Search Results for: TTP


Ansar Jerusalem claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing on the South Sinai Security Directorate in el Tor. Interim President Adly Mansour provided authorization for the army to fully mobilize beginning in November. During a surpise visit to Sharm el Sheikh Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim criticized security forces at a checkpoint in Dahab. A military intelligence […]


Defense Minister Ya’alon said sanctions against Iran must not be eased. Two IDF soldiers were wounded by mortar fire from Syria for the first time since the start of the Syrian conflict. A rocket fired from Gaza struck in the Eshkol Regional Council. Prime Minister Netanyahu reportedly rejected US and Palestinian requests to speed up […]


A senior member of OPCW said the agency has been told that “most” of the sites and facilities it needs to inspect are under regime control. The head of the OPCW called for “temporary ceasefires” between regime and rebel forces so that the chemical weapons teams can have access to all sites. Scores were killed […]


Nairobi airport fire: FBI blames electrical fault


Pakistanis of all faiths protect churches with human chains


Somalia’s defense minister said the military is preparing to “liberate” Barawe, the town under Shabaab control where US SEALs attempted to capture Ikrima, a top terrorist commander. Shabaab arrested a businessman in Barawe and accused him of aiding the US in the raid.


Authorities disrupted an organized crime operation that smuggled arms from Georgia to North Ossetia; 15 such operations have been reported in the past three years. At least three consignments were destined for the North Caucasus insurgency. Foreign Minister Lavrov said the Geneva II conference on Syria should not include extremist groups. The parliament may soon […]


Prime Minister Ayrault disclosed that two French journalists, Pierre Torrès and Nicolas Hénin, are being held hostage in Syria since disappearing in Aleppo on June 22. Two other French journalists, Didier Francois and Edouard Elias, disappeared on June 6 in Aleppo, a city under the control of al Qaeda forces.

United States

British spy chief warns Snowden data is a ‘gift’ for terrorists

United States

President Obama defended the recent US raids in Libya and Somalia, saying the US would continue to hunt down active terror networks and disrupt active plots. “We’re not going to farm out our defense,” he added. US officials said the Somali raid was not fully carried out due to “imperfect intelligence.”


Five Taliban fighters and seven civilians were killed during a series of clashes and IED attacks throughout the country. Security forces captured two suicide and IED attack facilitators during a raid in Takhar and two Taliban fighters in Kandahar.

Al Nusrah Front

US fears al-Qaida, radical Islamists could take root in Syria

Al Qaeda

Using new counterterror guidelines, US forces backed off in Somalia raid


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed five policemen in separate IED attacks in Ramadi and Fallujah. Security forces captured two al Qaeda fighters south of Samarra. Tribal leaders in Diyala denounced al Qaeda.


Iran Readies Offer to Limit Its Nuclear Program


US intelligence sources said up to 35 percent of the Syrian rebel force consists of al Qaeda and allies, and that as many as 500 foreign jihadists arrive in Syria every month. A member of the Supreme Military Council said most of the support from Arab and Western countries ends up going to the Al […]


Security forces arrested three members of a terrorist network that was allegedly planning assassinations as well as bombings in major cities in Lebanon; 12 bombs each weighing between 150 and 200 kilograms were seized. President Sleiman denounced a cross-border attack by Syrian warplanes on an ambulance in the Arsal region.

Al Qaeda

Records Obtained by JW Reveal U.S. Knew of Sophisticated al Qaeda Plan to Hijack Commercial Airliner in 2000

Ansar Jerusalem

In Egypt’s Sinai, military’s harsh campaign earns pledges of retaliation


The Army said operations “to cleanse the Sinai of terrorism” continue. Authorities seized weapon caches and arrested suspects linked to recent attacks in the Sinai. Gunmen killed a policeman in Port Said. Cameras may be installed at tourist sites to help deter attacks by Islamist militants. The interim government revoked the permit for the Muslim […]


Intelligence Minister Steinitz said Iran’s economy was about 18 months away from collapse. Authorities arrested two Palestinians suspected in the shooting of a 9-year-old girl in Psagot. IDF Chief of Staff Gantz said “the Sinai has become a no-man’s-land and marked as fertile ground for terrorism, [due to] elements that we did not not necessarily […]

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda ‘terror blueprint’ for North Mali revealed


The GNC demanded that the US surrender Abu Anas al-Liby, an al Qaeda operative indicted by the US. Prime Minister Zeidan said the raid that captured al-Liby would not harm Libyan-US relations, but that Libyan suspects should be tried at home. Jihadists have issued calls to avenge al-Liby’s capture. Armed members of the army’s Battalion […]


Dark Clouds Over the Sinai


Suspected Islamists blew up a bridge on the only road connecting Gao to Niger, wounding two civilians. The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) claimed both the attack on the bridge and yesterday’s shelling of Gao, and warned of further attacks.