Search Results for: Pakistan


Coalition forces killed 22 Taliban fighters in airstrikes along the Pakistani border in Khost province and six more during fighting in Zabul province. Russia denied signing an agreement that allows NATO supplies and forces to pass through Central Asia. Afghanistan’s foreign minister said the country would increase military ties with India while he implied Pakistan […]


‘India planning covert strikes in Pakistan’


Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Maulana Masood Azhar is sheltering in North Waziristan after the Indians pressured Pakistan to extradite him. Pakistan’s defense minister said Azhar was under house arrest in December 2008. Azhar appointed his younger brother Mufti Abdul Rauf as the acting leader of the group.


Pakistan claimed to have detained 71 members of the Jamaat-ud Dawa and Lashkar-e-Taiba, placed 124 members under surveillance, closed down training camps, and shut down the group’s website. An Indian TV station said the Jamaat-ud Dawa has renamed itself and leaders are operating in the open. A captured ISI agent said Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed are […]


Afghan and Coalition forces detained eight Haqqani Network and Taliban fighters during operations in Khost and Kandahar provinces on Jan. 10. The Chaman border crossing in Kandahar reopened for NATO supplies after protests in Pakistan ended. Kyrgyzstan threatened to shut down a key US airbase used by NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Fighting continues in Mohmand

Pakistani military claimed another 48 Taliban were killed during battles. New peace deals with the Taliban implemented in Hangu; talks underway in Swat.


The government has threatened to sever business and transportation links with Pakistan if the Pakistani government does not cooperate with the investigation of the November 2008 Mumbai terror siege. Police arrested a man believed to have links to Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency.

Taliban assault military base in Mohmand

The Taliban attacked a Frontier Corps base in battalion strength; 40 Taliban fighters and 15 Frontier Corps troops reported killed; more than 25 troops reported missing. Four soldiers were mutilated in Bajaur.

Terrorist Penpals

A new program by Amnesty International advocates “Solidarity with Guantanamo Detainees.”


The Indian dossier on the Mumbai terror attack includes transcripts of phone calls between Pakistani handlers and the terrorists as they conducted their attacks. The handlers order murders, listened over the phone, and cheered the outcome. An intelligence source told The Long War Journal that former Paksitani intelligence chief Hamid Gul is one of the […]

All the news that fits

The story of Muhammad Saad Iqbal, a former Guantanamo detainee, is far more complicated than The New York Times lets on.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan-based Al Qaeda may strike on UK: Director MI5


A spokesman for Jamaat-ud Dawa, the front group for Lashkar-e-Taiba, warned that Pakistan is making a “big mistake” by acting against the group after the United Nations labeled it a terror entity last December. “Hafiz Saeed (the group’s founder) has followers all over Pakistan, and it is not possible for the government of Pakistan to […]

The Takfiri: Adil Hadi Al-Jaza’iri Bin Hamlili

A profile of Adil Hadi Al-Jaza’iri Bin Hamlili, a takfiri who is accused of working with several terrorist organizations including the Taliban, al Qaeda, the Algerian GIA/GSPC and Takfir Wa Hijra.

The Trainer: Zamir Muhammad (Muhammad Noor Uthman)

A profile of Zamir Muhammad, who was an al Qaeda trainer at the Khalden camp in Afghanistan, worked for top al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah, and was allegedly slotted to take part in an attack against Israel at the time of his capture.

The State of Jihad: 2008

LWJ-Globe.jpgThe Long War Journal’s roundup of the major developments in the primary and secondary theaters during the past year.


Pakistan has FBI evidence of Mumbai links: India


Pakistani security officials said that Zarar Shah, a top Lashkar-e-Taiba commander, admitted to his involvement in the Mumbai attack during interrogation. Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the banned front group for the Lashkar, said it would continue its charitable work despite the so-called government crackdown. The Punjab provincial government said it was prepared to appoint a supervisor for Jamaat-ud-Dawa’s […]


Iran closed its border with Pakistan after a suicide car bomber detonated at a police station in the Iranian border town of Saravan. More than 45 Iranian security personnel were killed in the attack on the joint headquarters of the Iranian police and anti-narcotics squad. Jundallah is suspected of carrying out the attack.


Pakistan urges de-escalation with India