Search Results for: Pakistan

The Haqqani Network: Reign of terror

The Haqqani Network has risen in prominence in the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. The Haqqani family has been behind some of the most high-profile attacks in Afghanistan and is rivaling the older generation of Taliban leaders.

Al Qaeda

The Pakistani Taliban denied al Qaeda deputy leader Ayman al Zawahiri was killed in the July 28 airstrike in South Waziristan. US intelligence officials have not seen evidence of Zawahiri’s death. Also see: Analysis: Reports of Zawahiri™s death are based on suspect sources from The Long War Journal.


Al Qaeda commander Abu Abdallah al Shami was killed in a US airstrike this month. More than 20 Taliban were killed after ambushing an Afghan patrol in Ghazni province. A bombing outside the Pakistani consulate in Herat wounded two civilians. Al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al Masri and other senior commanders are thought […]


Afghans say time for Pakistani action on militants

Al Qaeda

Pakistani intelligence officials claimed they positively identified the remains of al Qaeda WMD expert Abu Khabab, who was the target of a US missile strike in South Waziristan yesterday. The Pakistanis claimed to have positively identified Khabab as being killed in a 2006 strike in Bajaur. Abu Yahya al Libi release a tape calling for […]


Bombings may threaten India-Pakistan relations


The death toll in yesterday’s serial bombings in Ahmedabad climbed to 49. Police found undetonated bombs in the cities of Ahmedabad and Surat. Police arrested a member of an extremist Wahabi group that founded the Pakistani-based Lashkar-e-Taiba. Investigators said the bombers are using a TNT-ammonium nitrate mix as a replacement for RDX to mask the […]


Afghan soldiers and policemen killed more than three dozen Taliban fighters after being ambushed in the Shah Joy district in Zabul province. Several of them were reported to be “foreign fighters.” NATO’s secretary general said the organization would not use Afghanistan as a base to attack Taliban and al Qaeda targets in Pakistan, nor would […]


Coalition and Afghan forces killed or wounded more than 30 Taliban during clashes in Farah province. Three captured al Qaeda operatives said they infiltrated Afghanistan via Pakistan. The French have taken over security responsibility for Kapisa province. The UN stated Kunar province is “nearly-poppy free.”

Al Qaeda

Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s commander in Afghanistan, said a Saudi al Qaeda member carried out the suicide attack on the Danish embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. Yazid, who spoke in an interview with Pakistan’s Geo TV, also confirmed al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 attacks.


Four policemen and one Canadian soldier were killed in separate IED attacks in Kandahar province. US troops defeated a Taliban ambush on a patrol in Kunar province. Most Taliban fighters in Afghanistan are from Pakistan, French Defence Minister Herve Morin said.


The Afghan government called Pakistan the “world’s biggest producers of terrorism and extremism” and accused the Pakistani military and intelligence services of backing the Taliban. US and Afghan forces killed 12 Taliban in Warkdak province and seven in Nuristan. The governor of Ghazni province said the Taliban hoped to use the province for its main […]


Afghans suspend meetings with Pakistan after attacks


President Karzai directly blamed Pakistan’s intelligence service for the rise in attacks. The Taliban murdered seven “US spies” in Zabul province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed “several” Taliban during fighting in Uruzgan province.


President Karzai’s official spokesman blamed Pakistan for the July 7 suicide car bombing attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul. One US soldier was killed and four were wounded in an IED attack in Kunar province. Four civilians were wounded in a rocket attack on a US base in Kunar; US forces killed “several” Taliban […]

String of bombings rock Karachi

Pakistan’s largest city and vital port is hit by seven small bombs. One person was killed and more than 50 were wounded in a city where extremism is on the rise.