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) manifest on a near daily basis. Last week, Kohat was recognized as […]

Al Qaeda

Muktar Said Ibrahim, one of the London 7/21 bomb plotters, spent 2 months in Pakistan to learn how to make explosives. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed responsibility for the assassination attempt on Iraq’s deputy prime minister.

The Waziristan Ceasefire

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Click map to view. Uzbek, Taliban infighting halted by a delegation of senior Taliban commanders, including Mullah Dadullah and Baitullah Mehsud; Pakistani government manipulates results The fighting between Uzbeks and Taliban in the tribal agency of South Waziristan has been halted […]

United Kingdom

British police arrested 3 men in connection to the 7/7 London Tubes bombing attacks. Two of the men were arrested at Manchester airport, preparing to travel to Pakistan, and a third man was arrested in Leeds.

Day three of the Waziristan infighting

NWFP/FATA. Click map to view. Uzbeks vs the Taliban; casualties rise as Pakistani Army pounds Uzbek positions The fighting between Taliban-back Uzbeks and al Qaeda backed Taliban in South Waziristan continues into its third day. The Nation puts the number killed at 102 Uzbeks of Tahir Yuldashev’s Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and their local Taliban […]

The continuing Talibanization of the Northwest Frontier Province

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Click map to view. The settled district of Kohat goes yellow, others likely to follow The Talibanization of Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province, beyond the tribal agencies of the Federally Administered Tribal Agencies, is a disturbing trend that continues unchecked by the […]

Red-on-red in Waziristan

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Uzbeks, Taliban battle in South Waziristan after an al Qaeda leader was murdered; fight exposes the real issues with the Waziristan Accord A rare case of internecine fighting between the Taliban and ‘foreign fighters’ has broken out in South Waziristan. On […]