Search Results for: Pakistan

Gems, Timber and Jiziya: Pakistan’s Taliban Harness Resources to Fund Jihad

Afghan forces kill senior Taliban commander in Helmand

Mullah Salam Noorzai, a longtime senior Taliban military leader, is the latest Taliban commander killed in Helmand province. Noorzai served as the Herat IV Corps commander during the Taliban government prior to its ouster.

Taliban on the offensive in Swat

One soldier was killed in an ambush on a convoy; two policemen have been wounded and 46 security personnel are surrounded as the Taliban besiege a power grid station in Mingora.

Taliban attack outpost in Mohmand

The military claimed the attack was repelled; the Taliban claimed it overran the outpost.
Two months ago, the military announced that Mohmand had been cleared of the Taliban.


Report: Terror attacks up in Pakistan, Afghanistan

Taliban still in control in Dir

The government claimed the Dir operation dislodged the Taliban after just one day of fighting, but the Taliban still control much of the northern district.

Taliban advance on Mansehra

More than 100 Taliban fighters have entered the district from Buner to the west and have established a base and training camp near the vital Karakoram Highway that links Pakistan to China.

Taliban capture 70 security personnel in Buner

A joint Frontier Constabulary and police force was captured after the Taliban surrounded a police station. A leaked report indicated the Army will deploy two brigades in Buner. The Taliban dispute casualties in Dir.


Dozens of terrorists are moving from the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and into Somalia. President Sharif said African Union forces should stay in Somalia. Shabaab freed three journalists and reopened their radio station.

United Kingdom

The Kingston Crown Court found three Muslim men not guilty of conspiring with the 7/7 London Tubes bombers. All three men admitted to knowing the bombers. Two of the men were found guilty of plotting to attend a terrorist training camp in Pakistan.


The Pakistani government has deported nine Chinese Uighurs to China after detaining them in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. The nine Uighurs conducted attacks on Pakistani security forces. Uighurs train and fight alongside al Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan.

Rangers deployed to secure Islamabad outskirts

Islamabad officials have moved paramilitary forces to block a potential Taliban advance into the nation’s capital. Taliban stop government forces in Buner. US officials question Pakistan’s ability to halt the Taliban.

Islamic State of Iraq leader reported captured

Unconfirmed reports from the Iraqi Army said Abu Omar al Baghdadi was captured in eastern Baghdad. The US military has not confirmed the report. More than 60 Iraqis have been killed in two suicide bombings in Baghdad and Diyala.

Taliban advance eastward, threaten Islamabad

The Taliban are said to have entered the districts of Mansehra and Haripur, two regions until now largely spared from the Taliban insurgency. The districts are on the outskirts of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, as well as two crucial nuclear weapons facilities.

United Kingdom

The 11 Pakistani men and one British man detained in raids after a senior police official was photographed with classified material have been released without charge. The government will attempt to deport the Pakistanis “on grounds of national security,” according to a statement by the Home Office.

Taliban flex muscles in Malakand Division

Spokesman invites Osama bin Laden to shelter in Swat; Taliban are manning checkpoints in Swat and Buner and on the border of neighboring districts, and occupy a hospital in Shangla.


The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps has deployed to the eastern borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan to counter an unnamed “enemy conspiracy.” Citigroup and Goldman Sachs are two of four US banks seeking to open branches in Tehran, according to a report.

The Uighurs, in their own words

The US Treasury Department and the UN have designated Abdul Haq as a terrorist with ties to al Qaeda and the Taliban. The designation may complicate the Obama administration’s efforts to relocate seventeen Uighur detainees currently held at Gitmo. Some of the Uighur detainees have openly admitted their ties to Abdul Haq.

The Taliban

Muslim Khan, the spokesman for the Swat Taliban, invited Osama bin Laden and other terrorists to shelter in Swat and admitted to an alliance with other international and Pakistani terror groups. “Osama can come here. Sure, like a brother they can stay anywhere they want,” Khan told The Associated Press. “Yes, we will help them […]


The US is attempting to jam unlicensed radio stations and Internet websites in Pakistan. ISAF soldiers killed one insurgent and detained two others in Khost after a UAV spotted the trio planting an IED. Coalition and Afghan forces killed three Taliban fighters in Logar province and killed “an unknown number” in Kandahar province. Two Afghan […]

Taliban moving on Mardan

The Taliban murdered two women, an aid worker and a councilor, in the latest attacks in a region being eyed for takeover.


Judge Baltasar Garzon of Spain is inquiring with the US, Britain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, and Spain on the whereabouts of Mustafa Setmarian Nasar (AKA Abu Musab al Suri), an al Qaeda strategist and writer who was detained by Pakistan in 2005. Nasar is believed to be involved in the 2004 Madrid train bombings.

Terrorists rally in Swat, march through region

The Malakand Accord has boosted the Taliban and al Qaeda in the Swat Valley and beyond. New training camps are being established and recruitment is up as the Taliban flaunts its power.