Search Results for: Pakistan


Iran calls in Pakistan envoy over mosque bomb


Fighting for the Afghan/Pakistani frontier


According to a report, the Pakistani government has presented evidence to the Lahore High Court of Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed’s connections to al Qaeda. The evidence has been presented in a closed session and the court is considering extending Saeed’s house arrest.

Al Qaeda

Pakistani security forces detained Sheikh Issa al Masri during a raid earlier this year. Sheikh Issa is the spiritual adviser for Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the leader of al Jihad fi Waziristan, an al Qaeda branch in North Waziristan. Issa has indoctrinated thousands of Taliban fighters with the Wahabbi version of Islam practiced by al […]

Taliban strike in Peshawar

Eight Pakistanis were killed in three bombings and an ambush in the provincial capital of Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province. The Taliban take credit for the Lahore strike and threaten to attack in Pakistan’s major cities.


Afghanistan praises Pakistan military action


Afghan and Coalition forces detained four suspected al Qaeda-linked operatives from Pakistan during raids in Khost province. Taliban fighters attacked police in the Baharak district in the northern province of Takhar; police repelled the attack. The Taliban killed one soldier and wounded four more during an ambush in the Panjwai district in Kandahar, and wounded […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistan detained two senior al Qaeda leaders earlier this year. Abu Sufyan al Yemeni was a Shadow Army commander who served as a conduit for communications between Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and cells in East Africa, Iran, Yemen, and elsewhere. The other man, Zabi al Taifi, is a Saudi national. Three low-level Saudi al Qaeda […]


Three policemen and two Taliban fighters were killed during fighting in Farah province. The Taliban killed three civilians praying at a mosque during a rocket attack launched from Pakistan. Afghan and US forces detained eight Taliban fighters in Paktika province, killed one Taliban fighter and detained one more in Khost province, and detained a Taliban […]


Afghan peace mediators in contact with Mullah Omar

Al Qaeda

A “highly placed Pakistani intelligence source” claimed that Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, is hiding out in the suburbs of the city of Quetta in Pakistan. Zawahiri reportedly operates in the open and moves around between Afghanistan, Quetta, and Waziristan, guarded by his Egyptian bodyguard.

US strikes again in South Waziristan

Eight Taliban and al Qaeda fighters are reported to have been killed in the latest airstrike against al Qaeda and Taliban compounds in the Taliban-controlled tribal agency. Of the 18 strikes in Pakistan this year, 10 have occurred in South Waziristan.

Al Qaeda

Ali Mohammed al Fakheri, who is also known as Ibn al Sheikh al Libi, committed suicide in a Libyan jail after being transferred from the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. Fakheri ran the Khalden training camp in Afghanistan prior to the fall of the Taliban in late 2001. He was captured while attempting to flee to […]


Gates says Taliban ‘overreached’ in Pakistan offensive

Major fighting in Afghanistan’s east and west

More than 50 Taliban have been reported killed during clashes in Farah and Kunar province. In Kunar, the remains of a US soldier who went missing after the Taliban assaulted an outpost have been found.