Search Results for: TTP


Ali Mohamed Dirie, 30, a convicted terrorist, has been killed while fighting in Syria. He is said to have left Canada for Syria in 2011 after serving prison time for plotting with an Islamist cell to kill the prime minister, take hostages, and bomb targets in the Toronto area. He had reportedly joined an extremist […]

United States

Authorities acknowledged that the theft of US military equipment from a US Special Forces base in Libya is more serious than previously reported; dozens of armored GMV vehicles are missing, along with hundreds of weapons and most of the night-vision goggles. Alway Pouryan, a US citizen, was sentenced to 25 years in prison for conspiring […]


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 25 people in attacks throughout the country. In one attack, seven civilians and two soldiers were killed in a suicide assault on a district center in Hawija. Security forces killed five al Qaeda fighters near the Syrian border and four more in south of Mosul, and detained four Ansar al […]


A suicide bomber killed a Yemeni intelligence officer in an attack at a market in the city of Ataq in Shabwa province. He is the second intelligence officer to be assassinated by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in two days.


Afghan Taliban vows justice for communist regime mass killers


In a statement issued yesterday, 13 Syrian rebel groups, including the al Qaeda-affiliated Al Nusrah Front, agreed to create an Islamist opposition force in Syria to be run only by groups fighting in Syria, rejecting the Syrian National Coalition and other groups “formed abroad.” The new coalition of powerful Islamist groups also includes members of […]

UN warned of Shabaab ally’s ‘new and more complex operations’ in Kenya

A report published by a UN Monitoring Group in July warned that Al Hijra, Shabaab’s affiliate in Kenya, was planning more complicated attacks utilizing fighters who had returned from Somalia. The report also revealed that the US has been funding the “Al-Shabaab/East Africa Al-Qaida Disruption Initiative,” which has targeted Al Hijra’s leaders.


Is Fatah’s Armed Wing Making A Comeback?

Shabaab emir praises group’s assault on Kenya mall

Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr threatened further attacks in Kenya if its military is not withdrawn from southern Somalia. He also noted that the assault on the Westgate Mall was “just 10 days after the anniversary date of the blessed 911 operations.”

Number of Gaza terror groups possess Strela 2 MANPADS

Recent photos and video from the Gaza Strip provide clear evidence that Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups are in the possession of Strela 2 (SA-7 Grail) MANPADS. Israeli officials have previously warned that Palestinian terror groups were benefiting from the looting of weapon stockpiles in Libya.

Al Qaeda

Somali Islamists Behind Kenya Attack Getting More Dangerous


Former rebel stronghold Homs a shadow of its old self


Shabaab’s emir threatened more attacks if Kenya does not withdraw its troops from Somalia. The death toll in the attack, already at 62, may rise by as many as 60 more as security forces and forensic experts continue to sweep the building. A British man of Somali origins was arrested at Nairobi airport on suspicion […]

United States

Exclusive: Hundreds of U.S. security clearances seen falsified

United States

Exclusive: White House Struggles to Replace Janet Napolitano at DHS


The son of Defense Minister Al-Thani is said to have been kidnapped in the Tripoli suburb of Janzur by gunmen. A member of Prime Minister Zeidan’s staff was kidnapped in Tripoli on Sept. 23. Former Guantanamo inmate Abdulhamid Abdussalam El Ghazzawi, 50, has arrived in Libya from Georgia, where he had been transferred by US […]

Are you looking at an official Shabaab Twitter account?

In recent days as Twitter tries to shut down Shabaab’s accounts, a number of unofficial accounts have emerged resulting in confusion and false reporting. Here are some tips to help differentiate real Shabaab accounts from unofficial ones.

United States

President Obama told the UN that the US will stay engaged in the Middle East and North Africa, with “all elements of our power, including military force,” to ensure the free flow of energy from the region, dismantle terrorist networks, and forbid the use of chemical weapons or WMD. He also called for “consequences” if […]


President Rouhani claimed that the greatest danger in the Middle East is that of chemical weapons in Syria falling into the hands of terrorists, and warned against a military intervention in Syria. He also said Iran is ready to engage on talks about its nuclear program as long as Iran’s right to enrich uranium for […]


Kenya mall attack: The training of a terrorist


Before Kenya Attack, Rehearsals and Planting of Machine Guns


Obama’s Favorite General Stripped of His Security Clearance


U.S. moves drone fleet from Camp Lemonnier to ease Djibouti’s safety concerns


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed nine policemen in a suicide assault and attacks on police and military bases in Haditha. Security forces detained an escaped inmate from the July Abu Ghraib prison break in Anbar, and two al Qaeda fighters as they were planting an IED outside the home of an Awakening leader in Samarra.


The opposition party accused Prime Minister Erdogan’s government of using discretionary funds to recruit, arm, train, and finance al Qaeda-linked groups in Turkey for battle in Syria. Last week Syrian Kurdish leader Salih Muslim accused the Erdogan government of facilitating the operations of the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda, and the Ahrar al Sham in […]


Jordan Islamists denounce Egypt’s brotherhood ban


Q&A: Al-Shabab defends Nairobi attack