Search Results for: TTP

Islamic State claims rare attack in Algeria

The Islamic State claims its men killed eight Algerian soldiers during a counterterrorism raid. Despite declaring a “province” in Algeria in Nov. 2014, the group rarely claims operations in the country. And its latest claim hasn’t been verified.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed himself during raid, U.S. says

The White House announced earlier today that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of the Islamic State, has been killed during a raid in Syria’s Idlib province. Under his leadership, the Islamic State grew into an international terrorist menace.

Islamic State flag waving on the wind

Islamic State sleeper cells target Raqqa

The rising of Islamic State sleeper cells could become more common as the Kurdish-dominated SDF is diverted to the newly announced Turkish invasion of northern Syria.

Afghan intelligence confirms death of AQIS emir

Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security claims it has confirmed that Asim Umar, the emir of Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, was killed during a Sept. 23 raid in Helmand province. Other key AQIS leaders were also killed in the fighting.

Taliban liaison to al Qaeda freed as part of prisoner-for-hostage swap

Eleven Taliban leaders have been reportedly exchanged for three kidnapped Indian engineers. One of the newly-freed Taliban commanders is Abdul Rashid Baluch. The US designated Baluch as a terrorist in 2015, reporting that he “served as a Taliban liaison officer to al Qaeda (AQ) and was responsible for planning meetings between Taliban senior leadership” and al Qaeda “members in Karachi, Pakistan.”

As U.S. pleads with Taliban to protect election, Taliban threatens more attacks

Not only does the Taliban reject democracy in Afghanistan, it is opposed to it worldwide. Given the Taliban’s clear and consistent views on the “evils” of democracy and all Muslim’s religious obligation to resit it, it is absolute folly for the State Department to attempt to appeal to the Taliban to permit elections to take place.