Search Results for: Puntland


Ethiopian troops invaded the Buhoodle district in northern Somalia in an attempt to arrest a Koran teacher who fled from the area. A military tribunal in Puntland sentenced three men to death after finding them guilty of working for Shabaab.


Members of Shabaab shot and killed a member of Somalia’s Federal Parliament in Mogadishu. Jihadists attacked a police station in Bossaso in Puntland; at least two of the attackers were killed and three others captured. A land mine targeting Turkish workers in Mogadishu killed one person.


Jihadists killed two police officers and injured three others in an attack on a police station in northern Puntland. A Shabaab commander surrendered to Somali security forces in Luq in southwestern Somalia.


Twenty Shabaab fighters were killed and 29 others wounded by Puntland Defence Forces when the jihadists attacked military bases in Galgala in northern Somalia. Five Puntland soldiers were also killed, and senior Shabaab leader including Mukhtar Abdinur Ahmed was captured in the assault. One security guard was killed and seven Kenyan teachers were wounded when […]


Six men were sentenced to death over links to Shabaab by a military court in Puntland. Aid workers claim corruption and worries about being prosecuted for terrorism have undermined humanitarian efforts as a crisis looms. Somalia has been ranked 7th on the Global Terrorism Index.


As many as nine female street cleaners in Mogadishu were killed by a bomb blamed on Shabaab. Ethiopian peacekeeping troops clashed with Shabaab near Garbaharay yesterday and arrested six people, including Somali officials, for fomenting violence in the city. Shabaab gunned down a member of Parliament in Mogadishu on July 28. Puntland suspended cooperation with […]


At least 13 Shabaab militants were killed and eight Somali and AMISOM troops were wounded in clashes near Hudur in Bakool. Sheikh Golis Mohamed Saed Atom, a former Shabaab commander in Puntland, defected on June 7; he said he had been forced to resign his Shabaab command after the arrival of a “spectacular number of […]


Hours after police defused a bomb planted in a lawmaker’s car, a Shabaab car bomb killed a top police officer in Mogadishu along with four other people. Gunmen killed four Jubaland soldiers in Kismayo. Puntland security forces captured 12 Shabaab members, including three women, in Bossaso last week. In Gedo, Ethiopian AMISOM troops detained a […]


Parliamentarian Abdelaziz Isaq Mursal was shot dead outside his home in Mogadishu by gunmen who drove away after the attack. Shabaab has claimed yesterday’s murder of MP Isaq Mohamed Riino in a car bombing. The governor of Nugal warned the media to avoid “disheartening reports.”


Two days after seizing Taleh district, Somali forces pulled out; Shabaab fighters were reportedly in the region, which is claimed by Puntland. In a suspected Shabaab attack, a bomb attached to a solar lamp post in Mogadishu killed at least one civilian and injured five on April 15. Uganda sent 400 troops to guard UN […]


A security guard at Puntland airport killed two UN officials, one French and the other British; Puntland’s president said the perpetrators are being held and investigated. The UN officials had planned to travel to Garowe to investigate the flow of money from pirate attacks. Authorities are looking for Mohamed Ali Saed and Kedir Ahmed Yusuf, […]


Targeting African Union and Somali commanders, Shabaab launched a complex assault on a hotel in Bulo Barde, killing at least six soldiers, including Col. Mohamud Amin, the Somali commander for Hiran. The attack began with a suicide car bombing. Attackers dressed in military uniforms reportedly killed 25 people, including Bulo Barde mayor Abdulkadir Nour and […]


Shabaab threatened more violence in response to Ethiopian troops’ formally joining AMISOM. Over the weekend, a US drone strike killed an Amniyat commander in Lower Shabelle, and Puntland forces attacked a Shabaab base in Galgala. In Mogadishu, Shabaab killed five Somali soldiers in a brazen daytime attack, after having attacked a police station the night […]


A UN Security Council report says Shabaab may be moving closer to al Qaeda’s “global ideology and agenda.” President Mohamud has called for an end to clashes after eight people were killed in a skirmish between Puntland troops and a local militia.


Ten Shabaab fighters were killed during clashes between two factions in Bulo-Mare. The United Nations approved the expansion of AMISOM forces to 22,000 troops. Government officials estimate that more than 300 people died during a cyclone that struck in Puntland.


A suspected Shabaab suicide bombing outside a Mogadishu hotel killed at least six people, including a top Somali diplomat, and injured 15 more yesterday. Authorities claimed to have repelled a raid by 30 to 40 armed Shabaab militants on Bossaso Central prison in Puntland.


Six people were killed as Puntland security forces clashed with a “militia” that included Shabaab fighters and pirates in the village of Godod near Galkayo. Puntland officials accused the Somali government of funding the groups.


Puntland security forces attacked Shabaab “bases” in a village in the Golis Mountains, killing one fighter. Shabaab fighters again denied that a woman led or was even involved in the Westgate Mall attack in Kenya.


One person was killed in a car bombing that targeted a politician in Mogadishu. The government executed two Shabaab fighters convicted of assassinating the Mufti of Puntland. Shabaab continues to claim it assassinated the CIA’s chief of operations in East Africa.


Shabaab killed five civilians in Johwar; the group claimed it killed seven “apostates” in the town. Shabaab also claimed it killed 10 Sierra Leon troops near Dhobley. Security forces captured Shabaab commander Abdikafi Mohamed Ali in Puntland; one soldier was killed during the raid..


Ten people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and Ethiopian forces in Beledweyne. A Puntland court sentenced seven men to death for the murder of a prominent cleric. An AMISOM spokesman denied a UN claim that more than 3,000 soldiers were killed while battling Shabaab.


Shabaab claimed it killed five Kenyan soldiers in Jannaale and eight more in Kismayo. Somali troops killed five Shabaab fighters after taking control of El Garas. The Puntland government executed 13 Shabaab fighters in Bosasso.


Illegal fishing crackdown in Somalia, 78 Iranians detained


Amnesty International urged the United Nations to maintain the arms embargo on Somalia, which has been in effect for 21 years. A military court in Puntland sentenced three Shabaab fighters to death by firing squad.


A court in Puntland sentenced Shabaab emir Sheikh Abu Zubayr (Godane) to death for an assassination in Bosasso. African Union and Somali troops took control of Burhakaba after Shabaab forces fled the town.


Eleven people were killed during tribal clashes in the former Shabaab-held city of Kismayo. African Union and Somali troops took control of two towns in Bay. Tens of thousands of Somalis protested against Shabaab in Garowe.


Six people were wounded in a grenade attack in the Bakara Market in Mogadishu. Shabaab commander Hassan Dahir Aweys denied any involvement in the killing of a prominent cleric in Puntland.