Search Results for: Pakistan

Al Qaeda

Europeans Get Terror Training Inside Pakistan

Al Qaeda

German police arrested three al Qaeda operatives plotting “imminent, massive bomb attacks on U.S. facilities.” The men “were German converts to Islam, had trained at camps in Pakistan run by the Islamic Jihad Union,” and were plotting to attack “soft targets” as well as Ramstein Air Base.

Al Qaeda

Pakistani terror groups Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Jangvi, and Sipah-e-Sahaba are said to have merged with al Qaeda in Pakistan in order to attack military and government targets, although this merger is not official. The groups are coordinating activities via Abu Ali Tunisi, a senior al Qaeda leader who rose through the ranks of the Tunisian Islamic Combatant […]

Afghanistan: The jihad within a jihad

As US focus shifts to eastern Afghanistan, the conventional Army moves into new territory prompting al Qaeda to call for a jihad within a jihad. Nuristan, Nangahar, Kunar, and Laghman provinces are the scene of heavy fighting this year.

NATO airstrike kills Taliban Commander Mullah Berader

Berader was killed in an airstrike in the Musa Qala district of Helmand province. He was a member of Taliban Shura Majlis and close confidant of Taliban leader Mullah Omar, as well as the operational commander in souther Afghanistan.


Afghan troops attacked Taliban mortar positions inside Pakistan, killing 19 fighters. Afghan police said 25 Taliban were killed in Ghazni province. ISAF said 12 Taliban were killed after ambushing troops in Helmand province, while the Taliban claimed 18 civilians in a “wedding party” were killed in an airstrike.


Two bombings in Hyderabad killed at least 42 and wounded 50. The blasts, which were just five minutes apart, occurred at an auditorium and a restaurant. Harkat-ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI) operative Mohammed Abdul Sahed is suspected of being behind the blasts. HUJI is a Pakistani-based terror group which operations in Jammu and Kashmir, and India.

The eastern Afghanistan offensive

Dr. Amin al Haq, a senior al Qaeda leader may have been wounded in the ongoing battle at Tora Bora. Al Haq is the leader of Osama bin Laden’s personal bodyguard, the Black Guard.

Al Qaeda

US OK’d Troop Terror Hunts in Pakistan


India has arrested 15 suspected foreign Muslim terrorists with possible links to Thailand’s Muslim insurgency. Police warned that Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) has established sleeper cells in India to launch attacks inside the country.


Pakistan said it reinforced the border in Kurram agency to prevent al Qaeda and Taliban fighters from escaping the battle at Tora Bora. Police captured eight Taliban behind a weapons ring smuggling missiles into Kabul. South Korea and the Taliban resumed direct talks to negotiate the release of the 19 remaining hostages.

Return to Tora Bora

US forces launch an offensive at the Tora Bora mountain complex in Nangarhar province.

Al Qaeda

Anti-Terrorism Tune Tops Pop Charts in Pakistan

Al Qaeda

US counting on Pakistani action against al Qaeda

Chairman of Afghanistan’s Taliban military council killed

Map of region of recent fighting in Helmand province. Click to view. Qari Faiz Mohammad killed in a raid in Helmand province Coalition forces struck another blow to the senior Taliban leadership in Afghanistan. On July 23, Afghan and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) troops killed Qari Faiz Mohammad, the chairman of the Taliban Military […]


U.S. and Afghan forces killed 25 Taliban in Nuristan province; 2 U.S. troops were killed and 13 wounded during the fight in a district that borders Pakistan. The U.K. may deploy more troops to Afghanistan as they increase their presence in Helmand province.


Pakistan: al Qaeda Regroup Poses Dual Threat

Al Qaeda

Can US woo Al Qaeda’s own haven in Pakistan?

Islamists retake Red Mosque; Suicide attack in Islamabad

Islamists paint the dome of the Red Mosque. Click to view. 11 killed in bombing at hotel near the mosque compound Just one day after the reopening of the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, the radical, Taliban and al Qaeda-supporting Islamist students of the mosque have reoccupied the complex. Fighting appears to have broken out […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistani villagers fear anti-al Qaeda offensive

Al Qaeda

Intelligence on al Qaeda bases given to Pakistan

Al Qaeda

Homeland Security Adviser Leaves Force on Table to Deal With Al Qaeda in Pakistan


Jundallah killed 11 members of the Revolutionary Guards near the Pakistani and Afghan border in the southeast. Iran pledged $1 billion in military aid to Syria.

Al Qaeda

White House Presses Pakistan on al-Qaida Havens

Ambush in North Waziristan kills 17 soldiers

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts openly controlled by the Taliban; purple is defacto control; yellow is under threat. Click map to view. 13 soldiers wounded, 5 Taliban killed as Pakistan’s insurgency intensifies; Pakistan still attempts to appease the Taliban Taliban fighters conducted a successful ambush against a Pakistani military convoy in the Madakhel region of […]

Suicide bombing at Islamabad courthouse kills 13

Over 50 wounded in attack where ousted Chief Justice was scheduled to speak; government still negotiation with Taliban in North Waziristan The suicide attacks that have plagued the Northwest Frontier Province have shifted to the heart of Pakistan in the capital of Islamabad. A suicide bomber on a motorcycle pulled into a crowd at the […]

Al Qaeda and its role in the Iraq insurgency

An al Qaeda operations map. Click to view. The attempts to minimize the role played by al Qaeda in Iraq in the larger Sunni insurgency took a significant step over the past week. Clark Hoyt, the public editor of the New York Times, claimed that the media had become complicit in the government’s attempts to […]

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda entrenched in Pakistan, US officials say

Al Qaeda

As Sahab released the second audio tape by Ayman al Zawahiri in the past week. Called “The Aggression Against Lal Masjid [Red Mosque],” Zawahiri asks Pakistanis to fight in Afghanistan. “Your salvation is only through Jihad, so you must now back the Mujahideen in Afghanistan with your persons, wealth, opinion and expertise, because the Jihad […]