Search Results for: TTP


Sharia Courts of the Sinai


Syria delivered a partial chemical weapons inventory to the OPCW, and is expected to complete it soon. Kurdish YPG forces clashed with Al Nusrah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Hasakah. Regime forces bombarded an ISIL checkpoint in Raqqah; ISIL executed an Alawite man. Al Nusrah, ISIL, and rebel forces bombarded […]


Denmark – Report: Right-wing groups pose greatest threat


Danish-Iranian artist convicted of racism


Teens admit to ‘hacker attack’ on Swedish rail


A Shin Bet assessment warned that Israeli Arabs fighting in Syria are joining al Qaeda-linked groups and could be used to attack Israel. A resident of Majdal Shams is reported to have recently traveled to Syria to fight in the country’s civil war. Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz warned that Iran is currently on pace […]


Militants attacked a bus belonging to security personnel traveling in Rafah. Security forces were said to be hunting down Muslim Brotherhood supporters after taking over the town of Kerdasa. Clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters were reported in a number of cities. The navy allegedly fired upon refugees trying to flee the civil […]


Somali government troops backed by African Union peacekeepers captured the town of Mahaday from Shabaab in the first military offensive in nine months. The town was taken with minimal resistance and was one of the last urban areas in central Somalia still under Shabaab control.


Some 300 Tunisian extremists have joined Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s Mourabitounes terrorist group, which is said to be asking AQIM, Ansar Dine, and Tunisian terrorist brigades to join it. The group is believed to run training camps in southern Libya. Interior Minister Jeddo said a number of Tunisian girls have returned home pregnant from Syria after performing […]


Insight: U.S. and allies target Hezbollah financing, ties in Africa


Iran Said to Seek a Nuclear Accord to End Sanctions


The Mossad’s secret war on the Syrian WMD machine.

Taliban ambush policemen in northern Afghan province

The Taliban ambushed Afghan forces just after the military ended what it claimed was a successful operation to clear the Wardoj district in Badakhshan. More that 20 Afghan policemen are reported to have been killed and an additional 24 are missing.


Pakistan says 250 terrorists flee Karachi to Waziristan tribal region


Plenty of money for weapons in Syria, little for refugees

United States

Secretary of State Kerry said the time for debate has passed as the UN report on the Aug. 21 gas attack in Damascus contained “several crucial details that confirmed that the Assad regime is guilty,” and urged the UN Security Council to pass “a binding resolution that codifies the strongest possible mechanism” to rapidly achieve […]


Syria groundwork began months ago


Deputy Prime Minister Jamil said the conflict has reached a stalemate and the government will call for a ceasefire at the Geneva Two conference. US intelligence indicates the Assad regime has been moving chemical weapons since the US-Russian deal was reached for their surrender. The Supreme Military Council said the Islamic State of Iraq and […]


In Iran, Fordow Nuclear Plant Virtually Sacred Ground


President Putin said he could not be “100 percent” sure the Assad regime would follow through on the deal to surrender its chemical arms but that recent moves by the regime “inspire confidence.” Defense Minister Shoigu said Russia does not currently plan to dispose of Syrian chemical weapons on its own territory under the Russian-US […]


The bodies of 10 men between the ages of 18 and 25 were found killed in a Shia neighborhood in Baghdad. The men were executed. US Ambassador to Iraq Lukman Faily said al Qaeda is pushing the country to civil war.


Boko Haram killed 23 civilians in yesterday’s attack in the village of Benisheik near Maiduguri; hundreds of homes and cars were torched. Boko Haram fighters also killed a soldier and the wife of a policeman in Yobe.


Syria moves chemical weapons again, motive unclear

Al Qaeda

Court document references al Qaeda-linked chemical weapons program in Somalia

Salafi jihadist from Gaza reportedly killed fighting for ISIS in Syria

A Palestinian from the northern Gaza City of Beit Hanoun reportedly died recently in a “martyrdom operation” while fighting alongside the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Syria. Mohammed Za’anin is at least the fourth jihadist from Gaza to have been killed fighting in Syria.