Search Results for: Pakistan

Red Mosque leader Abdul Rasheed Ghazi killed during assault

Abdul Rashid Ghazi. Click to view. Mosque compound still being cleared, over 100 reported killed The assault by Pakistani forces on the radical Islamist mosque known as the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, has resulted in the death of Abdul Rasheed Ghazi, the mosque’s leader. Ghazi was shot and killed in the basement of the […]

The assault on the Red Mosque has begun

The Lal Masjid in relation to the government buildings. Click to view. Pakistani security forces launch the assault on the Taliban mosque in Islamabad After a week of negotiations and skirmishes at the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, which left over 20 dead and 100 wounded, the final assault on the compound has begun. Pakistani […]


Al Qaeda is using Iranian territory as a base for operations in Iraq, Pakistan, the Levant, and North Africa. Iran is tunneling near a nuclear facility. The IAEA said Iran has slowed down the expansion of its nuclear enrichment capabilities.

Al Qaeda

’05 mission to get al Qaeda in Pakistan aborted

Swat joins Talibanistan

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts openly controlled by the Taliban; purple is defacto control; yellow is under threat. Click map to view. Maulana Fazlullah’s TNSM violates the terms of its May “peace agreement” As the Red Mosque standoff in the heart of Islamabad enters its fifth day, the mosque’s supporters in the Northwest Frontier Province […]

The battle at the Red Mosque

A Pakistani soldier takes position on an army armoured vehicle [Reuters]. Click to view. Reports of an assault underway; Aziz goes on TV; captured Islamists will return to the NWFP The confrontation between the Taliban-supporting Islamists of the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, and the Pakistani government in the heart of Islamabad appears to be […]

Red Mosque cleric Abdul Aziz captured wearing burka

Abdul Aziz after captured in a burka. Click to view. Over 700 students surrender as leader attempts to escape in crowd of women As the standoff at the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, between government forces and the radical, Taliban-supporting followers of Maulana Abdul Aziz and Ghazi Abdul Rasheed continues, one of the leaders of […]

A day’s fighting at Islamabad’s Red Mosque

The Lal Masjid in relation to the government buildings. Click to view. Ten killed, 150 wounded during running gun battles in Islamabad; Government buildings burned; 111 Brigade deployed; uncertainty about Pakistani government’s next move President Pervez Musharraf is in full crisis mode after a days worth for fighting at the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque. […]


Fifty Taliban were killed in Zirlan Tangi in the Tora Bora region of eastern Nangarhar after crossing the border from Pakistan. Thirty-three Taliban were killed in airstrikes against positions in the Zhari district of Kandahar; four were captured. Afghan police arrested a Saudi citizen who has spent the past eight years fighting along side the […]

Clash at Islamabad’s Red Mosque

Batan-wielding, burka-clad, sharia-enforcing women of the Lal Masjid. Click to view. Pro-Taliban students at the Lal Masjid attack Pakistani Rangers, one killed; The Lal Masjid calls for sucide attacks Pakistani security forces have clashed with the followers of Taliban supporters Maulana Abdul Aziz and Ghazi Abdul Rasheed at the notorious Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistan to help as the US’s jailer

The Iraq Offensive

Baghdad and the Belts. Red bordered units identified as active in offensive operations. Click map to view. A status update on Operation Phantom Thunder Iraqi and Coalition forces maintain the pressure against al Qaeda, Sunni insurgents, and the “rogue,” Iranian backed “secret cells” of the Mahdi Army and the Qazali network. Operation Phantom Thunder is […]


The Taliban claimed to have captured a NATO soldier and a UAE security officer in the Sangin district of Helmand province. NATO and Afghan forces killed 15 Taliban in 2 clashes in Zabul. A Canadian soldier was killed and 2 wounded in an IED attack in Kandahar. Two IEDs were diffused at a hospital in […]

Saudi Arabia

Saudi security forces arrested 11 members of al Qaeda in Saudi Arabia, including one member involved in the 2006 Abqaiq oil facility attack. The Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan visited the Taliban supporting Lal Masjid in Islamabad.


