Search Results for: Pakistan


Pakistan likely to respond to Indian demarche today


Pakistan reportedly raided a Lashkar-e-Taiba camp on the outskirts of Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir; several Laskar fighters are said to have been detained. A newspaper confirmed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the only captured Mumbai attacker, is from the village of Faridkot the Pakistani province of Punjab.


Key Mumbai blasts suspect in Pakistan?


Five terrorists involved in the Mumbai terror attack may still be at large. India will await the outcome of the international community’s efforts to track down the plotters of the Mumbai attacks. The Lashkar-e-Taiba is confident Pakistan will not turn over their leaders to India. Security has been tightened at airports after yesterday’s gunshot scare.

The Taliban

Pakistan’s Interior Ministry said Swat Taliban leader Mullah Fazlullah was killed today. A Taliban spokesman denied Fazlullah was killed. Fazlullah and his forces have fought the government for control of Swat for more than a year.


The Director of US National Intelligence implicated Lashkar-e-Taiba in last week’s Mumbai attack. Fourteen members of Lashkar-e-Taiba that trained the Mumbai assault team in Pakistan are still unaccounted for. Police defused another RDX bomb left over from last week’s attack in Mumbai, this time at the train station. Two policemen were wounded while arresting a […]


India demanded Pakistan turn over 20 wanted terrorists. The military has not ruled out military action in Pakistan. Pakistan fears India may strike Lashkar-e-Taiba’s complex in Muridke. India is not interested in conducting a joint probe with Pakistan on the Mumbai attack.


Pakistan to respond to Indian wanted list


In Wake of Attacks, India-Pakistan Tensions Grow


US, India Pressure Pakistan to Cooperate in Mumbai Probe


India demands Pakistani sign of faith | Reuters


India demanded Pakistan take “strong action” against groups behind the Mumbai attack. The Indian military said no orders were issued to mobilize forces. The fishing boat transporting the Mumbai terrorists was stopped by the Coast Guard, but the terrorists were released after flashing fake identification badges. An Indian Muslim council refused to bury the Mumbai […]


Mumbai attacks: Rift between Pakistan army and governmen


India demands Pakistan act decisively on Mumbai attack


The Indian Mujahideen threatened to attack Delhi. The captured Mumbai terrorist said he was trained in camps in Pakistan, received training from the Pakistani Navy, and had help from Dawood Ibrahim. Three RDX bombs were found at the Taj and Trident hotels.

Indian commandos end 62-hour siege of Mumbai

Officials said 195 people have been killed, including 22 foreigners, and more than 300 are reported wounded so far. A captured terrorist said the attack was organized by the Lashkar-e-Taiba and originated in Pakistan.


Mumbai attacks: Investigation focuses on Pakistan


Mumbai Terror Attack Escalates Tensions Between India, Pakistan


Pakistan spy chief to aid Mumbai investigation


US forces launched three counterbattery artillery strikes at a Taliban rocket team inside Pakistan. Afghans rioted in Kabul after a US military vehicle killed one civilian in a traffic accident. The Taliban may clear $500 million from the opium trade. A UN Security Council team said Afghanistan is not in crisis.

Al Qaeda

In a video released on the Internet, Ayman al Zawahiri said Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s offer to talk is a sign of weakness. He also attacked Egypt and its Islamic scholars as being corrupt, said the US gains in Iraq are temporary, claimed that reports of al Qaeda killing civilians are lies, and claimed the […]


HuJI man from Pakistan emerges as kingpin

India’s financial capital under terror siege

Bombings, gunfire in Mumbai shut down the city as terror teams attack throughout the city. More than 100 people have been reported killed and more than 900 wounded. The Indian Mujahideen claimed credit for the attack.