Search Results for: Turkistan Islamic Party

US drones strike again in the Shawal Valley

Eight “militants,” including members of the Turkistan Islamic Party, were killed in the latest airstrike in a Taliban and al Qaeda hub in Pakistan’s tribal agency of North Waziristan.

Al Qaeda leader calls foreign fighters to Afghanistan

Sayf al-Adl, who is thought to be al Qaeda’s current leader, calls on supporters around the world to migrate to Afghanistan to gain training, experience, and knowledge before undertaking attacks against so-called “Zionist” and Western targets around the world.

Jihadis issue vague threats against World Cup

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, as well as al Qaeda’s general command, have issued communiques denouncing Qatar and the World Cup as a means to degrade the morals of the Arabian Peninsula. The Islamic State’s supporters have additionally issued their own infographics, calling for attacks on the games.

Taliban’s government includes designated terrorists, ex-Guantanamo detainees

The Taliban has announced the “interim” leadership of its newly restored Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. FDD’s Lpng War Journal profiles 22 of these figures, many of whom were sanctioned by the U.N. in 2001, are designated terrorists, or are former Guantanamo detainees. Multiple Taliban leaders have worked with al Qaeda.

Veteran Al Qaeda leader killed in western Afghanistan

Mohammad Hanif was involved in the 2002 assassination attempt on Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and the suicide attack on the U.S. Consulate in Karachi that same year. He was killed in Farah province. But the Taliban somehow continues to maintain that Al Qaeda isn’t in Afghanistan.

Taliban ‘reluctant to publicly break with al Qaeda,’ Inspector General reports

According to a new report by the Lead Inspector General for Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, U.S. officials have assessed that the Taliban is “reluctant to publicly break with al Qaeda,” while Pakistan continues to harbor senior Taliban leaders, including the Haqqanis. The report confirms that the Taliban went on the offensive following the Feb. 29 withdrawal agreement with the U.S.

Generation Jihad

EPISODE 162 — Something went boom in Isfahan Is anything more on-brand than seismic geopolitical events co-occurring with Bill’s family vacation? No. Bill is back and leaning on co-host Joe Truzman to help him piece together the events of last week. He doesn’t want it to be “a what-the-hell-happened episode,” so we won’t call it […]

Jihadists discuss coronavirus, offer advice

As the world continues to deal with the spread of COVID-19, jihadists have taken it upon themselves to exploit the situation for their own political gain and to offer advice to their own members.