The Puntland regional government said 12 Islamists, including 6 “British nationals, Americans, Swedish, Pakistanis and Yemenis” were killed in fighting over the past few days. The Islamic Courts killed the Somali intelligence chief in Kismayo. An Ethiopian patrol was hit in an IED attack in Mogadishu.

U.S. Naval Task Force strikes at 1998 al Qaeda Embassy bomber

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, the intelligence chief for the Islamic Courts and other unnamed high value targets attacked in Puntland, Somalia Fazul Abdullah Mohammed. Click to view. Six months after Ethiopia’s invasion of southern Somalia to oust the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts, the Transitional Federal Government, backed by Ethiopian armed forces and a small contingent […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistan losing territory to radicals

United States

The UK extradited Syed Hashmi, a Pakistani chraged with ‘supplying the unspecified equipment for al-Qaida ‘to fight against United States forces in Afghanistan,’” to the USA. A Houston jury convicted Syed Maaz Shah, a Pakistani sophomore at the University of Texas at Dallas, of weapons charges. “The FBI says Mr. Shah and other men on […]


Afghan and NATO forces killed 18 Taliban in engagments in Sangin and Girshk districts in Helmand. Six police were killed in an IED attack in Paktia. Pakistani oil transporters have suspended shipments into Afghanistan due to attacks on their vehicles in the NWFP. There is confusion over the identity of the new Taliban military commander.


A Finnish soldier and Afghan civilian were killed in a roadside bombing in the northern province of Maymana. A suicide bomber killed a policeman and civlian in Kabul. Pakistani President Musharraf endorses negotiations with the Afghan Taliban.

Al Qaeda

Influx of Al Qaeda, money into Pakistan is seen


Three German soldiers were among 8 killed in a suicide attack in Kunduz. NATO and Afghan forces killed 20 Taliban after being ambushed in Kapisa province. Sixty seven Taliban, including “Chechen, Arab and Pakistani fighters,” were killed after attempting to ambush NATO and Afghan forces Paktia province.


Afghan & Pakistani troops exchanged fire on the Khost-Kurram border. The attack on the ISAF/Afghan delegation in Kurram was carried out by an “individual reported to be wearing a Pakistan Frontier Corps uniform.” The Taliban killed 7 police in a twin suicide bombing attack in Kandahar. The Taliban captured a close confidant of Mullah Dadullah […]


Three Taliban leaders who were exchanged for the Italian journalist were killed in the strike that also killed Mullah Dadullah. Seven Afghan police were killed and 4 are missing after an ambush in Nuristan. An ISAF convoy was hit with an IED in Herat. Tribesmen protested outside the Pakistani embassy in Kabul after border clashes.


Mullah Omar confirmed Mullah Dadullah’s death, vowed revenge and called on human rights organizations to force the government to hand his body back over to the Taliban. NATO stated one soldier was killed and 4 wounded after being “ambushed by unknown assailants near Teri Mangel, Pakistan.” A Canadian has been detained on suspicion of being […]

Pakistan: Shoot-on-sight orders issued to end riots


Mullah Dadullah, the Taliban’s most senior military commander, was killed by NATO and Afgan forces in Helmand province. NATO and Afghan forces killed 55 Taliban in 2 operations in Paktika province near the Pakistani border. The U.S. is building “super-madrassa” in Afghanistan to prevent parents from sending their children to schools in Pakistan. Iran claimed […]

Mullah Dadullah, Taliban top commander, killed in Helmand

The corpse of Taliban commander Mullah Dadullah. Click to view. Afghan officials, ISAF confirm the Taliban’s most senior military leader was killed during fighting in the south NATO and Afghan forces have struck a major blow to the Taliban’s military leadership. Mullah Dadullah Akhund, the Taliban’s top military commander, has been killed during fighting in […]


Warlord Rashid Dostum said he could raise 10,000 mujahideen to fight alongside NATO forces and route the Taliban. Local tribesmen killed 3 Taliban in the Sangin district of Helmand. Pakistan said it has completed the first section of the border fence with Afghanistan.


Seven Kashmiri terrorists and 3 Indian troops were killed in a series of skirmishes in Kashmir. The UN has suspended aid programs after “militants” burned down quarters while protesting that women were employed in the UN operations.