Search Results for: TTP

South Africa

Authorities raised South Africa’s terror alert level after learning that wanted British terrorist Samantha Lewthwaite had spied on embassies in Pretoria early this year. A convicted fraudster said he had helped process over 3 000 fake IDs and passports from al Qaeda-linked networks such as Shabaab and Soldiers of Islam, and that Lewthwaite’s fake documents […]


Boko Haram gunmen stormed an agricultural college in Yobe state, killing at least 40 students who had been sleeping in a dormitory, and setting fire to classrooms. Gunmen attacked Zangang village in Kaduna state, killing at least 11 people and burning several houses. Farmers and government officials are fleeing the Gwoza hills area of Borno […]


Security forces exchanged fire with separatist Tuareg rebels in Kidal. An explosion destroyed the roof and walls of a UN World Food Program storage facility in Kidal; no injuries have been reported. French and UN forces set up a security perimeter around the facility after the blast. Kidal is controlled mainly by Tuareg rebels.


On the shifting frontlines of the fight against al-Shabaab


Ahmed Abdi Godane: the new ‘Mad Mullah’ bent on jihad


Syrian Conflict as Seen Through YouTube


How Afghanistan will be paying for Western errors for years to come


Islamists, ruling party members chide Sudan’s Bashir amid protests

Palestinian Authority

Judge tosses Palestinian president’s son’s lawsuit against Foreign Policy magazine


A suicide bomber killed two Afghans in an attack outside a district center in Paktika. Five civilians were killed in two separate IED attacks in Ghazni and Uruzgan. The military said 14 Taliban fighters were killed in fighting in Wardak and Paktika.


AL Qaeda in Iraq killed six people in attacks in Tarmiyah and Baghdad that targeted police and military personnel and their families. Security forces captured two al Qaeda leaders during raids in Baghdad and Ninewa.


Syrian rebels, including al Qaeda-linked fighters, captured a military post near the Jordan border. The Free Syrian Army reported heavy regime shelling yesterday along the border, where some 69,000 refugees are said to be trapped. Western officials said US and Israeli intelligence agencies think that Syria’s chemical arms declaration may be incomplete, as Syria named […]


Ansar Jerusalem released video of some of its recent attacks in the Sinai. An Egyptian soldier was killed by a sniper while on duty in the Sinai. An army spokesman called on the media to coordinate with the army when they report about it. The Salafi Nour party said it was opposed to a constitutional […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas announced the death of Qassam Brigades member Abed Al Kareem Fayyad. In recent days, Palestinian terrorists fired five rockets and mortars toward Israel, three of which exploded prematurely. Grenada and Haiti recently announced their recognition of the State of Palestine. The Popular Resistance Committees held a military parade in Gaza and said it remains […]


N.S.A. Gathers Data on Social Connections of U.S. Citizens


Did Karangi, ministers ignore terror warning?


Boko Haram fighters killed 27 Nigerians in attacks on two villages. On Sept. 25, jihadists killed six villagers in Gamboru near the Cameroon border. On Sept. 26, Boko Haram fighters returned to Gamboru and killed 21 more people. The Islamist militant group Ansaru posted a video of French hostage Francis Colump, who was kidnapped near […]


The government said it is “at war” with Shabaab, and tried to address reports that it had received intelligence warnings before the Westgate Mall massacre that Shabaab was likely to attack in Nairobi. Kenya called for the US to withdraw a travel advisory issued yesterday which warned that “the US government continues to receive information […]


The Islamist Ennahda government agreed to resign, form a caretaker administration, and plan for elections, after months of protests by the secular opposition. President Marzouki said he was waiting for “political good moment” to release a man jailed for insulting Islam, due to concerns about the Salafist reaction. Tunisians have reported hearing nightly explosions across […]


Two suicide bombers detonated in a car outside a military camp in Timbuktu, killing two civilians as well as themselves, in the first suicide attack in the city since March. Yesterday two soldiers were injured by a grenade thrown at a Kidal bank. Earlier this week, Tuareg separatist groups withdrew from a peace accord with […]


Defense Secretary Gazmin claimed victory over the rebels in Zamboanga, but acknowledged that Habier Malik, the commander of the Moro National Liberation Front group that stormed the Mindanao port city three weeks ago, is still unaccounted for. The military said 18 soldiers, five police, and 12 civilians had been killed. Officials reported 375 rebels as […]


Steeped in ancient mysticism, passion of Sufis infuriates Taliban


Most of Syria’s toxins can be destroyed more easily than officials initially thought

United States

The UN Security Council approved a resolution on the Syrian chemical weapons arsenal. President Obama spoke with Iranian president Rouhani on the telephone about Iran’s nuclear program. US officials said Iran recently hacked unclassified US Navy computers. Terrorism charges were filed against Nigerian citizen Lawal Olaniyi Babafemi for providing material support to al Qaeda in […]


Poaching funds Somalia’s al Shabaab, activists say


U.S. Says Iran Hacked Navy Computers


Syria’s ambassador to the UN said the Security Council resolution on Syrian chemical weapons addresses most of Damascus’ concerns, and said Syria plans to attend a November peace conference in Geneva. OPCW experts will begin inspecting Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal on Oct. 1. UN inspectors in Syria are investigating three alleged chemical attacks after the […]


Ten people were killed in bombings and attacks throughout Iraq; seven of those were killed in bombings outside of two Sunni mosques in Baghdad. Ninewa province’s tribal council renounced al Qaeda and vowed to support the Iraqi security forces.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters are suspected of gunning down a man thought to be a homosexual in Huta in Lahj province. Twenty people were wounded yesterday in a pair of bombings in the capital of Sana’a.