Search Results for: Pakistan

Al Qaeda operative Rashid Rauf survived US strike

Intelligence officials claimed Rauf was killed in a Nov. 2008 Predator strike in North Waziristan. Rauf is now thought to have directed the failed plots to attack major European cities, including bombings in England during Easter Weekend.

Al Qaeda

One of the 12 suspects arrested by the British police over a “very big terrorist plot” linked to al-Qaeda has been released as police quizzed the remaining 11 detainees, most of them Pakistanis. Police arrested 28 suspected members of the al-Qaeda terror network during simultaneous raids Thursday (April 9th) in the central Turkish province of […]

Swat peace agreement collapses

Pro-Taliban leader Sufi Mohammed has called off the Malakand Accord and claimed the federal government is dragging its feet on signing the law that would implement sharia.

United Kingdom

Hundreds of counterterrorism police detained 12 men in northwestern England. Ten of the men are Pakistani nationals in the country on student visas. The raids were carried out after a sensitive document hand-carried by a senior official had been photographed and published.

Taliban advance on Buner

The Pakistani Taliban seek to spread sharia by force in a small district in Pakistan’s northwest.

DC court finds Gitmo detainee properly held

A DC district court has ruled that detainee Hedi Hammamy was properly held at Guantanamo. Hammamy is alleged to have fought at Tora Bora, and worked for a network of al Qaeda cells in Europe that plotted against the 1998 World Cup tournament in France.

US strikes Haqqani Network in North Waziristan

Thirteen are reported killed in the latest airstrike in Pakistan’s tribal areas. A suicide attack in North Waziristan targets security forces, kills five. Baitullah Mehsud takes credit for New York shooting spree.


The US may send an additional 10,000 troops to Afghanistan. US Defense Secretary Gates chided European leaders for failing to build support for an Afghan surge. NATO has failed to respond to a call for 4,000 additional troops. ISAF’s senior spokesman said cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan is improving.

Yemeni detainee at Gitmo to be freed

The US Justice Department has agreed to release a Yemeni detainee from Guantanamo. The detainee, Ayman Saeed Abdullah Batarfi, is a well-educated orthopedic surgeon who allegedly worked for al Qaeda and assisted the organization’s chief anthrax scientist.

Taliban capture 12 policemen in Khyber

The policemen were captured after a large Taliban force surrounded a police outpost near the Afghan border. The incident is the latest in a series of major strikes in the Peshawar region.


The US outlined its plan to stabilize Afghanistan and defeat al Qaeda in Pakistan. Britain will send an additional 2,000 troops to Afghanistan. US and Afghan forces killed 16 Taliban fighters during raids on IED cells in Helmand and Uruzgan provinces. An Afgnan soldier killed two US troops then committed suicide.

Analysis: US outlines new Afghanistan strategy

The focus is on Pakistan’s sanctuaries, a troop and civilian “surge,” accelerating the growth of the Afghan security forces, reconciliation with the Taliban, improved governance, and international cooperation.


White Paper of the Interagency Policy Group’s Report on US Policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan


White House won’t rule out troops for Pakistan war


Pakistan: Truck terminals directed not to store NATO supplies for night


A new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan


Pakistani and Afghan Taliban Unify in Face of US Influx


Lashkar-e-Taiba took credit for the fighting in Kupwara and warned India of new atacks. “The gun battles should serve as a message to India that the struggle for Kashmir™s freedom is on with full vigour,” a Lashkar spokesman said. India’s Army chief said Lashkar still operates 40 to 50 camps in Kashmir and Pakistan.