Search Results for: TTP

Arab League

Arab league, OIC call for Eid ceasefire in Syria


C.I.A. Warning on Snowden in ’09 Said to Slip Through the Cracks


Twelve people were killed in a series of bombings in Karach­i, Lahore, Peshaw­ar, and Quetta. The Pakistani Taliban denied reports that Afghan Taliban fighters killed Mullah Fazlullah in an attack in Kunar province, Afghanistan.


The government claimed security forces killed 26 Taliban fighters while retaking a base in Daykundi; the Taliban denied the report. Six Taliban fighters were killed in Badghis; four more died in a premature detonation in Kunar. A suicide bomber killed four civilians in Khost.


The exiled dissident National Council of Resistance claimed that Iran is quietly moving a nuclear weaponization research and planning center to a site in a defense ministry complex in Tehran ahead of talks with world powers on the Iranian nuclear program. Semi-official media said “counterrevolutionary armed guerrillas” killed five members of the Revolutionary Guards near […]


A suicide bomber in the Sinai killed four security personnel at a checkpoint. The army claimed to have arrested those behind the Oct. 7 suicide bombing in South Sinai that was claimed by Ansar Jerusalem. The army also announced the seizure of drugs and weapons near the border with Libya. A foreign ministry spokesman said […]


The IDF released footage of a recent mid-air refueling exercise during training that “tested the ability of IAF aircraft to fly exceptionally long distances.” Prime Minister Netanyahu warned that Israel’s ability to strike Iran, if necessary, should not be “cut short.” An Israeli man, a retired IDF General, was killed in a suspected terror attack […]


The government executed 42 convicted terrorists over the past two days. The military killed two “gunmen” who attempted to enter from Syria. Al Qaeda in Iraq killed a counterterrorism officer in Hit.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a colonel in Yemeni intelligence in Mukallah. Tribesmen in Marib province cut off the power to the capital of Sana’a yesterday by attacking an electrical tower.


The UN-backed Special Tribunal said it secretly indicted Hassan Habib Merhi, a fifth suspect in the assassination of former prime minister Rafik Hariri, in August. Merhi, like the other four indicted suspects, is linked to Hezbollah and remains at large, despite alleged efforts by Lebanese officials to arrest him. Authorities charged 12 suspected terrorists for […]


Mali man burnt to death by mob for stealing motorbike


Denmark – Young poet threatened after TV appearance


Ten people were killed after government forces clashed with Shabaab in the El-Dhun Adegow area of Bay province; Shabaab is in control of the area. Shabaab killed three people in an IED attack in Beled Hawo.


Some Egyptian Islamists on haj pray for victory against generals


Special Report: The real force behind Egypt’s ‘revolution of the state’


Iranian dissidents say Tehran moving nuclear research site


Turkey’s Spymaster Plots Own Course on Syria


An armed group seized Prime Minister Zeidan from his hotel and held him for several hours before he was rescued. A spokesman for the group, which had been hired to provide security in Tripoli, said Zeidan was “arrested” after reports that the Libyan government had been aware of the US operation to capture Abu Anas […]


Hamas agrees with Gaza Jihadists to stop firing at Israel

Al Qaeda

Extremist Group Gains Foothold Among Kenyans

United States

The Obama administration is curtailing some of the annual $1.3 billion in military aid to Egypt; the “recalibration” is said to be temporary. Arab and Israeli allies expressed concern that the move indicates US disengagement from the region as part of the administration’s ‘pivot’ to Asia. The FBI is investigating three recent attacks on the […]


The Islamic Action Front, as well as Civil Aviation head Mohammad Quraan, criticized Israel’s plan to build a new international airport at Eilat very near to Jordan’s international airport at Aqaba. Authorities last week arrested Salafi jihadist leader Khalil Alkam a.k.a. Abu Obidah along with three others who were also seeking to travel to Syria […]


Iran parliament denies ‘uranium surplus’ report


U.S. Allies Fret Over Shift on Aid to Egypt


Egyptians worry Sinai violence could spread


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed eight workers in a bombing south of Baghdad, a counter-terrorism officer in an IED attack near Babil, and the spokesman for Ninewa province in a shooting. Four al Qaeda fighters and two policemen were killed in a clash south of Fallujah.