Search Results for: TTP


Samantha Lewthwaite: The quiet Home Counties girl who now tops the list of terrorism suspects

Al Qaeda

Global jihad: smoke signals from Mumbai to Nairobi


The Al Nusrah Front, the Ahrar al Sham, and the Free Syrian Army’s Sahaba Battalions are leading a rebel offensive in southwest Damascus. A car bomb detonated in Damascus, killing at least seven civilians. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant detained two teenagers in Raqqah. The ISIL, Al Nusrah, and rebels continued to […]


Norway Muslims face mosque-burning threat

European Union

EU threatens to suspend deal with US on tracking terrorists’ funding


Jihadist networks share first photo of ‘Nairobi mall attackers’

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula freed 21 soldiers who were captured during last week’s assaults on military bases in Abyan. AQAP gunned down another Yemeni intelligence official in Sana’a.


Chemical Disarmament Won’t Be Easy

Kenyan forces end Shabaab’s siege at mall

President Kenyatta said that five Shabaab fighters were killed and 11 more were captured. Sixty-two civilians and six Kenyan troops were killed during the attack on the Westgate Mall.


Libya asks world for security help


In Kenya, the fear of terrorism was a constant companion

Palestinian Territories

Hamas’ Interior Ministry said Gaza had suffered its first “martyr” as a result of Egypt’s siege on the Gaza Strip. Hamas Politburo official Khalil al Hayya called for more Palestinian sniper attacks on Israelis in the West Bank.


A purportedly internal Israeli document says Iran is seeking minor concessions while preserving its ability to “rush forward to produce nuclear weapons.” Authorities closed the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to visitors due to threats of rioting from Palestinian Muslims. Defense Minister Ya’alon said recent terror attacks in the West Bank should not raise fears of […]


Authorities raided a village near the Giza pyramids in search of those responsible for the August killing of 15 policemen in Kerdasa. The Palestinian ambassador said the ongoing security situation in the Sinai is stalling the reopening of the Rafah crossing with Gaza. The Muslim Brotherhood said it has moved its media office to London. […]


The national intelligence agency, PET, said that some 40 Danish residents have trained in Shabaab camps in Somalia, and that the terror group has recruited in Denmark as part of an effort to gain fighters from outside Somalia. Citing an inability to find violations of the law, police dropped their investigation of extremist cleric Abu […]


UN Aid Official Demands Syria Access


Tunisia’s Marzouki wants Iran to help stop Syria’s ‘nightmare’


Kenya : How ‘white widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite has escaped anti-terror police traps all along


Chemical Disarmament Won’t Be Easy


Kenya : Detectives put Westgate Shopping Mall tenants on spot as investigation takes new turn

United States

The US is examining claims by Kenyan authorities that Americans were involved in the Shabaab massacre at a Nairobi mall. Donald John Sachtleben, a former FBI employee, agreed to plead guilty to leaking national defense information about terrorist plots to the Associated Press; during the yearlong investigation, the Justice Department secretly obtained records from numerous […]


Jundallah claimed credit for yesterday’s suicide attack at a church in Peshawar that killed 81 Christians. Five policemen were killed in an IED attack in Pishin. The Taliban killed an ANP leader in Buner. Three Lashkar-e-Islam members were killed in a premature IED detonation.


The Taliban killed 11 border policemen in Kandahar, two ISAF soldiers in the east, and an intelligence official in Kunduz. Also in Kandahar, an Afghan policeman killed five of his colleagues. Afghan officials said that security forces killed 27 Taliban fighters in Farah, 12 in Kapisa, and four more in Nangarhar. “Gunmen” kidnapped five election […]


Israeli officials confirm sending experts team to advise on Kenya standoff


President Assad insisted that Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal is secure. A suicide car bomb blew up at a regime checkpoint in Hama. Regime aircraft attacked an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant camp in Deir Izzor. ISIL fighters seized radiological imaging equipment in Aleppo city. Kurdish YPG fighters killed an Al Nusrah Front leader […]


Two bombs planted in a funeral tent in a predominately Sunni neighborhood in Baghdad killed 16 people. Two people were killed in an IED attack that targeted an ambulance in the capital.


Security forces continued to target Islamist militants operating in the Sinai and destroy smuggling tunnels along the border with Gaza. The Ibn Taymiyyah Media Center, a jihadist media unit, called for attacks against the army. An Egyptian court banned all Muslim Brotherhood activities and ordered the seizure of assets tied to the Islamist group. Foreign […]