Search Results for: Pakistan

Beheadings, cease-fire, fighting in Swat

Just days after Maulana Fazlullah’s Taliban conducted a suicide attack on Pakistani troops, a one-day operation was launched, followed by a cease-fire, beheadings, and more fighting.

Al Qaeda

Islamic militancy in Pakistan’s northern Swat valley


Afghan and NATO forces killed over three dozen Taliban during fighting in the Musa Qala Wadi region of Helmand province. US forces killed 20 Taliban during a battle in the Korengal Valley in Kunar province on the border with Pakistan; three civilians were killed and eight wounded during the battle. Britain may send more troops […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistan’s Army: Unprepared to tackle terrorism?

Targeting Taliban commander Siraj Haqqani

Siraj Haqqani, the son of Taliban leader Jalaluddin Haqqani, has become the focus of US and Afghan National Army operations in eastern Afghanistan. Siraj has strong ties to al Qaeda central and is pushing the Taliban closer to al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan: The ISI and Terrorism – Behind the Accusations


The top NATO general in Afghanistan said the Iranian military was involved in a shipment of sophisticated explosive devices captured last month. Nine NATO troops were wounded in an ambush in Kandahar. Slovakia will double its forces in country. The Afghan government shut down two more private security companies.

Al Qaeda

Terrorists in training head to Pakistan

Al Qaeda

Bhutto girds for al Qaeda threat on return to Pakistan


Taliban leader Mullah Omar published a speech on a jihadi website. “Neighbors should help Afghans drive Western forces from Afghanistan as they had done during Soviet Union™s invasion,” Omar said. He also said the Taliban should do everything possible to minimize civilian casualties. A Taliabn suicide bomber killed one policeman and six civilians in Spin […]

Consolidating Talibanistan

The Taliban flex their muscles in Swat, Mohmand, and North and South Waziristan; public beheadings and whippings; captured soldiers and government capitulation on display.

Al Qaeda killed in North Waziristan attacks

NWFP MapTwenty-five foreign al Qaeda reported killed in North Waziristan. Report of a major operation in North Waziristan is leaked as the government continues negotiations with the Taliban.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda-Taliban nexus in Pakistan tribal belt


The US airstrike in Paktika province killed 16 members of Tahir Yuldashev’s Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. The fighters were Chechen, Uzbek, and Pakistani; one Uzbek was captured. Four Taliban were captured in Paktia. A suicide bomber wounded three civilians in Lashkar Gah, while an IED attack killed an Australian soldier.


Eight Pakistani terrorists and two Indian soldiers were killed during clashes. Nine terrorists killed several days ago were plotting to bomb bridges and railroad tracks.


Two Indian army officers and nine terrorists were killed in a clash near Tangmarg, a popular tourist resort. The leader of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front leader warned of an “intifada” due to the failure of discussions between India and Pakistan.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan’s grip on tribal areas is slipping

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda ‘re-emerging’ in Pakistan sanctuaries: US military

Al Qaeda

Pakistan’s Bhutto says she might allow US strike on bin Laden


Two Pakistan-based Hizbul Mujahideen fighters arrested in Kashmir

Al Qaeda

Official Links German Terror Plot to Syrian Arms, Pakistani Operatives

Al Qaeda

Pakistan backs off Al Qaeda pursuit

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda released two videotapes within hours. Osama bin Laden declared war on Pakistan’s President Musharraf for his assault on the Red Mosque and his “submissiveness and aid to America.” Ayman al Zawahiri called on Muslims to attack African Union and UN peacekeepers deploying to the Sudan and castigated President Bashir for approving the deployment.