Search Results for: TTP


Two Somalis were killed in a premature detonation while they were manufacturing a bomb in the capital of Addis Ababa. The men were in the country illegally and were staying at a home in a Somali neighborhood in the capital.


The military claimed that 40 Boko Haram fighters were killed during operations in Konduga and Bama in Borno state. The Boko Haram fighters were preparing to conduct attacks against the two villages.


Six suspects have been arrested after rioting in the city of Houthalen in Limburg that injured a police officer. Police arrested notorious Somali pirate leader Mohammed Abdi Hassan a.k.a. Afweyne (“Loud Mouth”) at Brussels airport upon arrival in Belgium; he and a high-ranking official in the Somali government, which is accused of protecting him, have […]


In Malaysia the Hackers are Back

United Kingdom

Police arrested four British nationals in London suspected of plotting a potentially “very serious” terror attack. In simultaneous raids, a Turk and an Algerian, both 25, were arrested in Whitechapel; a 28-year-old Azerbaijani was arrested in Bayswater; and a 29-year-old Pakistani was arrested in Peckham. Authorities are searching six addresses in London.


Malaysia Court Rules Non-Muslims Can’t Use ‘Allah’


A suicide bomber killed two policemen and a civilian in Nangarhar. A member of the Afghan security forces killed an ISAF solider in Paktika. The Taliban killed two children in Kunar for spying for the government.


Bahram Feyzi, an Iranian citizen, was sentenced to 15 years in jail for planning to attack the Israeli Embassy in Baku. He was arrested in March, as were 21 others who were plotting attacks on American, Israeli, and Jewish targets; at least seven of those arrested have been sentenced to jail.


Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi rejected the West’s demand that enriched uranium be shipped out of the country. Speaking of negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program, US Secretary of State Kerry said that “no deal is better than a bad deal.”


Security forces clashed with Islamist militants in the Sinai after an attack on a police bus. Three security personnel were reportedly injured in the attack. Officials claimed an American being held in a jail for violating curfew in the Sinai had committed suicide. A military air crash left one dead and three injured in Luxor.

Palestinian Territories

A leaked EU document said $2.7 billion in EU funds to the Palestinian Authority between 2008 and 2012 have been lost due to corruption and mismanagement. PA President Mahmoud Abbas has alleged that the PA’s going economic problems are Israel’s fault. Security forces have arrested nearly 100 people in various operations in the Jenin area.


Authorities discovered a massive “terror tunnel” that runs from Gaza into Israeli territory. In response, Israel decided to stop the transfer of construction goods to the Gaza Strip. Two Palestinians confessed to the recent murder of Sariya Ofer in the Jordan Valley community of Brosh Habika. The motive, according to the Shin Bet, remains under […]


Two suicide car bombs detonated outside the Syrian state TV headquarters in central Damascus. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham reportedly bombed a Sufi shrine in Deir Azzour; another shrine in the area was bombed on Sept. 24. Rebels reportedly downed a fighter jet in Deraa. ISIS fighters clashed with Kurdish YPG fighters […]


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 36 Iraqis in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Hillah, Suwayrah, Samawah, and Samarra. Yesterday, a bombing at a market in Samarra killed 17 more Iraqis.


Shabaab fighters executed three tailors in Mogadishu. Samantha Lewthwaite, the “white widow” who is wanted for her associations with Shabaab, recently tweeted that she was traveling in Galgala.


Govt to probe training to Syrian rebels: Karzai


Gunmen shot and killed a senior officer in Benghazi; another senior officer in Benghazi was injured in a car bombing. A Benghazi imam also was injured in a car bombing. The Benghazi home of a Sirte commander was bombed yesterday. The Derna head of the liberal National Forces Alliance party survived an assassination attempt on […]


Dispute on immunity for US troops blocks Afghan-US security pact

Al Qaeda

The Inevitable Rise Of Al-Qaeda in Libya


Al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri issued a statement calling Muslims to fight for the establishment of a jihadi Islamic state in Syria, in order to bring back the Caliphate and “liberate” Jerusalem; he warned against dealing with secularists and American agents, and urged jihadists to rise above “organizational affiliations and partisan prejudices.” He issued […]


Partial Afghan security deal reached, Kerry says


Forbidden Love And Execution Leaves Afghan Mullah Crying Foul


Militants attempting to plant an explosive device were killed when the device exploded prematurely. An army spokesman said operations against Islamist militants in the northern Sinai were continuing. Al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri called on Egyptian Muslims “to unite around the word of Tawhid to rid Egypt of this criminal gang.” An Egyptian general […]


‘White Widow’ Lewthwaite ‘Key’ In Al Shabaab


U.S. quietly observes coup law on Egypt aid, but shuns term